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 Is an open leg posture acceptable?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gary Douglas Posted - 08/30/2003 : 05:57:02 AM
I would like some feedback about something that I wouldn't feel comfortable asking someone directly about.

When I'm laying out by the pool with others, I feel most comfortable, when on my back, to have my arms above or behind my head and my legs fully open. Although I like the exposure to the sun, it's more a feeling of openess that just 'feels good'. I've noticed others, usually guys, that have their legs pretty much wide open also, so it appears to be okay. I just don't want to do something that seems like an 'in-your-face' type of posture that might be offensive to others.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nudehndymn Posted - 09/20/2011 : 07:39:05 AM
None in my book
Invictus Posted - 09/19/2011 : 7:21:30 PM
I'm not so particular, but my wife likes an all-over tan (I like it on her too). You can't get an all-over tan if sun doesn't get "all-over".

If she is lying on her back normally, you can see her labia majora, her labia minora, in short, you can see her entire vulva. When she is lying on her back with her legs open, trying to get all of herself tanned, you can see her labia majora, her labia minora, in short, you can see her entire vulva.

If she didn't want anybody to see her vulva, she wouldn't be nude in front of them. What's the big deal?
sailawaybob Posted - 10/05/2010 : 11:14:19 PM
i agree as long as you don't flaunt it and are just being comfortable whats the big deal, i think some nudist are trying to rule others to death, kinda like a homeowners association.
dragon Posted - 10/04/2010 : 6:00:08 PM
As long as you are comfortable and don't flaunt yourself, it's ok.

Check out the cause - NAKED FOR FREEDOM -
Warmskin Posted - 09/24/2010 : 12:34:11 AM
Nudism is doing what other do when clothed. If you sit with your legs open, it's no big deal. We all know what body parts look like. If one cannot sit with their legs open, then we all need to go back to wearing clothes.

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

James Madison
nudesunguy Posted - 09/10/2010 : 11:17:30 AM
I think it's a bit like the situation in clothed society. Men tend to sit with their legs spread, women tend to cross their legs or keep them together. But there are no hard and fast rules in either place, in fact, when I see women at nudist venues with their legs spread, I think it's great that they feel comfortable enough to do that without worrying that they are looking provocative. Besides, how are you going to get everything tanned otherwise ;-).

tsunami Posted - 09/09/2010 : 05:21:05 AM
Actually I am glad someone posted this question as I am a newdist and was wondering that myself. I have been to the resort 6 times and have tried to keep my legs together as not to offend anyone. But if I do so it gets sweaty down there and I feel the need to open up just a bit to air out. Now I can just relax and sit as I please and not worry about it. Thanks for posting this question.

mariarose Posted - 01/05/2010 : 08:25:19 AM

I fit into both categories. I'm a Naturalist Naturist! Go Flora! Go Fauna!
Admin Posted - 01/05/2010 : 06:06:54 AM
Actually, the word is "naturism" or nudism. If you are studying "naturalism" you are one of the ones who know where to find all the edible berries in the woods, etc., whereas the naturists would rather just hike in the nude and forget the flora and fauna.

I know, it's a bit confusing. Authors for serious publications often get this mixed up.

But back to the open leg question. We're always happy to see someone getting a better comfort level on naturism from reading here.
docfreeman47 Posted - 01/01/2010 : 7:48:17 PM
Thank you all for the comments. It has made my intro into naturalism a lot easier to take part.

Cookie Posted - 07/29/2009 : 4:32:35 PM

I know in the past we like to play board games on the beach, and everyone sits the way they
feel the most comfortable.

What's the big deal.

Remember, we are here for a short time, so let's have a good time.


Randall50 Posted - 07/29/2009 : 12:40:26 AM
One more thought: Erections happen. Thank gawwdd or none of us would be here. Erections don't last forever; kindly look the other way if you are the squeemish type.
Randall50 Posted - 07/29/2009 : 12:36:31 AM
As a true nudist, I don't even think about opening or closing my legs. Why would I and why would you? I was interested to know that Admin does not want Avatars that show open legs or emphasizing male genetalia. I guess I understand that request. I want to be a part of this web site so I'll comply. Hope my Avatar of me standing nude next to my nude car is accepted.
Warmskin Posted - 05/01/2009 : 11:24:06 PM
Say you are on your back, all comfy and all. What would you do, if you were wearing swim trunks or a swimsuit? Just to do the same if you are nude.

"To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."

George Mason
shaneone Posted - 11/26/2006 : 3:36:04 PM
I think you should lie out however you are most comfortable. Personally I dislike having white marks at the top of my legs just where they meet my butt cheeks. This requires open legs with knees up. Could that be any more open?

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