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 men playing with themselves on the co beaches

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
naturist_massage2000 Posted - 06/19/2004 : 05:22:32 AM
this past sunday myself and my husband went to bonnie doon clothing optional beach to give massage to some of our regular clients and some new ones. my husband saw this guy watching me as we were giving the massage and pointed him out. now i do not mind people looking at me, if i did why go out to a naturist beach, it was five minutes later my husband noticed that the guy who had a long tshirt on was masterbating under it.
this he felt strongly against and went to have a word with the guy and told him if he did not leave he would phone the police. this you would think would be the reaction of most but my husband was confronted by some others who said this guy was always there and was doing no harm so should be left alone.
my husband kept his cool throughout and only pointed out there is a time and place for that type of action and this was neither.

what do you lot think? and was he right to ask him to leave or the police would be called?

joyce and andy

nude is not rude,
no naturist is a prude,
guys are dudes
women often brood....
cant be bothered to finnish, i am not in the mood
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Diger Posted - 08/25/2009 : 08:08:04 AM
I know what you're saying, these guys can make you so mad but I realy feel sorry for them. If they could only open themself to the real purpose of Naturisum they would be free from that. It truely is beyond me too.

rooftopwilly Posted - 08/18/2009 : 4:43:13 PM
I was at Oka beach in Quebec the other day and my daughter and I decided to take a walk. We walked from one end of the beach, almost down to the other end. On our way back, a couple who was floating in their boat just off shore called over to me and advised me that I shouldn't take my daughter down to the far end because men were known to jerk off down there. She said that it usually happened between 5-7pm, which was the time we walked down there. She said that her friend in the next boat over pulled out the binoculars and watched to make sure that nobody was doing it while we were down there. I told them I had only been to the beach a few times and did not know about this, and thanked them for warning me. Why these guys want to do this and possibly get caught and have the beach off limits to nudity is beyond me.

Diger Posted - 06/27/2009 : 6:08:15 PM
I have heard, of the law sneaking around in the dunes with binoculars trying to catch someone, I always wondered what they were doing up there .... LOL

Diger Posted - 06/25/2009 : 10:05:12 PM
The other day I told a guy on the beach, "Dude, you know if that erection lasts more than 4 hours you'll have to go to the hospital."

That took all the fun out of his day, so he soon packed up to leave.

Insomniac007 Posted - 06/25/2009 : 2:28:16 PM
My only concern with calling the Police , ( see original - quite old- posting), would be a concern that the local authorities might 'have the word out' that they want to find 'problems' with the local nude beach and the resulting publicity might help those trying to close the beach down for everyone ... I think a civilized little talk with the fellow by a committee of concerned members might give him the clue that he is acting in an unacceptable manner without giving ammunition to the 'other side' .
SingingSabre Posted - 11/15/2005 : 01:26:29 AM
I want you to realize that if you're a licensed massage therapist practicing massage while nude, with your client in can get your license revoked.

Please clarify for me whether or not you were nude while giving that massage.

"Son, crying in your milk is bad enough. Crying in your hot fudge sundae is just disgusting." R.A. Heinlein.
GeeWilly Posted - 11/14/2005 : 12:34:47 PM
And something seems to be missing when a response is 17 months after the initial comment. Nonetheless, I would have to ask whether Dave's statement that he holds "... no credibility to any post if there is no info on the poster ..." is some sort of reverse argumentum ad hominem? i.e., if one knows nothing about the person making a comment, the comment has no merit because I cannot attack the person who made it??

If this is meant to be an open forum, aren't the ideas presented and one's ability to amplify on or counter same the point here? What good would it do Dave to know I grew up in Illinois and Oklahoma, but spent over twenty years in Oregon if I am expressing an opinion on how it feels to be naked in a mixed crowd? Would a massage on a c/o beach in Oregon differ from one received in Oklahoma?

Perhaps that is why a reporter will protect his sources, and is allowed to, in a non-criminal case.

FireProf Posted - 11/10/2005 : 2:08:54 PM
I never actually replied fully to your original post naturist massage 2000.

A massage is something that would be great to have done on a C/O beach. I strongly feel that you did nothing wrong and that you did do the right thing by saying something to the person masterbating while watching you massage someone.

Boony Doon has been a clothing optional beach for as long as I can remember. I visited there a few times while in the Navy and stationed in San Francisco back in the early 70's....'71-'75 to be exact. From what I was told, it had been a recognized and tolerated nude beach way before then. I doubt very seriously that calling the police because someone was masterbating in public would have closed that beach down and would have had any negative effect on the clothing optional status of Boony Doon.

You did the right thing by saying something and you provide a professional service to the naturists visiting the beach. Hope to visit Boony Doon some time soon and maybe my wife and I could get a massage also!
GeeWilly Posted - 11/10/2005 : 10:36:14 AM
You bring to mind a good point, Randy. If Admin deletes or modifies your post, it would seem common courtesy to communicate with the poster via e-mail or whatever means the poster has provided to explain what and why something was in need of edit.

Clearly, the whole world need not know what the issues are, at least at first glance; however, who reviews the reviewer? Ground rules with respect to profanity and sexually explicit language have been established from the beginning. But discretion in the area of what might enflame another is a different matter.
randynkim Posted - 06/28/2004 : 10:48:59 AM
i must have accidently used a "bad " word i was deleted....sorry.........
FireProf Posted - 06/25/2004 : 8:48:42 PM
This is why we need each and everyone of us that feels this way to speak up when we see this type of activity on the beach.

I was one of those who just ignored those people until our nude beach groups President scolded me. I immediately joined the group and started watching and doing some scolding myself.

We still have friends that aren't apart of the beach group but they are very active watchdogs and do not tolerate that type of activity.

One good thing about our beach is the good relationship we have with rangers and lifeguards. If there is trouble we can always go to them and they help us out.
Jbeeb Posted - 06/25/2004 : 7:02:24 PM
The guy is a total pervert and should be locked up. If people go to beaches such as Cap D'Agde then they can expect to find shaven groupies in the sand dunes sucking and licking everything. On a family beach this is not acceptable and not something that should be tolerated
naturist_massage2000 Posted - 06/25/2004 : 2:26:20 PM
hi all, ok massage at a club happens but why should naturists have to pay club membership before they can have a massage from fellow naturists? ok we have a lot of clients that come to our home but it was the request of them that gave us the idea of going to the beach. also it was not the sight of the massage alone that turned on the guy as we were told he was a regular on the beach and plays with himself all the time.

joyce and andy

nude is not rude,
no naturist is a prude,
guys are dudes
women often brood....
cant be bothered to finnish, i am not in the mood
nudeisntlewd Posted - 06/25/2004 : 11:45:13 AM
What happened there? Were you trying to copy the thread to a word document? To do so: click printable version, cut and paste everything in the window that comes up and paste it to your document. Or if you just want to print it, click printable version and print directly.

randynkim Posted - 06/25/2004 : 10:33:48 AM
[Extremely long file deleted by Admin]

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