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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Curt Posted - 03/14/2004 : 10:39:49 PM
I have been in sort of email contact with her, since she lives in my area, and she said she can not log in here, and asked if I would ask for her. She did say she never received any type of notice, and wouldn't understand why she'd be banned, but her log in doesn't work is the bottom line.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kimberly Posted - 04/04/2004 : 12:41:36 AM
Thanks Calmnude, I would like to have a collection of the earlier episodes. I had no idea it was the longest running show on the BBc. I remeber seeing it on a PBS fund raiser drive out of the station in Seattle. I had never heard of it before that.

Kim =^.^=
calmnude Posted - 04/03/2004 : 07:38:23 AM
i have seen a number of them at Barnes & Noble and at Border's. they are also available by mail order, in the better movie/dvd catalogues (mail order). think it's called the big book of movies. lotsa stuff in there
Kimberly Posted - 04/03/2004 : 02:39:53 AM
Calmnude, where can you get the Doctor Who DVD's? I think the series that had the Dalecs were some of the best.

Kim =^.^=
calmnude Posted - 04/03/2004 : 01:06:32 AM
aging hippies. then all of england and most of the us are aging hippies. it was the longest continuously running show on the bbc (over 20 years)
for a time.
and most of the series is available on dvd/videotape.

and in surfing the net, there are still a few web sites devoted to the doc and his friends and enemies. and i hear the call of the daleks, "exterminate.exterminate" (chuckle).
bornnude Posted - 04/02/2004 : 08:11:15 AM
Hey, I resemble that remark...
Kimberly Posted - 04/02/2004 : 02:56:53 AM
Lol David, 1963 I don't know if my parents had even met yet. I know they were in black and white and looked like they had been filmed for TV. I think they went through about three Dr. Whos before they stopped showing them here. I really would have like to see the whole series. They would show them late nights on the weekends, I guess for aging hippies.

Kim =^.^=
calmnude Posted - 04/01/2004 : 10:29:24 PM
patrick nartnell was the 1st doctor, of course. liked him, but my favorites were jon pertwee and his adversary, the master (played by the late roger delgado), and tom baker with k-9 were campy and great.

part of the fun of dr. who was the makeshift sets. the producers of the show with limited budget were able to write great stories which have entertained millions worldwide/
The Bead Man Posted - 04/01/2004 : 5:41:14 PM
Originally posted by Kimberly

I loved "Dr. Who", saw the pilot episode too. They were showing them as re-runs here. I think I liked the first Dr. Who the best.
It had to be reruns, as the first episode was in '63 - unless of course, you're a 50 year old man pretending to be a "=^.^=".


"The Bead Man"

The Bead Artist formerly known as Revilo42
matt_matt Posted - 04/01/2004 : 3:52:58 PM

Yes I agree with you, I was only defending him on his statement and I quote " with her, since she lives in my area, and she said she " end quote

Like you said I did not see many of his other postings so can only comment on what I see.


nudeisntlewd Posted - 04/01/2004 : 05:26:28 AM
Originally posted by matt_matt

in Curts' defence thaere was probably a SBG living near to him so he was probably not lying. As we have seen however, he he probably posted impersona for "her".

Does this make sence as I have been out tonight?


I see what you're saying, but I'm not sure how much of his stuff you saw. Even if he knows someone fitting 'her' description, he was definately presenting himself as being her. That makes him a liar. Saying that he is somebody who he knows, isn't be being truthful any more than making the person up.

Kimberly Posted - 04/01/2004 : 02:49:06 AM
I loved "Dr. Who", saw the pilot episode too. They were showing them as re-runs here. I think I liked the first Dr. Who the best.

Kim =^.^=
papabare Posted - 03/31/2004 : 9:05:55 PM
I read about the new Dr Who with the new director a few months ago, cant wait. I found a series called 'The Last Train', its a great 6 or 7 part miniseries from the BBC. Never showed on this side of the pond that I can tell. Wish we had REAL BBC in the states.

Oh, and I have a skinnyBlondeGirl living in an apartment rigt by me, maybe that was her

Live Body Proud, Live Clothes Free
matt_matt Posted - 03/31/2004 : 4:52:35 PM
Firstly I have to apologise for sending this topic off slightly, I didn't mean too. I have a feeling I did but can't remember how! ooops soirry.

On topic, my opinion follows - no psychologigal qualifications however; in Curts' defence thaere was probably a SBG living near to him so he was probably not lying. As we have seen however, he he probably posted impersona for "her".

Does this make sence as I have been out tonight?



ps, how about a new topic or topics on the divergance? of those things that have been bought up - i wish I had a better short term memory - oh dear!

The Bead Man Posted - 03/31/2004 : 1:02:42 PM
Originally posted by leo 50

oh my! i remember that show, you can get it on dvd of course. that cat,that hair! i was addicted.
also "dr. who", Fawltey Towers, "the good life" etc. does anyone remember these?
I must admit to remembering them all - I even saw the first Dr. Who episode ("An Unearthly Child") on its first showing!

By the way, Dr. Who is returning to the BBC next year, with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor - the new head of BBC Drama took the post on condition he could revamp the series - and have a big enough budget to do it properly - with sets that didn't wobble!


"The Bead Man"

The Bead Artist formerly known as Revilo42
greg_ldssdc047 Posted - 03/31/2004 : 09:49:27 AM
It reminds me of a commercial I saw a few years ago on the travel channel.

An American woman is asking for a wake-up call at the front desk of a hotel, and for some reason, a phone call to her room isn't good enough (I can't remember why).

Anyway, the English clerk at the desk says that he'll come to her room in the morning to "knock her up".

*chuckle* *snort*


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