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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Carol62 Posted - 09/07/2012 : 02:22:12 AM
I love being nude, as well as my husband. We haven't had the oppurtunity to be around other nudists since we've only been married a short time. I am confortable being nude around men and have done it many times. My concern is having my husband being nude around other women. I feel he will get "turned on" by them and compare me to them. Am I over reacting or not a full nudist?

Carol Cole
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
FireProf Posted - 10/06/2012 : 2:33:13 PM

Newbie nudists have similar concerns and once they mingle with other nudists and figure out that nudism/naturism isn't sexual, these feelings and concerns seem to fade away.

We were MORE nervous than excited, when we visited our first resort. We like to "blend" in and not "stick out". Erections, on men, rarely happen. I've only seen a couple and the guy was either sleeping and dreaming or aroused from a massage. The guy sleeping, awoke, turned over and nothing said. They guy getting massaged was draped and it subsided.

My opinion is that; your husband will be nervous about becoming aroused by the site of other nude women and with you by his side ... it won't happen. For a first time visit to a resort, it's best to just sit on the outskirts of the main activity, check it out from a short distance and get the true feeling of what everyone's there for. You'll see that, though nudism/naturism can be "sensual" it's not "sexual."

Once you both feel that you've gotten over that initial "excitement", get closer to the action and enjoy some social nudism and see how natural and non sexual it really is.

Comparisons to other women happens most of the time ... not ONLY at nudist resorts. I was once a Playboy magazine subscriber for over 27 yrs. My wife felt that I was comparing her to the girls in the mag and didn't have a positive self image and thus ... didn't feel comfortable at nudist resorts. Once I threw the magazines away ... her attitude toward nudism/social nudism change dramatically and I wish I had thrown those damn mags aways years and year before!

It is common for women to feel objectified in many situations and when nude around strangers, even in a nudist environment, it's easy for some women to have those fears and concerns. You need to voice these concerns and fears to your husband. He needs to understand you hesitations and be very supportive of those, as well as your fears and concerns.

Whether or not you're a full nudist or not ... is something you'll have to decide for yourselves. Being a "full nudist" is something someone comes up with on their own because ... I'm not sure what a "full nudist" is and we've been nudists, live a nudist lifestyle and vacation and spend as much nude time as possible but not sure we are "full nudists!"

Good luck and take care,


Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Renter Posted - 10/06/2012 : 2:32:14 PM

Have you spoke to your husband about this topic? I would suggest that you both discuss this and then both agree. I feel sure that you can as a couple work this out. Good luck.

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