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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ashley_bott Posted - 11/29/2009 : 09:18:40 AM
i am writing this to see if anyone else has had similar experiences. me and my fiance have traveled all over the world to nudist resorts and other such places. but when we go to certain places in america we get a reaction that is at best hostile. and i can only chalk it down to i know its not something that should be a problem today but i believe it's racism because all the problems people have had have been with my fiance she's japanese and it seems that people believe her to be a prostitute whenever we go to a nudist resort in america. one such event was at a resort in california where when we went to sign into the hotel the Maître d' took me to one side and whispered "i'm sorry sir but we don't allow that here" my reaction was complet confusion and he went on to say "i'm sorry but we don't allow women like her at this resort i'm sure we can find somewhere you two can go" it's needles to say that Maître d' no longer works there. but i would like to say it's a isolated incident but there have been insinuations at her profession in no less than 7 occasions by employees and guests and as you would expect it's upsetting for her to have people come up and ask her how much she charges especially in a place that is about relaxation and calm it is why we choose to go to other places now as we don't get it anywhere else mainly the west coast of america. i hope someone can enlighten us at what is going on and if it has happend to other people

thank you Ashley & Kyoko Bott
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sailawaybob Posted - 12/05/2009 : 12:41:08 AM
warmskin don't second guess yourself or we could all be in trouble
Warmskin Posted - 12/05/2009 : 12:33:43 AM
Right now, I'm contemplating my own posts here in retrospect. I'm not sure I believe a word of them, never minding Ashley Bott.

How far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?
Dwight D. Eisenhower
sailawaybob Posted - 12/05/2009 : 12:10:52 AM
well that was interesting reading
NudeAl Posted - 12/03/2009 : 10:29:38 PM
Originally posted by Diger

Ashley needs to lean the proper use of ***hole there is a symbol for it (_*_)

LOL ... Couldn't resist.


ROTFLMAO I am now wiping off the keyboard after spraying soda all over it, damn that was funny. I am using that one for sure!

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. -- Robert Frost
hernandocpl Posted - 12/03/2009 : 2:32:11 PM
Originally posted by NaturistDoc

The least believable part is that Ashley left school at 16. The quality of his spelling and punctuation leads one to suspect he dropped out no later than age 7.

I have to admire seallin's talent for sleuthing, and I wish I had his free time.

Among the many thousand members of this forum, surely there are a few with connections to Glen Eden. Perhaps one of them might care to respond to Ashley's claims ... ?

ND The school leaving age in England is 16, I left at 15 due to being born in July! BUT you dont go to UNI until your are 18/19?????

Live love and have fun
Diger Posted - 12/03/2009 : 1:08:19 PM
Ashley needs to lean the proper use of ***hole there is a symbol for it (_*_)

LOL ... Couldn't resist.

McNigel Posted - 12/03/2009 : 12:18:40 PM
If I was Ashley I'd post something that conclusively showed that he was telling the whole truth and make people realise that they should have taken him more at face value.

However in the unlikely event of this being the case, Ashley should also realise that he would have had much the same resopnce on any forum on the web. Charge in with big claims and you have to back them up, or be labeled a Troll.

naken Posted - 12/03/2009 : 07:54:53 AM
Thankyou Seallin,an girl friend,your tech abillity is welcome,i look foreward to all your future posts,your wellcome at my camp fire anytime. Naken
ashley_bott Posted - 12/03/2009 : 06:42:17 AM
to make friends with people but obviously you ***holes are too suspicious and judgemental to allow that
mariarose Posted - 12/03/2009 : 05:07:28 AM
Thank goodness he is gone! What do you think his purpose in writing was? Originally, I mean.
ashley_bott Posted - 12/03/2009 : 03:22:12 AM
whatever i'm past caring about you people now this is the reason that you get a bad press because of un trusting ***holes all i have done is tell the truth (btw that person is my friend) so f*** you all i hope one day you experience the kind of crap i have being on this site so whatever i thought this was a site about nudist friends not about witch hunts so i'm leaving i hope your happy now you have driven away a honest person because of your narrow minds
NaturistDoc Posted - 12/02/2009 : 10:59:30 PM
Oh, yes. Mine went off a while ago.
Diger Posted - 12/02/2009 : 10:48:45 PM
I had found the web site that was hosting the photo the other day but was interested in what he had to say.

I too am impressed Seallin, ever thought of a carrier in the FBI?

Beep ... Beep ... You know you know what that is Doc?

NaturistDoc Posted - 12/02/2009 : 10:06:46 PM
The least believable part is that Ashley left school at 16. The quality of his spelling and punctuation leads one to suspect he dropped out no later than age 7.

I have to admire seallin's talent for sleuthing, and I wish I had his free time.

Among the many thousand members of this forum, surely there are a few with connections to Glen Eden. Perhaps one of them might care to respond to Ashley's claims ... ?
seallin Posted - 12/02/2009 : 9:16:58 PM
In fact, here is a link to a website in which Ben Heys, from Australia it says, has a profile. And here is that very picture posted on there as well. And it also includes many many picture of her also. So I think it's more likely that you just took his picture of this woman and claimed it as your own woman posing for him. Can't buy your story at all. Could be wrong but it's too outrageous.

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