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 Answering door nude.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sueallday Posted - 04/28/2006 : 8:31:33 PM
I'm wondering if other people have ask themselves this question. If your home in the nude and someone comes to your door have you thought about or have you just answered the door in the nude? I'm thinking if you live in a private home, people coming to your door are on your property and if you answer the door in the nude they invaded your private property. I don't believe this would hold true for those who live in apartments. Just wondering!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sailawaybob Posted - 08/07/2020 : 12:43:07 AM
think I've chased everyone including JW off but with this virus I guess no one knocking on doors anymore. when packages are left on porch i'll go out to get them nude or bottomless as I seem to be in comfort mode in a t shirt but my butt showing . mailbox runs or trash to curb just a t shirt when sun sets or later.
rooftopwilly Posted - 07/08/2020 : 06:44:13 AM
I don’t get anyone coming to my door unless it’s the pizza delivery guy or parents of my friends kids. I won’t be opening the door naked to them.
FireProf Posted - 07/05/2020 : 8:16:15 PM
Yeah... been doing this often the last few years. Our neighbors across the street both live in 2 story homes. The neighbors directly across will periodically open their upstairs shutters and windows. I rarely retrieve packages from the porch when these shutters are open. The also have a upstairs bedroom window that never seems to have the shutters closed so … I take my chances but that room is used for storage. No complaints so far!

The other neighbor just lost her husband a year ago. They are friendly but we don't talk all that much. Too long a story but she caught me completely naked helping my wife with groceries. She and her oldest daughter (probably early 50s) actually clapped as they saw me. So retrieving packages naked and them seeing me doesn't seem to be an issue but... I don't do it all the time just because I've gotten away with it so far.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Balto Bob Posted - 07/04/2020 : 8:38:29 PM
I often get boxes from the open front porch nude. I just wait unit the truck drives off, the fedex ground guy leaves stuff 3ft from the door. My houseguest has people over. They stay mostly on the front porch. When they come in to use the bathroom or just get a beer, I'm sitting naked just inside. I make no effort to cover.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
rooftopwilly Posted - 04/14/2020 : 02:34:33 AM
I didn’t answer my door naked but on Saturday night my girlfriend and I ordered some subs from a nearby pizzeria. I stayed naked on the couch when they were delivered. The delivery girl stood and talked to my girlfriend for a minute. If she looked around her, she could probably see me laying naked. After she shut the door, I got up and walked to the kitchen, which she could see me through the front windows if she looked.
FireProf Posted - 07/22/2019 : 11:08:43 AM
This is actually the very first time I've answered the door naked, completely naked and a full in your face naked.

Our granddaughter goes to school up in Northern Cal. We took a long weekend trip up there to help her get her new living digs in order for the upcoming school year. She's living off campus and the place she's renting with 6 other girls needed some really cleaning and sprucing up. We stay at a nearby hotel and have done so about 7 or 8 times now since she's started at the University. Each time we visit this hotel, there's always some hiccup with our stay; wrong room, horrible room, leaking room, room over laundry so our room smelled like clothes dryer softener sheets... you get the picture.

This time, we had some pretty crappy maid service. We always leave our housekeeping person a little something and ask for extra towels or to turn on the A/C, things like that. My wife left housekeeping a note and $5 for extra towels and a "Thank You" on the note. When we got back to our room after a marathon day at our granddaughter's new room, we found that not only did the housekeeper not leave us extra towels but NO TOWELS!!!

I called down to the front desk and of course I got the "I'm so sorry this happened to you!" By then we were both pretty pissed and began thinking of all the crappy things that have happened to us at this hotel and the more I thought about it the more pissed I became. I was naked, as always in our hotel rooms, and watching some TV while waiting for the knock on the door with the towels. When the knock came, I got up and went to the door. My wife was standing nearby but I said, "I got this," and I opened the door fully and grabbed the towels and said, "thanks" and closed the door.

Probably not the right thing to do but I was pretty pissed and that was my reaction to once again getting screwed at this hotel. Find a different hotel? We would but this happens to be the best one in the area and there's not a lot to choose from. We've complained before and been compensated for our inconvenience but we'd actually just settle for them getting it right the first time. Maybe they got a system in their computers that flag me as the complainer. Now it'll read, "The Naked Complainer!"

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
sailawaybob Posted - 07/20/2019 : 11:13:48 PM
last spring I had two female jw ring my door it was fairly early and still in bed amazing how persistent they could be because when I opened the door they were still there with a kinda shocked look because even though I was wearing a tee shirt I was nude from waist down. I didn't do it on purpose usually I use door to shield me when I answer because i'm usually nude or bottomless when home but that morning I was half asleep. one kept talking but they're eyes kept looking down than back up till I realized I was nude but I wasn't moving finally like all the rest they wanted to hand me a pamphlet which means opening the screen door with whatever else wasn't exposed now was, they apologized for waking me and left up the drive I can only imagine they're conversation but I bet they encounter nudity a lot. not my first time jw has visited but this is most exposure , I really need a sign.
Daretobare Posted - 07/19/2019 : 05:43:25 AM
I believe they use various things for tools or leverage. Such as nudity to put their point across. They walk amongst us daily and we don't them from any other. In congregation they do their job. I had a work acquaintance who married a JW and they kids. She also had a child from another marriage. He divorced her on account of her ongoing sexual affairs with others. Within a year she was married a third time.
Warmskin Posted - 07/19/2019 : 03:55:37 AM
One can only wonder what comes up in JW meetings about nudists in the neighborhood. Perhaps they have local newsletters that discuss this topic. Who knows how they communicate about encountering nudists?

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

Daretobare Posted - 07/18/2019 : 04:44:58 AM
I will always answer the door with pants on to strangers. Out of respect for there views. Those I know and don't care about my being nude is different. We would occasionally get a visit from the JW people maybe twice a year until a couple years back. A car with a male driver and three female passengers drove up the driveway and into my garage. I am nearly always nude in my garage and that day was no exception. The driver proceeded with his talk and passing of flyers as the women sat there with looks of embarrassment. The more he talked the more it became a tongue lashing about my nudity. He ended by telling me he could save me from my demons by joining with them. Then he backed out and left. I've never had one visit us since.
Nude in AK Posted - 07/17/2019 : 5:03:51 PM
Many years ago I had an encounter with JW while in the garden. No shorts close by... The first group was to guys, which talked for a few minutes and then left. The second encounter a while after the first, was three females. Again I was in the garden and shorts were not close by. Again they talked for a few minutes and then left.
We have not had any JW followers come to our place since. Oh well!!!!!
rooftopwilly Posted - 07/17/2019 : 3:41:53 PM
That’s great FireProf!

Itsbetterba, that’s good to hear that she’s not encountering a bunch of pervs.
speedy123 Posted - 07/17/2019 : 2:19:07 PM
LOL! Perfect, Fireprof.
FireProf Posted - 07/17/2019 : 10:15:35 AM
I'm on a few message boards and forget where I posted the latest incidents surrounding our nudist life. I've not posted this latest incident on this board so … here goes!

Like some of you, I have shorts somewhere in the front of the house (office) or back of the house, family room usually. The shorts are short black mesh shorts that you can see through if you concentrate enough. Most won't because you can tell that they are staring and they don't want to get caught doing that.

The shorts in the family room are used for anyone in the backyard I need to speak with; pool guy, landscaping guy, lawn/tree/shrub chem guy. The shorts in the office are there to answer the front door. It was about 3 weeks ago and there was a knock and door bell ring at the front door. Earlier in the day, I'd opened the office windows right at the front porch and opened the blinds for circulation of fresh air. I went to the front door to see who it was and saw it was JW's. I was going to answer the door in my shorts but decided to have a little fun.

My wife had taken these shorts and put them in the laundry. I knew this after I went looking for them behind the door of the office but asked my wife, loud enough for the JW's to hear through the open windows, "where are my shorts? I can't answer the door naked!" To that, the JW's turned away from the door and began quickly walking down the walkway.

I've seen two pairs of JW's walking around our cul de sac since but they are passing our house and not coming to the front door! The word must be out or at least I hope it is!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
itsbetterba Posted - 07/17/2019 : 07:38:55 AM
rooftopwilly, most of the time the person answering the door is female. If there has been a male doing it because she is a woman she never mentioned it.

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