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Posted - 08/24/2012 :  2:53:00 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by renobiker

I actually have to admit I have never been caught nude that would imply that I wasnt aware of my surroundings or others around me some close calls yes but actually have been caught nude, no. My close calls pretty much were either family related or at a hotel swimming pool.

That's good!

But ... in life, we ALL take chances at one time or another. Being caught in the nude doing something so innocent as sunbathing, swimming, walking from one room to another in your home, taking the trash out in your backyard ... should not be something we are afraid to do just because some neighbor might see you.

My reasons for doing so are probably different than others that do the same thing and way different than those that will not do it. It's up to us, individually, to decide what works and what doesn't, what chances we are willing to take and which ones we are not, how far we want to "push it" and "not push it at all."

You have to know your surroundings. You have to be aware of what you can get away with and what you can't, what your family, friends and neighbors will accept and what they will not.

If I stood out in the middle of the garage each morning as my wife drives off to work ... the neighbors across the street might get upset BUT ... they have both seen me walking across the garage floor, momentarily, and have yet to say anything or have the cops at my front door in over 5 yrs.

It's not something I do constantly. It's something that happens now and then while I'm doing something very innocent. I think THAT is why they seem to accept it.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

Country: USA | Posts: 3175 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 08/24/2012 :  11:27:04 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I got caught by my neighbor again earlier this week. It was Sunday evening, I got home from work around 8:30. It wasn't pitch dark yet, but it was pretty dark, so I went into the house, stripped down, then decided to take out my recycling bins to be collected the next morning. I always to this naked, but usually wait until it's pitch dark. Well, I got them out to the end of the driveway, and as I turned around to walk back to the house, my neighbor walked out of his garage. I didn't look over to see if he saw me, or I didn't make a fuss about it. I just casually walked back into my garage. But there is no way he didn't see me.

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Posted - 08/25/2012 :  01:20:57 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
See Willy ... that's what I'm talking about. You didn't stand on the curb with your hands on your hips and display yourself. You didn't turn and face your neighbor and give him a full frontal assault of your naked body ...

you just continued to do what anyone would do even if they were clothed. It's about just being normal, acting normal, ... as though it's ... normal!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

Country: USA | Posts: 3175 Go to Top of Page


Posted - 08/25/2012 :  3:12:21 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
But see what Willy did in reality is what gets people arrested and gives nudists a bad name, being he didnt care who saw him etc I respect being comfortable but being too comfortable just equals=stupid and arrested. Your less likely to have cops called if you realize you are seen and if the other person makes it known they see you, then apologize etc saying you were not aware they were there etc.

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Posted - 08/25/2012 :  7:44:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Okay ... that's your "opinion" ... but it's not necessarily the truth and what happens in all or most cases. Do you have any data to back up your opinion?

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

Country: USA | Posts: 3175 Go to Top of Page


Posted - 08/25/2012 :  7:52:58 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I might not have data for it I just know enough "officers" who discuss such things and the odds with them. Myself have found if I were to be at my apartment complex pool at 5am to skinnydip and another tenant was going to use the fitness center they often are more willing to be ok with you swimming nude if you warn or tell them first. If you dont that is more the chance they call police.

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Posted - 08/25/2012 :  11:04:24 PM  Show Profile  Click to see papaw1947's MSN Messenger address  Send papaw1947 a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
As far as I know, my wife and children do not run around the house without clothing and the kids do not know that I prefer to be natural. I have been seen by someone that did not expect to see a nude person a few times. It is a strange coincidence that both of the following examples involved vacuum cleaners.

One time my daughter was living with us at home after dropping out of college. I was awakened in the middle of the night by thunder and heavy rain. Our basement had a known water problem so I went down to check on the situation, without grabbing any clothing, and found water spreading across the concrete floor headed towards the carpeted area. I grabbed the wet/dry shop vac and started vacuuming up water. I had been working for 15 minutes when I noticed my daughter standing on the stairway. I turned off the vacuum cleaner and she said "I wondered what the noise was." I said "I'm trying to keep the carpet from getting wet." She said "Oh" then turned around and went back upstairs. Neither of us ever mentioned it again.

Another time I was home alone cleaning the house. I finished vacuuming the master bedroom, turned off the vacuum cleaner, picked it up and headed down the hallway to put it away. The vacuum cleaner was normally stored in the coat closet near the front door. As I turned the corner and walked towards the front door I came face to face with my daughters friend about four feet in front of me. I gave a startled "Hi" and stepped back around the corner out of her sight. She said that she had stopped in to use our computer to write a report for college. She walked in the door and said hello but I did not hear her because the vacuum cleaner was running. The computer was in the master bedroom so I asked her to give me a minute to put on some clothes then she could come up to use the computer. Even though this happened more than 15 years ago I know that she still remembers because she made a joking remark about it a few weeks ago. I had nearly forgotten!


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Posted - 08/25/2012 :  11:19:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by renobiker

I might not have data for it I just know enough "officers" who discuss such things and the odds with them. Myself have found if I were to be at my apartment complex pool at 5am to skinnydip and another tenant was going to use the fitness center they often are more willing to be ok with you swimming nude if you warn or tell them first. If you dont that is more the chance they call police.

...and I too know and have spoken to many, many cops from several different agencies, on the topic of simple, non-sexual nudity in your home, in your "private" backyard and a "chance" sighting.

Every one of them stated that ... "they've got more important things to do then to respond to someone ... "simply being nude." A lewd act, flashing intentionally ... another story but ... they all stated that if they indeed needed to respond, they would most likely tell the nude person to be more careful and that would be the end of it.

NOW ... that doesn't speak for EVERY cop but it's nice to know that there are many out there that use a little common sense.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

Country: USA | Posts: 3175 Go to Top of Page

Balto Bob
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Posted - 08/26/2012 :  07:01:18 AM  Show Profile  Visit Balto Bob's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I've been a member for over 5 years. The first couple of years I pushed the bounderies as hard as possible. It is absolutely legal for me to walk around in public in a g-string. I still cut the grass and wash the car in full veiw of the street that way. I also use my private backyard pool nude. 3 years ago I learned, the hard way, that some of my neighbors don't care for my nudist ways. Aug 17, 2009 about 6 PM, I was in my pool naked when about 6 cops started shouting at me. I learned that one of my neighbors, a young woman with a small child, had not only called the police but was willing to go to court. She claimed (along with another male) that I had walked out to the street nude. I don't remember doing this but, I may have. The police interviewed a bunch of my neighbors who ALL stated they had "seen me without clothes, many times. But not that day". A few weeks later 6 of my neighbors showed up for court. I had hired a good lawyer who promptly asked for a jury trial. What he knew was I wouldn't get that jury trial until after a retired judge had a chance to stop it. 3 days later, with no witneses, I received a PBJ. 1 year unsupervised probation. Cost me $2000 and a bunch of trips to a mental heath guy. I still put out the trash nude but only between 1 & 5 AM.

Have a nice NUDE day !!

Country: USA | Posts: 830 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 08/26/2012 :  09:50:58 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sorry you had to go through that Bob. The first thing "this couch lawyer" would have asked ... "why did it take weeks/months/years for these people to come forward and complain?" They probably saw "safety in numbers" and when several of your neighbors decided to complain, they jumped on the band wagon.

Now ... I have admitted to putting the trash out while naked, picking up the newspaper naked, being in my garage with the door open and going to the mail box covered in a robe or long baseball jersey and sometimes they are open BUT ... I've done these things extremely late at night or in the early, early hours of the morning. Times when I can expect that my neighbors are asleep and there is barely any traffic or none at all.

I've pushed it and I've taken chances and maybe some day ... a cop will come to our door but I too will demand my day in court and face my accusers face to face and hopefully have the opportunity to have them answer my questions, through my lawyer!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

Country: USA | Posts: 3175 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 08/26/2012 :  2:18:13 PM  Show Profile  Click to see papaw1947's MSN Messenger address  Send papaw1947 a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Balto Bob

I've been a member for over 5 years. The first couple of years I pushed the bounderies as hard as possible. It is absolutely legal for me to walk around in public in a g-string. I still cut the grass and wash the car in full veiw of the street that way. I also use my private backyard pool nude. 3 years ago I learned, the hard way, that some of my neighbors don't care for my nudist ways. Aug 17, 2009 about 6 PM, I was in my pool naked when about 6 cops started shouting at me. I learned that one of my neighbors, a young woman with a small child, had not only called the police but was willing to go to court. She claimed (along with another male) that I had walked out to the street nude. I don't remember doing this but, I may have. The police interviewed a bunch of my neighbors who ALL stated they had "seen me without clothes, many times. But not that day". A few weeks later 6 of my neighbors showed up for court. I had hired a good lawyer who promptly asked for a jury trial. What he knew was I wouldn't get that jury trial until after a retired judge had a chance to stop it. 3 days later, with no witneses, I received a PBJ. 1 year unsupervised probation. Cost me $2000 and a bunch of trips to a mental heath guy. I still put out the trash nude but only between 1 & 5 AM.

Have a nice NUDE day !!

I'm sorry to hear that you had so much trouble and expense. Thanks for posting about your experience. I am very interested in learning about innocent nude people who have had significant problems with the police, courts and society.

How did the meetings with the mental health guy go? You seem to me like a sane, rational, normal person. I think the prudes that believe people are injured by witnessing a nude body are the ones who have a mental health problem. It is a psychological hangup that is not a healthy attitude. Did your counselling sessions change any of your attitudes about being nude?


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Posted - 08/26/2012 :  6:45:25 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Being someone who has met Bob...he is a sane, rational, normal person. And like many of us...often push the envelope, even though we know we are taking some chances. Careful chances, but chances none the less and vulnerable to getting caught. Some can be funny, but some, like Bob's experience, not funny at all. I take a lot less chances than I did previously. It's just not worth the risk.

Country: USA | Posts: 706 Go to Top of Page

Balto Bob
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Posted - 08/26/2012 :  7:53:03 PM  Show Profile  Visit Balto Bob's Homepage  Reply with Quote
There had been some anonymous complaints to police over the years but, no one was willing to go to court and the police has never found me nude while in public view. The mental health guy mostly counsels flashers and other perverts. He claimed ALL nudists are egotists but, I was within normal limmits. Strongly recomended I keep coming every other week for $50. His whole point was I need to respect society's rules. The judge was great. He said "unless you look like a Chippendale dancer, nobody want to see US naked". Both the judge and the counselor are Jewish and they know each other. On the day in question I had had quite a bit to drink (my weekend, even though it was a Monday). I'm a lot more careful about that, too.

Have a nice NUDE day !!

Country: USA | Posts: 830 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 08/26/2012 :  10:39:57 PM  Show Profile  Click to see papaw1947's MSN Messenger address  Send papaw1947 a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
I almost surprised someone yesterday. My wife has a good friend that drops in to visit for a few minutes almost every day. She usually knocks on the door then lets herself in. She is a very conservative lady and does not know that I like to live clothes free as much as possible. About 3 pm I (naked, of course) went down to talk with my wife in her sewing room in the basement. Our stairway runs straight down from our living room then, at the bottom of the stairs, a door on the right goes into the family room. After talking with my wife I walked through the family room towards the stairway. Just before entering the landing at the bottom of the stairs I heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs. I took two quick steps backward and slipped into old nylon jogging shorts that I was carrying. I took one step toward the doorway and met my wife's friend. I said "Hi, do you want a cup of coffee?" She sounded rather startled but said she would take a cup. I walked past her up the stairs, put on a t-shirt, grabbed 2 cups of coffee and returned to the basement to visit. I can only imagine her reaction if I hadn't heard her coming down the carpeted stairs. She would have been shocked at first and then probably would have thought it was funny but I don't think my wife would have seen the humor at all.


Edited by - papaw1947 on 08/26/2012 10:44:09 PM

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Bob Knows
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Posted - 08/27/2012 :  09:01:15 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Balto Bob
3 days later, with no witnesses, I received a PBJ.

A long time ago in a land far, far away, there once were free men.

What is a "PBJ"? I'm not familiar with those initials.

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, Bob. Police state tyranny is alive and well in many of our communities.

If there were "no witnesses" who testified against you in court the case should have been dismissed. A "good" lieyer should have done extensive discoveries and depositions of all the neighbors and police prior to going to court, so you should have a complete record of who complained to the police. Usually that process frightens off witnesses who aren't really serious. And if nobody goes through that process and nobody testifies against you, the persecution has no case. Without a witness there is no basis for a conviction, but of course the agents of Satan in black robes of hell don't obey the law.

If my neighbors started a war by calling out the blue gun thug terrorists to attack me, they would get a war they would regret. And they or I would move somewhere else.

I'm sorry you had these neighborhood problems. Some people just can't let their neighbors live in peace.


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