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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NaturistDoc Posted - 07/11/2010 : 8:47:33 PM
My wife and I are returning to Club Orient October 26 to November 2, 2010. If any Forum members are going to be there at that time, let us know.

I can highly recommend Club O in October. The hurricane season is winding down, the weather is usually good, and the resort is not crowded. The only drawback is that not all of the restaurants along the beach and in Grand Case are open - it's still considered Low Season. Nonetheless, we had no trouble finding good meals.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sidneepa Posted - 11/06/2010 : 1:10:36 PM
My Wife and I are going to be on the Celebrity Constellation from Jan 15 to 29, 2011. Two week cruise. Could use company of like minded couple.
Contact us
Warmskin Posted - 11/05/2010 : 05:03:36 AM
Originally posted by NaturistDoc

My wife and I are returning to Club Orient October 26 to November 2, 2010. If any Forum members are going to be there at that time, let us know.

Thanks, Doc, but I went the nude festival at Barrow, AK.

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

James Madison
ddoger Posted - 11/05/2010 : 12:41:03 AM
Hey Doc: Thanks for the report. I was watching the web cam of Orient last week and it looked kind of blustery. I've been a bit jealous of your pre and post trip information but am feeling a bit better now that our trip is the action stages of planning. I just booked our flights for our winter trip to SXM yesterday. 10 glorious days in early March. Looking forward to just laying there and doing nothing. Last year we did the Nude Snorkeling trip with Peggy and Paul. It was a blast. Hoping to maybe do the Tiko Tiko this year or maybe even take a trip over to St. Barts. We did the early morning walk of the entire beach once last year (actually only to the rocks). Are the police cracking down on the early morning walkers? I thought it was cool to walk the other part of the beach. Kind of feels like being nude in a textile place.

Thanks again

NaturistDoc Posted - 11/04/2010 : 12:51:51 PM
Although it had its good moments, this year's Club O trip was not as pleasurable as last year's. For starters, we had some travel problems and some health issues as well. Also, even though Hurricane Tomas was well south of us, SXM got quite a bit of rain and wind. (Speaking of Tomas, say a prayer for the poor people of Haiti, who are about to get nailed yet again.) Still, we managed to get a fair amount of beach time.

I have written elsewhere about my unease over the tourism-based economies of the Caribbean. The economic downturn has hit the Caribbean resort islands really hard. Phillipsburg is normally a bustling shopping mecca, but the vibe there was sullen and lifeless, with very few people in the stores and very little money being spent. The time-share hustlers and similar pests were out in force, and, with relatively few targets for their blandishments, conspired to make our lives miserable until we were forced to retreat back to the French side. It's ironic that they are making matters worse for the local merchants by driving customers away. On the Grand Case restaurant scene, we had no trouble getting tables at the "gourmet" restaurants, but the inexpensive "lolos" were consistently crowded with locals and tourists alike. And, due to both the sketchy weather and a decreased demand, in the week we were there, Phillipe only took Tiko-Tiko out once. Signs of the times.

That said, Club Orient and Orient Beach remain much as they have been. The nude "morning march" up and down the length of Orient Beach still takes place, but was rather sparsely attended. I didn't hear any tales of recent hassles from the gendarmes, but I suspect the prospect of getting stopped has dissuaded nudists from leaving the confines of Club O. I'm sure we'll go back to SXM one of these days, hoping for better days - both economically and meteorologically.

NaturistDoc Posted - 10/21/2010 : 11:14:12 PM
What luggage? We're doing strictly carry-on.
Diger Posted - 10/20/2010 : 9:19:49 PM
Got any room in your luggage for us? You won't need much room for clothes.

NaturistDoc Posted - 10/20/2010 : 7:29:35 PM
One more night on call Thursday, then it's time to pack!
ddoger Posted - 08/09/2010 : 02:46:35 AM
From someone who has been to both. All I can say is.... NOT.

free2tannude Posted - 08/08/2010 : 10:31:57 AM

Sounds like Wreck Beach, only the water is a little colder1

The Natural One Posted - 08/08/2010 : 02:20:26 AM
I finally had the chance to bare the nat- ural, and walk into the sun. To swim carefree in this world. in para- dice.
The beaches in the sun. The feeling of the air on my body and the coolness of the clear clean salt waters of the carabean ocean were beyond
words. to walk in the most natural and free way possible, like it was meant to be be. Without a soul to care. their were hundreds others around
but they also were swimming carefree in this wonderful place, watching schools of fish swim by, and talking to each other like they were best friends. Others were out walking on the fine white sands of the beach. We were talking and unashamed, floating and swimming easily in the beautiful blue waters of the bay, the sun warming us with its intense life giving rays from above. Gone were the problems I have had in the past with a swimsuit filling up with air and sand and binding in the worst possible of ways. It was wonderful not to have to sit in a soggy swimsuit for a change. Walking down the beach could not have been easier because even though we all looked a little different, we were all really the same, without any racial, social or sexual barriers to overcome. I loved Club O.
nudesunguy Posted - 07/16/2010 : 10:30:39 AM
It's been YEARS since we've been to Club O, and I still think about it frequently...

rkitek Posted - 07/12/2010 : 12:21:52 PM
It's been 17 days since we left Club O. I still can't get into the routine of ordinary life.
FireProf Posted - 07/12/2010 : 09:59:12 AM
Our annual trips to Club O are always in June. Dr.Prof is back at it in Oct/Nov and can't get the days off to make a trip to Club O worth while.

One day soon...she'll retire and we'll have the entire calendar to work with and may just take you up on your offer!

Have a great time!


ddoger Posted - 07/12/2010 : 02:20:27 AM
Have a good time. We will be back again in Feb/Mar of 2011. Only a week this time as we are heading for the Mediterranean in Oct.2011 for a month.

NorthEastUSA Posted - 07/11/2010 : 10:41:57 PM
Let us know how it is. We are planning a trip in April of 2011


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