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nudistmormon Posted - 02/27/2008 : 7:26:58 PM
Ok so a friend of mine and I were talking about gyms and pools that are associated with some gyms. we bot started to wonder if there is a pool in the U.S. associated with a gym where swimwear of any kind is not allowed and by swimwear I mean shorts, speedos, bikinis and so on. if anyone can answer this Id really appreciate it. thanks

Not new here, I usd to have the s/n loves2bnude

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soonbnude Posted - 01/19/2010 : 7:54:00 PM

Hygiene issues aside has society created this unhealthy attitude to showering with others (non-sexually of course) and about our bodies? OR is this reasonable for a teenage boy who will be growing, his body will be changing and he may be unsure if he is the same as others, about penis size, pubic hair, getting an erection etc. And before people get upset that I have mentioned these two issues of size and erections again I recall from personal experience that I spent a couple of years from about 15-17 or so with an erection half of the time, it is frustrating and embarrassing.

I gather its not the same for teenage girls in the showering sense as most female change rooms in Australia seem to have cubicles. Any comments on this one especially from women and mum's out there? I have 2 teenage girls but my wife goes to the change rooms with them so I don't know directly but there are enough body issues out there for young girls too!!
Michel Posted - 01/19/2010 : 08:41:45 AM
Lol... Some of the rinks these days are state of the art, and others are just like u described.... No, I don't shower in those, nor would my son,
Michel Posted - 01/18/2010 : 5:00:46 PM
It is really tough on the kids that play hockey, do u know how bad the stench can get? Most of the boys would feel like they would be teased.... Luckily my son is truely naturist and is as comfortable in his skin as can be... Last year at one of the clinics (out of 20) 2 of the boys did shower, and when the 1 was ridiculed by some of the younger ones that just had to say something, he was proud to look around and say 'What? I Took A Shower.' with an I'm not ashamed of it tone in his voice. I will say he also seemed European though... My hockey player only takes his shower in hockey locker if we have to go somewhere other than home, cause he feels like he needs to explain himself.
soonbnude Posted - 01/17/2010 : 11:56:54 PM

I swim regularly and use the change rooms. Most guys my age (40+) have no problem showering nude as nature intended. The young guys from the local junior swim club seem to always leave their togs on and put a towel on to take the togs off, its a bit weird but maybe that is what our society has created. There may also be a level of shyness given they are teenagers, they are growing / changing and they may be embarrassed but hopefully seeing the "old guys" being comfortable in their own bodies will help them in the longer term. I recall similarly being shy about this when I was a kid but change-rooms are where I found that I was pretty much the same as most others. I must admit that when kids are in the change-rooms I don't flaunt my nakedness as it can be interpreted wrongly.

Until 5-6 years ago when we went to the pool as a family (1 boy and 2 girls) my wife and I and the kids all used the family change room that was available to 1 group at a time so the kids were used to seeing us both getting changed. My son stopped wanting to be with his mum and sisters not long after that but it was OK when they were young and hopefully one day they will do the same. With kids its about them being comfortable.
Wish2bnude Posted - 01/17/2010 : 1:22:42 PM
I go to a swimming pool that as showers out in the open and no one will use them comeing to swim or going home and very few change
Naked_Knight Posted - 07/08/2009 : 3:47:20 PM
these poor kids today, everything is GAY to them and the idea of nudity and showering with other guys is totally out of the question for them.

I thought each generation was to be so much more liberal and advanced than the next, but apparently NOT!

PopandMomBear Posted - 07/07/2009 : 7:11:17 PM
My school days were back in the 80's and if you didn't shower you were asked to leave your next class and go shower as you were offending people.

nudistmormon Posted - 07/07/2009 : 01:15:41 AM
Well, its been a while since my last post...sorry for that. anyway, i was talking to a friend of mine about when we were in jr. high school and we both remember the fear guys had just changing into their gym clothes. there were showers in the locker room but people rarely used them. We remembered a conversation we had after gym one day about how using the showers was just done on a dare and wondered why. to this day neither of us understands the fear of the human body to the point people wont use the showers. it was distracting when the next class rolled around because the ones getting out of gym were sweaty and smelled awful.
cony Posted - 01/04/2009 : 08:39:23 AM
I go to a local spa, to use the sauna, and see much the same in the changing rooms. More than often I see kids having a shower, still in their swim suit, and then wrapping themselves in a large towel and change under that . You have to see their contortions to believe it. In general I have seen that the older the person the less likely they are to wear a swim suit while showering (and changing). One father brought his young daughter into the shower and she was happily running about naked, so not all is lost .
Me, I don't have a swim suit


sailawaybob Posted - 01/02/2009 : 7:25:53 PM
One time after a workout at the YMCA I stripped off my clothes and went to the shower, a few minutes later a man and his son came into the shower and started bathing, the only difference they wore bathing suits and I was nude and they acted as if I was strange for being nude in the shower. After a few minutes they went to their locker and put on clothes over their wet suits, now I really thought they were strange.
elad Posted - 01/02/2009 : 09:00:49 AM
We hadthe same gang showers and I am sorry to hear that things have changed so much.
We had a swimming pool with high diving board. I remember we had to wear the suits the school had. We couldn't wear our own. Well some kid would just throw one to you as you lined up. They never fit and I liked it when it was too big. I would go dive off the high dive and the suit would be off before I hit the water :)

We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)
Warmskin Posted - 01/01/2009 : 11:43:47 PM
In my school days, I started showering when in 7th grade. My teacher would yell at us, "Strip off your clothes, and go shower," and that was our math teacher.

Seriously, it was never a big deal in my school days during P.E. We felt natural about our body, and there was full acceptance of nudity in the changing area. Porn was not so ubiquitous as it is now. Of course, there were some problem people who were a bit rude when in the nude, but back then the teachers had a lot more freedom in administering punishment for rude behavior.

It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.
Thomas Jefferson
Drakkus Posted - 01/01/2009 : 11:34:02 PM
If I ever get the connections/funding for such a thing, I've been planning on building a C/O public swimming pool myself. Of course, there are going to be plenty of lawsuits, complaints, picketing (if I still live in Utah at the time), what have you. But, I honestly believe that something like this would be beneficial. Especially considering that it seems like there are no others.

Free entry to card carrying AANR members though! lol

And as to the side-thred developing here, I was in High School from 95-98, and the mens locker room was still "gang" style. Showering was optional though, and only about 1/2 of us actually went and took a shower. Of those who did shower, the majority of them were the "jocks" and/or "well endowed". Anybody who didn't fit into one of those molds, myself included, was the subject of much ridicule. If this trend has still continued, I'm not surprised that the "gang" shower is nearing extinction.

As another aside, because of the atmosphere inside that locker room, I believed until my mid-20s that the average penis size was somewhere around 8 inches. To a teenager, being "less than average" is a HUGE problem in that area, and that probably has something to do with the shower issue as well.

Be True and Stay Naked,

One is nothing more, and nothing less, than what they believe themselves to be.
Darkhorse Posted - 01/01/2009 : 10:58:37 PM
I too showered after P. E. (late 1960s), and no one seemed to care...

How times change.

A couple of years ago, my sons and I entered a public-pool shower nude and started showering. The 3 teenagers in the shower (in swimsuits) screamed, turned around, and then ran out! We couldn't figure out why.

Since then, I've learned that many young people today think that anyone nude (even in a locker room) is gay and looking for "action"...

...what a pornographic society we have become!

Dustin Posted - 08/31/2008 : 03:00:20 AM
I, too, have seen the change in such places as locker rooms at the "Y", etc. in which the old gang shower is disappearing. I do understand the concerns of the moralists, but I believe it is a case of over-reacting to a problem that wasn't that great to begin with.

I agree with those who feel that something has been lost in the process, of men and boys being naked together in showers and locker rooms. It gave each one of us a chance to feel normal, and to see that males are "equipped" differently, but that it didn't really matter. I truly feel sorry for young men who are kept from ever getting into any kind of shared group activity while naked.

I would even go so far as to suggest that there is something of value in the coming to accept one's total sexuality that can only be learned in these kinds of activities.

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