yes...most of us apply lotion or oil to our entire bodys while sunbathing. Applying sunscreen, oil or lotion to your GF's genitals...will no doubt get some looks from others around you.
They may ask....why isn't she doing that herself? It isn't that it's a hard to reach place or that she's asked if you make sure she's covered every spot but from what you are could be misconstrued as a PDA=public display of affection and my get you a talking to by management.
Of depends at which club or resort you're visiting and doing this. Some of them may allow it and may not even think two seconds about it. Probably...everyone around the pool is doing the same thing! LOL
Tread lightly my advice...and take into account what club or resort you're wanting to do this.
Ditto on that. Yourself = no problem or questions asked, so long as you're not giving yourself an erection in the process. Your g/f or b/f...might want to be cautious and at the very least observe what else is happening around you. Some places, especially in the Palm Springs and South Florida areas are totally cool with that. Just have good situational awareness, and you'll be all set!
Common sense dictates that one can easily apply sunscreen/lotion to the front of their body. Obviously its easier to have someone put it on your back. Like any of these "type of questions" this one seems to me to be just trying to solicit a provocative response. Seasoned nudist or not, its common sense that someone wouldn't dwell on certain areas when applying lotion to someone else. Like I said, can't think of ANY reason a man needs someone else to apply lotion to his genital area or a woman to hers.
If this is a legit question..I say..use caution and if this is along the lines of your interests to do poolside, make sure you just go to the 'appropriate resort for this sort of thing.
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