I'd love to hear what other men wear when they have to? What do you find comfortable. For me I wear loose silk boxers so that I am not restricted down there. Can't wear briefs. I also tend to wear cotton tee shirts a lot. Short sleeve in the summer and long sleeve in the winter. What about pants? Anyone recommend any? For indoors when I have to be dressed I found these great pants and shirts called Dreamsacks Bamboo Dreams. They are made of bamboo and are really comfortable, like a heavy silk. Here is a link to them http://www.dreamsoftbedware.com/mensbamboowear.html
I wear boxers, but there has been occasion when I've been doing a lot of bouncing around that that has caused some pain. A lot of side-movements will warrant briefs. I consider briefs to be civilian jock-straps. Only when necessary.
As for what I wear when I need to step outside the house temporarily, I have lounge pants and a big t-shirt in the winter, and Sport-Shorts and sleeveless "muscle" shirts in the summer. The latter is not very stylish, but it's better than shocking the neighbors.
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