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Posted - 12/26/2008 : 12:38:55 AM
I'd like to hear from other nudists on the subject of nudism and erections. Last summer, I had the privilege of introducing my youngest sister to nudism. I took her to the Midwest Regional AANR Conference in Michigan. She took to nudism naturally, as if she had always been a nudist.(well, I guess we all have) It was during this conference, and becoming educated on nudist conduct, that she presented me with the following viewpoint. She said "if not even children are tramatized by nudity, mens erections are also natural, and kids wouldn't be trammatized by that either." She went on to say, "I think it is a double standard, to preach the naturalism of nudity, but make men cover up their erections as if there is something wrong with it." Even though I've never questioned that, accepted behavior as a nudist,(covering up) I had to admit to my sister, that she had a very valid point. Once males see what nudity is all about, they know that it is a non sexual environment, and I never get hard talking to a beautiful woman, nor have I ever noticed any man in this condition while talking to a woman. Erections are more times than not, a function of being relaxed, and at a resort or beach, it is much more common to get an erection from just sunning ones self and or taking a small nap.
I'm interested in others opinions on this subject. Do you think that AANR and the "hide your erection" policy is being a bit harsh on the male nudist populus? Are we a bit unrealistic and puritanical on this subject.
Country: USA
| Posts: 29 |
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Posted - 12/26/2008 : 11:52:47 PM
While there are already far, far too many threads on this subject, I'll bite...
In my opinion, yes. The current policy of hiding it IS a bit puritanical, but there are a number of concerns to think about other than the fact that erections are a purely natural side of being a man. Think of the amount of women in the US who have been sexually abused by men at some point in their life. To them, an erection is a weapon. For them it's no less frightening than to see somebody walking around with a gun on their hip.
There's the general public, who think that nudity equals sex. If they walk onto a nudist beach, or into a nudist resort, and they see erect penis' all over the place, that will simply reinforce their belief. These potential advocates for the lifestyle will immediately turn around, leave the beach/resort, and never come back. They'd also likely tell everybody else that they talk to that it's just another way for swingers to meet-up.
There are the parents who don't want their children to be aware of sexuality, which is even an issue among nudists. If the child of one of these parents sees a man with an erection wandering around, how are these parents going to explain that? There's a possibility, albeit remote, that those parents will think twice about going back to that area. Those same parents may even talk negatively about that location, further hindering the possibility of those people "recruiting" others into the lifestyle.
When it comes right down to it, America (and other countries) are not okay enough with nudity itself for erections to be considered a non-issue. Once we get nudity itself to be more acceptable, then the issue of erections can be rightfully debated. For now, however, we must tolerate the "hide your erection" policy, puritanical as it may be, or risk the entire nudist movement altogether.
Be True and Stay Naked, Drakkus
One is nothing more, and nothing less, than what they believe themselves to be.
Edited by - Drakkus on 12/26/2008 11:54:13 PM |
Country: USA
| Posts: 29 |
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Posted - 12/27/2008 : 10:01:12 AM
OK I'll bite too. Yes this subject gets beat to death. First of all, I think the worry and concern is for the most part unfounded for anyone who has actually been to a nudist resort. I have been going to nudist and cloting optional resorts for 4 years. I have never had one nor have I seen one. I have never seen a guy with a towel drapped over his lap. It is simply not that type of environment.
Second, I think it is/would be someting that happens and should be treated that way. It is nothing that should be feared any more than any other natural occurance. If a woman has been sexually asaulted and has a fear of an erect penis but not a fear of nude men all around, then maybe she sould seek further counseling.
Third, with or without an erection, there is no way of knowing what others are thinking. All we have to go on is their actions. Think about this: there is a guy playing volleyball and suddenly gets an erection. He makes no big deal of it and continues to play and enjoy himself. Then there is another guy. He is hanging around the childeren's playground watching the kids play. None of the kids are his. He is standing there with a towel in front of his body. Here's the question: Who needs to be confronted? For me it is a no-brainer.
I yhink the people who are concerned about erections are newbies who have never been to a resort. I think encouragement would do far more good towards getting new people to try it.
Country: USA
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nude gardener
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Posted - 12/27/2008 : 11:12:06 AM
I'm with you on this one. I have lived at a resort now for three years, and with the exception of one couple slow dancing late one night, I have never seen anyone have to cover up. I think this concern is with men who have never been to a resort. The atmosphere is so relaxed that in most cases it just isn't a problem I do feel though, that if it should happen, it is appropriate to cover up.
Country: USA
| Posts: 65 |
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Posted - 12/27/2008 : 5:16:42 PM
Yep this one's been beat to death. In all my years as a nudist and all the resorts and facilities I've visited, this hasn't been a problem. As txvic points out, nudists have the sense to figure out when someone's up to no good or it's just a natural bodily occurrence that will work itself out. This is, for the most part, a non-issue that gets way too much attention on this site
Country: USA
| Posts: 69 |
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Posted - 12/27/2008 : 7:00:53 PM
I like'd your picture. Bring it back
As for the erection issue, Please everyone get over it no one wants to see it or read about it.
| Posts: 81 |
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Posted - 12/27/2008 : 9:19:27 PM
Thank each of you for your response. I have to admit, if I would have seen these previous issues concerning erections, before posting this one, I no doubt would have elected to skip it. My question did come up from a slighty different slant, especially because it was asked by a woman(my sister),and new nudist. I did explain that I am relatively new to nudism,that my sister is totally new to it, and Pat, you indicated that we should all just "get over it"! Several of you indicated that the concern was new people, and abused women. Very good points which I'll consider and pass on to my sister in Colorado. But lets be careful on this website, to not make "new people" feel they shouldn't feel free to ask questions. Forgive them if the subject is new to them! Pat, do you want me to pass this on from you, and tell my sister that an experienced nudist called Pat, says get over it? How will this help her, and is this the way you would talk to her about a concern, should you meet her at a nude beach? Just because she had a concern that was "OLD NEWS" to you? Patience Pat, Patience.
Country: USA
| Posts: 29 |
Forum Member

Posted - 12/28/2008 : 06:27:21 AM
I'm not surprised that there is so much discussion about this. It probably concerns all male nudists, especially newcomers, because it's something we really have no control over. So here are a few guidelines.
At clubs it's jolly bad form to acknowledge that the human race is divided into two sexes. Everybody there is naked because it's a healthy spiritual experience, with no sensual connotations at all. I think erections would generally go unnoticed, because nobody is allowed to look below the neck. However the club will have it's owm team of elite rule enforcers, so always cover up even the slightest hint of an erection. Actually at most clubs it's best not to have a penis.
On official nudist beaches things will be a little more relaxed and nobody is going to make a fuss, provided you don't flaunt it and you are with a female. If you are a male on his own, then much stricter rules apply.
On quiet unofficial beaches then just let your penis run free. Although it will probably behave itself anyway, because generally being naked in a public place doesn't cause erections. Just don't flaunt it, because that just makes you look a total dick.
Country: United Kingdom
| Posts: 132 |
Forum Member
Posted - 12/28/2008 : 2:39:30 PM
Two observations I've noticed about erection questions on this forum:
1) - There's a sort of tidal motion to them. No activity for a couple months, then a big wave of them come for a couple of weeks which then recede to start the cycle over again.
2) - They often involve a younger sister or cousin who is just curious, or the infamous "mom" angle.
But in all seriousness, to answer your original question: yes, it's an appropriate policy to cover that bad boy up! However, I truly doubt that would ever be necessary for anybody other than teenage boys (and even then only if they are not used to social nudity).
To your other point, I'm not familiar with the phenomenon of relaxation induced erections, which is why it's such a nonissue at nudist venues. I suppose it's possible. Sure, natural cycles occur while asleep, but when awake excitement is typically the cause. Blood flowing, heart rate increases, skin becomes more sensitive, body hair stands up, all of which are the opposite of a body in a relaxed state.
| Posts: 219 |
Forum Member

Posted - 12/28/2008 : 6:16:37 PM
Wow!! This is a new topic to me.
Okay, so it isn't. Groups of nudists are not sexual to me, and as a result I don't get an erection, or even close to it. Nothing sexual goes on at a resort, so what is the risk or an erection? The only thing I worry about at a nudist resort is being lonely in the crowd, but that's another topic altogether.
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. Thomas Jefferson
Country: USA
| Posts: 1964 |
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Posted - 12/29/2008 : 07:31:09 AM
quote: Originally posted by FlCpl4NewdFun
Two observations I've noticed about erection questions on this forum:
1) - There's a sort of tidal motion to them. No activity for a couple months, then a big wave of them come for a couple of weeks which then recede to start the cycle over again.
Exactly - it has a life of it's own and we don't control it 
| Posts: 147 |
Posted - 12/29/2008 : 5:10:11 PM
Did you hear about the Japanese news anchor doing a story on the Presidential election?
If you don't like my profile picture, then use whiteout on your monitor.
| Posts: 254 |
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Posted - 12/30/2008 : 9:34:10 PM
HAHA! No, what happened to that news anchor?
Country: USA
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Posted - 12/31/2008 : 12:37:20 AM
I'm a septuagenarian and my erections are a fond but distant memory. I have to say that although I have been happily married for over 55 yrs. my love of the naturist lifestyle is without any sexual context. I find that naturism has nothing to do with sexuality and the emphasis on erections is a non-issue. Once again Happy Nude Year
| Posts: 110 |
Forum Member

Posted - 12/31/2008 : 04:21:16 AM
quote: Originally posted by honeysuckle
quote: Originally posted by honeysuckle
Did you hear about the Japanese news anchor doing a story on the Presidential election?
LOL ... well, guess I won't do any more erection jokes!
If you don't like my profile picture, then use whiteout on your monitor.
Rook here, Honeysucker, if you do more jokes rike that, I'm going to raff my head off. 
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. Thomas Jefferson
Country: USA
| Posts: 1964 |
Posted - 12/31/2008 : 10:54:40 AM
No, what happened to that news anchor?
if you do more jokes rike that, I'm going to raff my head off.
LOL ... Warmskin, you're even sillier than I am.
If you don't like my profile picture, then use whiteout on your monitor.
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