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Posted - 02/15/2006 :  08:49:00 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Moderator,

I think you should be commended for allowing this topic to go on for so long. I know it restates the same arguements over and over, but it's a tribute to you that you don't just go, "Well they're not agreeing with me, I'll just shut them all down. After all, it's my site." Thank you for all your hard work!

My opinion after reading so much of this: Perhaps each club should choose it's own policy on this issue and if you disagree, start your own club where you can enforce your policy-one way or the other.

Country: USA | Posts: 73 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 02/15/2006 :  09:28:01 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I agree, an erection should be ignored. Discreation is a norm when it comes to the topic, sitting until it passes is a great suggestion, but to tell someone that they are bad for getting one is where the problem is for me. Overt sexual behavior is totally unacceptable unless it is in a private setting, all naturist will agree i presume. I will never be ok to be overtly sexual in the comfort of our nudist settings.

Country: USA | Posts: 3 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 02/15/2006 :  9:14:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello to all you nudies out there and thank you for all your interesting views on this topic.
This is my first post on here.
I've been a naturist for 12 years now. I started the journey on my own at a club here in England which accepts everyone and has only one rule: DO NOT ANNOY.
I must concur with Mendes on the subject of sexuality and nudism; to me, sexuality is inherent in nudism. On a normal beach it is common nowadays to see topless women wearing only the tiniest of bikini bottoms/thongs. The only difference between them and us is that we are letting others see our most intimate area, that which defines us as women, and therefore that which is sexual. There is a tremendous freedom in showing ourselves completely, including the sexual part of us. This liberation is what first attracted me to naturism.
Having said this, I love all the non-sexual pleasures of naturism too, such as feeling the elements on my body, swimming nude, waking up in the morning in Cap D'Agde and standing there on my balcony as nature intended, soaking up the first rays of the sun, not having to bother to put on clothes first, or just walking along the path on my own and being aware of my body moving along in total freedom without the constraints of clothing. (having a nice, all-over tan isn't bad either!)
However, I would be lying if I didn't mention that i DO enjoy looking at naked men when walking along the beach, albeit discreetly, and also, if my look is reciprocated, I appreciate being looked at too. I have never come across any naturist who wanted to harm me in any way. The whole thing is very subtle and I think that the majority of naturists do respect each other.
I hope this post isn't too long and boring; thanks for reading and a happy, carefree naturist life to everyone!!

Naturist since 1992 and still loving it!

Country: United Kingdom | Posts: 11 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 02/16/2006 :  10:45:38 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I cannot tell you all how to live your lives, it is your choice, you say you dont feel comfortable with sexual display or erection and it is discouraged or punished... well...

I cannot relate to that.... I come from an environment where there is little feeling of a need for privacy... there is no such thing as shame.... something you could not relate to...

I have been sitting in the same room doing some task (reading, correcting student papers or watching television) while my friends were having sex on the floor nearby... and I was not involved in any way, it was as if they were not even there... likewise I do not seek privacy in such matters for myself.

...from a house where people do not close door when they use the toilet or take a bath...

we live this way... we are accustomed to it.

I realize this is not the norm in your culture... I realize that you probably find such things revolting.

Cheri said she would not want to watch somebody having a bowel movement....

we dont "watch" each other like if it is a show or something.... when one is truly comfortable with this way of living its just part of everyday life... I dont know how else to explain it.

perhaps you may understand my posts a little better now...

from my perspective there is no shame in having an erection... or in seeing one... and if another did say something... like maybe in fun, for example... it would not be meant to be derogatory or embarrass.... and it would not be taken that way.

Country: Barbados | Posts: 83 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 02/16/2006 :  11:14:09 PM  Show Profile  Send jherazob a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
smendes: Definitively you'd be an interesting person to get to know personally

"Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something."
Robert Heinlein

Country: Colombia | Posts: 27 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 02/18/2006 :  3:47:51 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
you think so ?

in various prisons (maybe not in America) and concentration camps... people were forced to live that way (meaning no privacy)... do you think that after living that way for a little while they could go back to the same level of shame as the general population.

Experience is progressive... the first time you take off your clothes in a public place surrounded by other people is the hardest... each time you do it after that it gets easier and easier... until its no big deal at all.

this is NOT off topic... bear with me a little longer.

nudism (or the natural lifestyle) seems at first alien in a culture of clothes... you bite the bullet and try it... heart pounding, excitement mounting... and you find you like it and relish in your new found freedom... thats great !

so why not go the whole hog ?... and live totally natural...

animals dont hide when they have sex or perform toilet functions.. so why should you ?

and if you can manage that... then an erection becomes an insignificant event and doesnt bother anybody anymore... making this thread unnecessary

if we are truly into naturism... I dont see how you can smack me and say "naughty boy" for having an open mind and removing the last vestiges of shame from our existence.

We are all animals you know... and we fool ourselves if we think that we are not.

I realize this is quite a radical idea... but you all said you wanted to hear me again... so now you have

Country: Barbados | Posts: 83 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 02/18/2006 :  4:39:39 PM  Show Profile  Send jherazob a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by smendes

you think so ?


Originally posted by smendes
in various prisons (maybe not in America) and concentration camps... people were forced to live that way (meaning no privacy)... do you think that after living that way for a little while they could go back to the same level of shame as the general population.

These are not really ontopic since these aren't something voluntary and they usually have a deshumanizing and hummiliating intention.

Originally posted by smendes
Experience is progressive... the first time you take off your clothes in a public place surrounded by other people is the hardest... each time you do it after that it gets easier and easier... until its no big deal at all.

this is NOT off topic... bear with me a little longer.

nudism (or the natural lifestyle) seems at first alien in a culture of clothes... you bite the bullet and try it... heart pounding, excitement mounting... and you find you like it and relish in your new found freedom... thats great !

so why not go the whole hog ?... and live totally natural...

animals dont hide when they have sex or perform toilet functions.. so why should you ?

and if you can manage that... then an erection becomes an insignificant event and doesnt bother anybody anymore... making this thread unnecessary

if we are truly into naturism... I dont see how you can smack me and say "naughty boy" for having an open mind and removing the last vestiges of shame from our existence.

We are all animals you know... and we fool ourselves if we think that we are not.

I realize this is quite a radical idea... but you all said you wanted to hear me again... so now you have

Well, i kinda agree with you in that we in our "civilized" form of life have denied the reality of our bodies and have become ashamed of them, and looking back i have actually lived that since when i served the obligatory one-year service in the army we had no privacy at all, gang showers and toilets and all that, and i can quite understand what you're saying, but i guess it's not that easy to leave behind old habits :)

Heh, now i'm remembering a small scene i had forgotten from that time, one guy in my platoon (dunno if this is the correct word in english) changing clothes because he was going out or something (don't remember now and doesn't really matter anyway) was sprinkling and then spreading talcum on his genitals (much kneading ensued), then somewhat bitterly remarked that we had fallen so low that we no longer felt shame of our nudity. I recall that i didn't felt the same bitterness but just noticed that it was true. To say that the year i spent there had an influence on me being a naturist now is an understatement

I guess it'd cost me very little effort to go back to those times and zero-privacy habits, the only problem would be with those around me. If they'd have no problem with it, i wouldn't either. I think this is exactly the same problem as the erection issue, we wouldn't really have any trouble with it, but others would, so we stay on the "safe" response. Chicken and egg?

"Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something."
Robert Heinlein

Country: Colombia | Posts: 27 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 02/20/2006 :  8:49:45 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well its quite a coincidence that you can relate to my environment

but I see your point... that its the others that need to be considered... particularly the ladies..

.. they would be unable to handle some of these scenes...

I wonder if nudist women spend money on cosmetics..

I like my woman totally natural... being the bush man that I am.... wigs, false eyelashes, lipstick, mascara and all the other stuff they put on or paste on is a real turnoff for me

maybe I should start a new topic ? .... but I wonder if the nudist women in here are TRUE naturists... leave out the Max Factor , Revlon and Elizabeth Arden...

if they cant do without something to paste on...

then I think war paint like what the tribal warriors wear would be more appropriate to our nudist lifestyle...

.. and by now I am WAY OFF TOPIC.... but to get back on topic... if you paint up your willy... they might not even notice an erection

ah well.... we can only hope

Country: Barbados | Posts: 83 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 02/22/2006 :  1:02:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"it's just part of everyday life . . ."

You could not have explained it any better, smendes. Thanks. Enough said.

And, with respect to "living naturally", but we are a step above the animals and cannot really ignore such, can we? All we need to achieve what you suggest, smendes, is respect. some refer to it as "loving one's neighbor as oneself." But somehow it just doesn't seem to happen.

Edited by - GeeWilly on 02/22/2006 1:09:35 PM

Country: USA | Posts: 249 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 02/22/2006 :  2:03:15 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
As a new poster here, I am astounded that nudists can talk for 44 pages about erections. Must be a hard subject to get around (excuse the pun)

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Posted - 02/23/2006 :  07:30:46 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
By way of explanation, Skybearer

WE are in a marathon event.... I bet Cheri I could turn this into the longest thread in history..

We are gong for the Guiness Book of Records..

Thanks for your contribution every little bit helps

Country: Barbados | Posts: 83 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 02/23/2006 :  1:03:29 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is usually the longest thread on every naturist forum. But 44 pages still is quite impressive

Country: | Posts: 26 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 03/21/2006 :  1:38:30 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Where do I stand on male arousal, I'm fine with it. Any female who says she is not aroused by seeing her mate or other males nude is lying. The difference is there is usually very little sign off female arousal. Don't get me wrong I do not want to see males showing off their erection like a new puppy, but for my husband or any other male to have an erection is a natural thing. Do I think they should have to hide it, no. Anyone who is going to be in a involved in any type of nudity is going to see the male organ in different states all the time, you better be prepared to deal with it by just ignoring it.

Edited by - sharee on 03/21/2006 1:43:02 PM

Country: Canada | Posts: 15 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 03/21/2006 :  2:36:53 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sharee

Anyone who is going to be in a involved in any type of nudity is going to see the male organ in different states all the time, you better be prepared to deal with it by just ignoring it.

As stated before, a displayed erection, even if nothing is done with it, can be an affront. That's sexuality and has no place in nudist venues. We have enough trouble keeping our beaches available.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

Country: USA | Posts: 3519 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 03/21/2006 :  2:51:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
How refreshingly honest, . . gabibbo, that you "enjoy looking at naked men and, if the look is reciprocated, appreciate being looked at too . . . the whole thing is very subtle." It is sort of a tacit understanding, our inner child shouting, 'Isn't this fun!' or words to that effect. You are right, respect is key. It is a communication that can only occur in a nudist setting.

Smendes, kudos on your totally uninhibited life where folks openly "have sex on the floor nearby" or perform natural body functions without any awareness of privacy. Certainly you have grasped by now that it is not the "erection" that is offensive but the thrusting of it into another's space. "Showing it off like a new puppy" in Sharee's words.

I'll not condemn your lifestyle, Smendes, won't you respect my right not to become a part of it?

Edited by - GeeWilly on 03/22/2006 4:42:11 PM

Country: USA | Posts: 249 Go to Top of Page
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