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Posted - 04/26/2008 : 10:55:27 PM
Okay, Melissa, I know there's already 3 pages of "advice", but since I am a dad AND a grandad, I just gotta put my 2 cents in.
I am "old fashioned", I know. But, listen to your Mom. She knows you better than anyone else. It seems pretty clear that she is not going to actually "Pick" the guy for you (although she might like to ), so be smarter than most sons and daughters: consider what SHE says above everyone else. Hey, it does not mean others do not have good advice, too. Just needs to be in line with "Mom".
I told you I was old-fashioned. (But I'll bet you your Mom really likes me right now. Ha!) Good luck, anyway. You're trying hard enough. You'll do okay.
Hiking the Cascades "naturally"!
Edited by - n/a on 04/26/2008 10:57:10 PM |
| Posts: 65 |
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Posted - 11/29/2010 : 4:30:09 PM
This thread hasn´t been in use now for over two years, so thought I would put my point of view..I am a 60+ widow and have been a naturist for around 50 years, have dipped my toe into a naturist dating site, been approached by oddballs but have also met three nice naturist men but all on a platonic basis. I live in Portugal and two out of the three men live in the UK so only one possible to go to a beach with or whatever. I would love to meet a new partner who is also a naturist but its just as difficult for me as a woman as it is for a man, if you mention you are a naturist some look at you as though you are from another planet and then you get those who think being a naturist is an open invitation for sex.
Country: Portugal
| Posts: 63 |
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Posted - 12/01/2010 : 09:30:53 AM
Sunflower, I’d like to follow-up on the thought in your last sentence. Based on my experience, I’ve learned that it’s better to inform someone you’re dating that you’re a naturist sooner rather than later. This is so because many people have strong negative and fearful reactions to things outside common patterns of societal behavior. Naturism is often something that these folks will never understand and therefore will never accept in a partner. So, it’s much better to save both parties valuable time by being open with this aspect of yourself as early in the relationship as possible. The question is: how early is too early? In my culture (USA), nudity is widely and reflexively associated with sexuality. To those holding this association, the mention of nudity automatically is taken as a sexual reference. Making a sexual reference very early in a relationship easily comes off as inappropriate, especially if it’s so early in the relationship that the prospective partner doesn’t know you well enough as a person to put the new information into an accurate context, and doesn’t understand naturism. I know there’s no easy answer to the question and it’s very dependent on the particular circumstances. But my inclination is to err on the side of “too early”, even though this risks prematurely ending a relationship that may have worked if the revelation had occurred later. On the other hand, if the budding relationship easily accommodates this revelation, it’s a very good sign that the relationship has a high potential for understanding, acceptance, openness, trust and compatibility.
Country: USA
| Posts: 83 |
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Posted - 12/02/2010 : 4:47:10 PM
I quite agree with what you say openess and as I am a very outspoken woman, do tend to bring naturism into the conversation quite early on, however, my preference is to meet a man who is also a naturist. Its usually a man seeking a naturist woman as I have seen on this forum a few times as well as in other publications. I think that in most culture´s nudity is associated with sexuality, this is possibly why so many women shy away from social nudity. In Holland they have, I believe, what are called ´wellness centres´ where naturists can go for the day to swim, use a sauna etc. There are a few bed & breakfast places here in Portugal and now, a few campsites both catering for naturists but again, aimed predominantly at couples and where a single woman is associated with sexuality.
Country: Portugal
| Posts: 63 |
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