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 Any plus-size nudist colonies?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
poconofriend Posted - 03/15/2009 : 5:27:06 PM
Hi. I'm brand new to this, so please forgive me if this has already been asked and answered. Are there any nudist colonies that cater mainly to plus-size or "big beautiful" people? I was looking online and couldn't seem to find any info on any such colonies, unless I haven't been looking in the right places. Does anyone know?
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sailawaybob Posted - 07/24/2012 : 8:30:55 PM
i actually like the term nudist colony but i also liked when aanr was called asa. i'm kinda old skool and wish i could have been a nudist back in the 60's but again that's just me. i have met new nudist who refer to it as a nudist colony and i don't try to correct them but you know someone will..
nudesunguy Posted - 07/20/2012 : 10:24:09 AM
Nudists were released from colonies decades ago. Thanks for the chuckle.

CalTom Posted - 07/20/2012 : 09:27:11 AM
Originally posted by hernandocpl

whats a America and Australia... )

A nudist colony sounds as if it were founded by Father Damien on the island of Molokai in the Hawaiian islands.
hernandocpl Posted - 07/20/2012 : 06:37:04 AM
whats a America and Australia... )

Live love and have fun
n/a Posted - 07/13/2012 : 10:38:10 AM
Yeah very true majority of nudists are either average or well um fat we all accept one another but the younger thin fit nudists are super rare and often stay hidden from rest of us for fear they themselves by associating with us will become fat lol.
Calbob Posted - 06/04/2009 : 10:37:55 AM
The perception that most people who go to nudist resorts are young and fit has been fueled over the years by nudist magazines that focused only on that type of people. What a shock it must be for some first time visitors to discover that a large number of people there are overweight, and look nothing like those in the magazines. Thankfully, publications like the AANR Bulletin and N magazine have started printing photos more representative of the nudist population.

PopandMomBear Posted - 06/03/2009 : 09:22:59 AM
You will also find that some nudists are plus size as well, it is not your size that matters but your personality, we want to be around other friendly people to have a good time we just happen to be nude while we are enjoying ourselves.

txvic Posted - 06/03/2009 : 07:40:03 AM
Don't let a weight problem stand in your way of giving a visit to a resort a try. You will find that nudists are very non-judgmental and accepting.

sunlover1199 Posted - 06/03/2009 : 01:38:28 AM
I agree.
I believe all nudist resorts are "plus size" friendly.
The acceptance of ALL shapes and sizes is the most appealing aspect of nudist.
poconofriend Posted - 04/06/2009 : 3:34:24 PM
Thanks, Nude. Sorry if the term I used offended anyone. Wasn't my intention.
Nude_campers Posted - 04/03/2009 : 6:38:45 PM
I tend to believe that all of the "colonies" as you put it cater to plus size. They cater to plus, social typical, and slender because it's not very often that judgement is passed on what they see rather than what they experience once you start a conversation.

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