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 A breakthrough with the neighbors

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
804fordman Posted - 01/23/2013 : 9:34:26 PM
The neighbors called and asked if they could come over. I told them I would be naked. They agreed and came over!! Soooo...relieved!! Stayed up almost all night having great conversation!! Holy smoke's you guys and gals give me so much great mentoring!!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
n/a Posted - 04/28/2013 : 08:07:52 AM
None of my neighbors have seen me nude but I recently told one who lives across street from me I was a nudist, she seemed supportive of it.
blavan Posted - 03/26/2013 : 3:32:14 PM
Originally posted by 804fordman

It was a great breakthrough for me. Only time will tell..but no pressure. All of the neighbors have been informed that we are nudist (with subilty).(sp) And those with children will be kept in highest regard as they do deserve our respect. Can't wait till the weather get's warmer so we can get back out on the deck. Maybe even try a campground this year.

White Tail Resort is near Richmond since you are considering visiting a nudist campground. White Tail is an excellent place to experience social nudity. We highly recommend it. Been going there since the 90's.

Being Naked and Being Real
léo Posted - 03/09/2013 : 02:08:45 AM

Just happy experiences to report from here in France.

Our first house had a small and terraced garden - or "yard", for Americans. The highest small terrace was hidden from our neighbours by a low stone wall. But that was in the shade most of the day and so we used the lower terraces. Our neighbours could see us from their own garden and used to chat quite happily. But then she was one of France's leading abstract painters and a free spirit and - I discovered later - their son and his wife were naturists.

The couple on the other side were Scottish and lived there a few weeks of the year. He was a little pink man, full of conversation but puffing and wheezing and not without surplus weight. We had a Scottish friend staying with us and he heard her accent and started to climb over the low wall that separated us. With a leg on each side, he suddenly noticed that our friend was naked. He grew terribly embarrassed, to the point that in his fluster he got stuck on the fence in a flurry of "Oooh, ai'm sorry, ooh, excuse me!"

Fi just watched with a grin on her face.

Talking about it much later, we wondered why he had been so embarrassed. It turned out that he and his wife had found themselves in a naturist area by chance once and, to be like everyone else, had joined in.

Moving to this house, we have neighbours a couple of hundred metres away, over the brow of a low rise which is our back garden. The drive to their house runs at the end of this area. We got on well immediately and I warned them they might come across naked neighbours if they wandered round to see us.

They shrugged an "Oh you're worrying without need" shrug and the husband told how, when he was restoring the house, he had rigged up a temporary shower in front of the house. The roadway isn't much used by others but inevitably a farmer passed one day as he stood there naked and soapy.

"He just grinned and waved and drove on," he said.

Our compost heap is on that land between us. I used to put on clothes to tip out old vegetables and so on. Our washing line is out there as well. Now I don't bother. I'm not sure anyone's seen me - I'm sure someone must have - but I don't think the world is going to fall in if they do.

happy days

FireProf Posted - 03/01/2013 : 2:54:11 PM
Our club is very close ... 30 mins, but we don't just participate in nudity every so often ... we actually live that way and so we are naked almost always at home and while doing simple everyday things, like throwing out the trash.

Our previous neighbors were onboard with our nudity, accepted it and were fine with it. They have since sold the home to another couple. They aren't as friendly as the previous owners. We've met them and even spent a couple hours with them at a local winery while we picked up our shipment. I noticed them and invited them to our table to get to know one another.

It's obvious they've either seen us naked in our yard OR ... they are not friendly people by nature. We thought that the time we spent with them at the winery would open up some opportunities to get to know each other more but they are very standoffish and sometimes, won't even acknowledge a wave!

So ... since we've been living this way for ALL of our married lives (almost 40 yrs) and have lived this way in this current home for over 5 yrs. , all we ask is for the same amount of privacy we give them. Their second story window that looks down on our backyard, the shutters, have been closed for some time, until recently. One half is closed completely, the other is opened to allow light into that room.

NOW ... that is commendible and neighborly but if they are upset with us because they can't open both shutters and have complete view of our backyard ... then that's not giving us the privacy we give them and that is an issue we've not yet broached. If they aren't willing to at least be neighborly ... then as long as they leave us alone to live our lives ... we won't have a problem. But we can't drive to the club everyday and we are not going to alter our lifestyle for someone, as long as we've done all we can to provide ourselves the privacy we deserve.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Paul and Angela Posted - 03/01/2013 : 1:52:28 PM
Thats why we love our club so much, we can be naked from the minute we arrive till we leave. All areas are naturist so if we take enough food we can be free to do as we please for a week or two at a time.
Bob Knows Posted - 01/31/2013 : 2:02:07 PM
Originally posted by Safebare
Now, the neighbors know my preferred outfit and the only comments so far have been about my tan or lack of shoes. The conversations are always neighborly, even when I am nude and they are not.

"Wearing nothing is devine, naked is a state of mind."

My experience has been much the same. Most people accept naked as a personal choice most of the time. We just need to allow them to have more experiences accepting naked people for it to become "normal."

sailawaybob Posted - 01/30/2013 : 10:13:06 PM
to bad we can't pick our neighbors !
Safebare Posted - 01/30/2013 : 9:47:02 PM
It is one of the joys of having property. I have a habit of walking the back pasture just after dusk and/or before dawn. It was fine when it was just me, the horses and the cats. But then we rescued a mutt. She was abandoned and starved to the point that we had to syringe feed her for a week before she could keep anything down. Now, she is completely healthy, including her yelp! She sounds just like Donald Sutherland in the final scene of Body Snatchers. Ouch!
She will let you know if she sees anything moving or not where it should be.
So, I am out visiting the horses and enjoying the morning/night air, when 'Sugar' spies a neighbor and lets out a shrill yelp; my cover is blown. No more clandestine walks to the back pasture.
Now, the neighbors know my preferred outfit and the only comments so far have been about my tan or lack of shoes. The conversations are always neighborly, even when I am nude and they are not.

"Wearing nothing is devine, naked is a state of mind."
Bob Knows Posted - 01/30/2013 : 10:34:51 AM
This discussion reminds me about an evening about 4 years ago when I was out walking the perimeter of my land. At the area where my land is closest to a neighbor's home I could see him and his wife and children out with bow and arrows doing some target shooting. I paused and wondered if I should go back around to avoid the neighbor family or continue on my path. Since it was getting pretty dark already I decided that I probably would not be noticed because they were occupied with their own activities and my path was in shadow. I was wrong, they did notice. My neighbor waved and greeted me as I passed by naked. I waved back and continued on. He then called out and chased after me. I stopped to chat in a little darker place under the next trees. He wanted to talk about his lost dog, and never mentioned me being naked.

I make a regular practice of walking the boundary of my land within sight of my neighbor's homes, and occasionally meet one of them who is also out and about. Nobody has ever complained or even commented.

Diger Posted - 01/30/2013 : 08:52:47 AM
Seems most people don't have a problem with simple nudity on your own property.

I had what you could call a breakthrough this past summer when one of my neighbors saw me mowing in the backyard, naked of course. The next day he saw me out checking on our cows and stopped by. While we were talking he said he saw me mowing out back yesterday then smiled and said, I'll bet it was a lot cooler. I smiled back and said a lot cooler. lol

Ricki00 Posted - 01/29/2013 : 11:33:41 PM
Originally posted by 804fordman

It was a great breakthrough for me. Only time will tell..but no pressure. All of the neighbors have been informed that we are nudist (with subilty).(sp) And those with children will be kept in highest regard as they do deserve our respect. Can't wait till the weather get's warmer so we can get back out on the deck. Maybe even try a campground this year.

Well That's good to hear!

As for us we have a house next to us in which it was recently placed as a rental home so therefore we will see some people move in.It has been vacent for nearly a year.
804fordman Posted - 01/29/2013 : 9:16:32 PM
It was a great breakthrough for me. Only time will tell..but no pressure. All of the neighbors have been informed that we are nudist (with subilty).(sp) And those with children will be kept in highest regard as they do deserve our respect. Can't wait till the weather get's warmer so we can get back out on the deck. Maybe even try a campground this year.
steady78 Posted - 01/29/2013 : 6:05:26 PM
Our backyard is on a green belt and quite private. There are a couple of spots where nabours can see into our backyard and pool if they really want to. Luckily those nabours ( who have seen at least me naked ) don't seem interested in looking into our little oasis!
We do have trees planted that will soon solve those view problem, hopefully before these good nabours choose to sell their homes to someone that might not be so nudist tolerant.
Hopefully ND and the mrs can come and check it out some day and we can go and check out that new house too !
NaturistDoc Posted - 01/26/2013 : 9:12:22 PM
We just built a house with a fine view from the hot tub off the back deck. If we're having a nude soak during the day, I just lower a Cooleroo shade that at least partially obscures the view from the neighbors' house. Personally, we don't mind if anyone sees us, but we have no wish to offend our neighbors. They're good people ... for textiles. I don't anticipate a "breakthrough" with them any time soon, but you never know.
Nudony Posted - 01/26/2013 : 3:36:44 PM
I agree with FP's book. When I lived in my townhouse, I had a 6 ft fence, no neighbours to the right of the house and 1 neighbour (a single dad with 2 daughters) to the left. I was nude in the backyard, but only by the patio and not beyond the point where I would have been visible from the neighbour's bedroom. As a result I had to keep my daughter's kiddie pool and the slip'n'slide right by the siding of the house. Which was inconvenient.

Nudism never came up with my neighbour; but if it had a "don't mind at all" would have been awesome and more than enough. It would have meant I could have relocated the kiddie pool to the middle of the yard, and stretch out the slip'n'slide to the kiddie pool. Which meant I could have been nude throughout my backyard rather than in the corner.

As far a neighbour participation: meh. An open invitation would have been extended to come use our backyard - nude or not - but I wouldn't have necessarily sought out their naked participation. Considering the two daughters were about 12 and 15, I'd doubt they would have participated anyway.

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