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 "Children-phobic" nudists
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Posted - 05/22/2013 :  11:41:12 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is a topic based on a response made to me on another forum about children and nudism (FP will know what I'm referring to ). I'm posting my thoughts here because I didn't want to just hammer the guy on the other forum

I call it "Gymnopedophobia", aka "Fear of nude children." It often takes either of two forms. On the one hand, it's essentially people who are fearful of the negative ramifications of being around or associated with nudist children; and therefore condemn it ("children shouldn't even be involved in nudism"), or strongly urge avoiding it ("keep the children clothed or keep them away from me.")
On the other hand, there's "pedophilia-paranoia", which is the fear that children will be harmed by someone, based on the fact that they are socially nude. The "pedophilia-paranoid", who most times consider themselves sensible and cautious, call for more security, a more rigidly controlled nudist environment; and if that's not possible, call for the children to just stay clothed.

From a psychoanalytical standpoint, is this "Gymnopedophobia" fear strictly one of societal rejection (i.e a fear of authority figures, of being incarcerated, of losing one's job and family); or is it a bit more Freudian (projecting one's own sexuality into the children; and therefore becoming afraid/repelled by it?)
And is "pedophia-paranoia" a genuine empathy towards nudist children and their physical well-being? Do they really wish to "just protect the kids" or is there really something a bit more "unconscious" going on there?

I've encountered the two above types quite a few times over the years. Most often they've been internet nudists; but occasionally they have been flesh and blood people I've met. And I've never been able to wrap my head around the concept of "Nudism is great; just not for the kids."

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Forum Admin

Posted - 05/24/2013 :  1:46:02 PM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I can't disagree with you on any of these points. I would add that, in my experience, these conditions seem to come into play to the extent the person considers nudist activity to be sexually oriented, or primarily for the purpose of foreplay. If that's the case, they are squeamish for good reason.

Country: USA | Posts: 1888 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 05/24/2013 :  7:09:22 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think what Admin is saying is true. Those "nudists" that we've encountered, talked with and talked with in depth about nudism and nudism and children ... have ALL been at a nude resort, beach or club for "sexual" reasons. NOW ... mind you, they weren't necessarily there for sex with someone else, nor did they all think that there was some orgy going on, but many ... many of them were there because being around other naked people, "spiced up their love lifes."

Even had several couples say that they'd spend the day out scoping out the crowd, finding someone they were attracted to and then head back to their RV, lodging and each of them thought of that "other" person and they had "amazing sex." These are just some of the people that have infiltrated the lifestyle and have join the other groups that think this is about sex, improving their sex lives and that children have no business in it.

They are right ... they, children, have no business in an environment filled with sex but ... they do belong in naturism/nudism and those that think it's all about sex, need not be involved where children are accepted and allowed.

There are plenty ... plenty of these clubs and resorts that cater to sexual activity and sexual groups. WHY do they have to try and take over every dang club?

The guy we don't want to "hammer", on the other site, he's an admitted "home nudist" with ZERO social nudism experience except for that that he gets sitting behind a computer.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

Country: USA | Posts: 3175 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 06/20/2013 :  10:07:37 PM  Show Profile  Send Diger a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
I can't understand it myself, our friends had their 3yo granddaughter at the nude beach with us a couple weeks ago. She was the life of group, not a dull moment around her. She would light up everyone's face when she was around.

I thought I was going to lose it when she ran out in the surf and jumped into Angie's arms cause a big wave was coming. You should have seen Angie trying to hold on to her with all that sunscreen. I really did LMNAO. LOL


Country: USA | Posts: 1385 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 06/21/2013 :  02:23:51 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We took our daughters, one son in law and 4 or our 5 grandchildren (5th one wasn't born yet) to the island of St. Martin/Sint Maarten and to Club Orient for family vacation. They loved it. Our good friends from WA also made the trip a couple days after we'd arrived.

One day, we sent the girls and SIL on the Tiko Tiko day cruise. Like most people on the Tiko, they returned quite "happy!" I'm certain it was the rum punch! When they got back to the beach we were there to greet them. The girls and kids were playing in the surf, along with our female friend. The waves were coming in and bouncing them all around. They were having such a good time.

The little ones referred to our female friend as their #5 Grandma! Technically ... our grandchildren have 3 grandmothers so our friend would actually be #4 but .... we got the idea and our friend cried when our grandkids called her that. She rarely gets to see her grandkids.

Our family was the talk of the resort for many weeks afterwards. Actually, I think they still talk about the entire family that came and vacationed at Club O. The management was very accomodating and just loved having the kids there. It made for some validity that the resort truly is/was a family naturist resort.

To my surprise ... not ALL were keen on our little ones being there. We had heard that a few couples didn't agree with kids in that environment and one night, two couples left the restaurant because we had the kids there dancing to the DJ music. I apologized to the manager and he and his wife said ... "if they have a problem with children here ... then "they" don't belong."

The Prof was babysitting our oldest grandkids a couple days ago. They were all talking about winning the lottery and what they would do if they won. Our oldest grandchild, 13 yo girl, said ... "I'd take us all on a trip." "Where?", they all asked. She says...back to the caribbean and Club O! Our #3 grandchild, 7 y.o girl, says ... "is grandma #5 gonna come too!" I'm sure it would have melted our friends heart to hear that.

Kids are inherently nudists. We adults all try and relive our childhood by going back to those days of innocence and freedom. What could be so wrong with that?

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

Country: USA | Posts: 3175 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 06/21/2013 :  10:36:35 PM  Show Profile  Send Diger a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote

Those little ones have a way of melting your heart. If they could only stay that sweet but they grow up to be teenagers. lol

I love what the manager said and I agree 100%, if you have a problem with kids here, you don't belong.


Country: USA | Posts: 1385 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 06/24/2013 :  12:37:30 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
years ago we had a new couple join the camp and it didn't take long before you could tell he was being a little to friendly toward the kids in the pool, causing me to pull my two kids away and the management giving them the boot. needless to say a few weeks later everyone recieved letters that the man was indited for child molestation involving a church he was a member at, sure it could have happened elsewhere but to many watchful eyes at the nudist camp we were members of. there are creeps everywhere but to have a phobia of children being nudist is wrong they are what livin's up a nudist camp and why can't the same creep be at a regular campground the creep i talked about did it at a church.

Country: USA | Posts: 1268 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 06/26/2013 :  12:01:20 AM  Show Profile  Send Warmskin a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Let folks of all ages do what comes naturally, as long as it is not generally unacceptable. If being nude is natural, it's by definition okay. Children are remarkable at adapting and thinking freely.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

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