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Bare Warrior
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Posted - 03/31/2008 :  5:26:45 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi everyone,

There has been a lot of discussion on the board lately about nudity, sex and swinging. Unfortunately a lot of posters seem to be oblivious to the real world and see nothing wrong with nudists, exhibitionists, swingers, and pornstars hanging out in the same place.

Well, unfortunately I think we are about to see why nudists must guard their sanctuaries very carefully and AANR must stop ignoring its own standards of conduct.

Every paper in the Tampa region and many nationally as well, had an article last week about the PORN School going on in Pasco County this past weekend. Many of these articles equated Porn with Nudism; Courtney Cummz proclaimed she was a nudist and got her start in porn while working in a nude resort in Pasco County. She says she is a member in "good" standing at - - and one has to wonder where this wonderful sexy place was where the school was run. Maybe - -, Dohhhhh!

We see where Cheri is having to renew a fight in SC over nudity laws that she thought was defeated. This revelation that porn stars get their start at nudist resorts and that porn movies are likely made in nude resorts should really make her job easier. So now how likely is it that Pasco County is going to continue to support nudism when most people think its strictly a cover for porn.

So all the work AANR and real nudists have accomplished has taken a big hit. It will be interesting to see just how much damage this publicity has caused.

I really like being able to relax nude on the beach and in places like Cypress Cove and - -. It really ticks me off that all those of you that aren't nudists are screwing things up.

Bare Warrior

Country: USA | Posts: 61

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Posted - 04/01/2008 :  04:01:32 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You have hit the nail on the head. The sex industry and anyone else interested in sex take advantage of naturist facilities. I've been to Cap d'Agde, very famous in Europe, but it is being taken over by exhibitionists. I have never seen so much metal on human bodies in my life, how they get through airport security I'll never know. There are clubs there that are sex clubs, there is no pretence. There is an infamous section of the beach for exhibitionists and voyeurs, I'm afraid it's very popular, it is raided by the local police almost daily.
One response to this is that the real naturist organisations don't wish to associate themselves with Cap d'Agde. I've visited Cap d'Agde and was appalled that they were getting away with all this. I believe you can't go into some bars naked any more. Some people I spoke to said that Cap d'Agde was about sex and they were there for the sex.
There are many 'pleasant' naturist sites in France.

Country: France | Posts: 4 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 04/01/2008 :  4:27:43 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Bare Warrior is right- This kind of publicity does a lot of damage to organized nudism. First, - - needs to revoke the membership of "Courtney Cummz" if they know who she is, and disassociate themselves from her and the Porn industry. In the past, AANR did revoke the charter of a Florida club for permitting a swing group to hold a "sex camp" on their grounds, so perhaps they can pressure - - into doing something to protect their reputation and charter.

Country: USA | Posts: 153 Go to Top of Page

Bare Warrior
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Posted - 04/01/2008 :  6:14:15 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Let me make clear that I did not claim that - - was the place this Porn School took place. We have seen where that kind of discussion goes on the - - thread on this site. Cummz states that she is a member of - - and that she worked there as a barmaid. I don't know for a fact that she is currently a member, but she has said that she is. No reason not to believe her, she was complimentary of the resort.

Bare Warrior

Country: USA | Posts: 61 Go to Top of Page

go n nude
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Posted - 04/02/2008 :  4:43:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Bare Warrior yes indeed, just more bad news/publicity isn't welcome at all for sure.I don't know where but i would think it wasn't known by mangement or reguired or done openly.They have a topic called your opinions of - - Tampa with or no facts! Wholesome Nudism weathers another storm.Do resorts have the right to control their membership's or employees lives might be in question too. Did they approve of this negetive publicity? I wonder Too.

go n nude

Country: Canada | Posts: 415 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 04/03/2008 :  05:04:24 AM  Show Profile  Visit Phydeau's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I think there might be something there. It could be that the sex industry is trying to ride on the coat tails of legitimate nudism. It very well could be that the sleazier factions might try to make themselves less distasteful by associating themselves with something that people would otherwise find acceptable, appropriate, and most importantly, "normal".

Country: USA | Posts: 214 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 04/03/2008 :  12:13:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Tomgunn just coming on, does this mean in New Jersey we could lose Gunnisons Beach ??


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Posted - 04/03/2008 :  2:26:05 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Tomgunn, you make a very good point. I have wondered that myself. I have been a regular Gunnison visitor for years. It behooves us all to avoid any sex on a nude beach.

Naturally, Catbird

Country: USA | Posts: 202 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 04/26/2008 :  04:34:43 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Porn and Nudism are OK, but there are some of us who choose just to be nudists, that does not mean we don't have sex, but I don't want to see people doing porn when I am just being a nudist or at any other time, so those who choose to do porn and be a nudist keep out of sight of us who have no wish to see you doing porn.

Shy Nudist

Country: United Kingdom | Posts: 4 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 04/26/2008 :  06:17:38 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think there may be something that needs to be addressed by the management of all our clubs.

I do know certain ones have had a lax attitude towards some questionable behavior at times. I know the money being brought in by some of the shows and events is good however what good does it do to lose you reputation in the process? This is a struggle we must continue to fight against it only takes a allegation of misconduct by a small minority to lose all the gains we have made over many years.

If we do not uphold our standards of conduct we can only blame ourselves when they decide to close down our nudist venues do to immoral behavior. The old phrase lewd it and lose it comes to mind. To turn a blind eye to this behavior does our cause no favors, speak up for the standards which have stood the test of time.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. -- Robert Frost

Country: USA | Posts: 457 Go to Top of Page

go n nude
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Posted - 04/26/2008 :  4:49:12 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The end of nudism, No, not likely we really hope. Clubs/Resorts are private property and are useally run by owners for profit. They are free to operate as they wish, and cater to any groups they choose, unfortunately some undesireable activities/groups and we get the bad reputation/publicity to some degree as a whole.The biggest majority of clubs have good reputations and will not and don't tolerate Sexism or deviant behavior at any time.The AANR &other National organizations don,t condone it either i'm sure. Sex clubs/Swinger clubs aren't helping Nude recreation they are deviating it. I,m hopeing this isn't the trend/future we all fear.

go n nude

Country: Canada | Posts: 415 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 04/28/2008 :  05:21:44 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I totally agree with you Eleanor and that is why I and Mrs Tuffers are selective as to what clubs we would want to join or visit. The CCBN in the UK are I am sure similar to the AANR in the USA and clubs affiliated to the British Naturism organisation are quite safe to visit.


PS Nice to see another member from the south east of UK!!!

Country: United Kingdom | Posts: 336 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 07/03/2008 :  5:36:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've been fascinated in this dilemma! The uninitiated(and many journalists) would be inclined to lump us all together. I've wondered what makes porn stars tick, and I've found they're often exhibitionists, not nudists. Still, there's a fine line between nudism and exhibitionism. Let's face it, it takes a certain level of confidence/comfort with your body—in both instances—to go nude. However, given a choice to go nude forever, a nudist would choose to do so while an exhibitionist might not. Regardless, there's more money in it for the resorts to include both.

My question is: how important are resorts like - - to nudism? Afterall, they're always be some remote meadow to retreat to.

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Posted - 07/03/2008 :  8:21:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think that, for the most part, people who want a more "adult" nudist atmosphere are going to go to resorts and clubs where that's more acceptable. I don't think porn stars are suddenly going to start flooding into family-friendly nudist resorts and have sex in the hot tubs.

My husband and I enjoy both "pure" nudism and swinger/sex-friendly nudism. We choose our vacation destinations according to what type of nudism we're in the mood for. Just as I appreciate having a place like Cypress Cove to visit, I also appreciate that places like - - * and Hedonism exist.

I have no problem with the sex industry itself, and if porn stars want to go to adult resorts and clubs to be nude or do whatever, then that's their business. And, for the record, nudism and sex work and/or swinging are not mutually exclusive. (Take me and my husband, for example.) A person can be a "true" nudist but also enjoy swinging, or work in the sex industry. It's not always an "either-or" situation.

* - I know that - - is not a swingers resort, despite what many nudists seem to want to believe. However, it is a bit more open to the lifestyle than most US-based resorts, which is why I referenced it here.

Edited by - SweetJezebel on 07/03/2008 8:38:03 PM

Country: USA | Posts: 4 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 07/04/2008 :  04:31:19 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bare Warrior

Every paper in the Tampa region and many nationally as well, had an article last week about the PORN School going on in Pasco County this past weekend. Many of these articles equated Porn with Nudism...

They have always equated porn with nudism. They will continue to do so until Nudism adopts a philosophy that can sustain an effective offense. One philosophy is, "Nobody has the right to force our bodies to be their sex object."

A person can turn their own body into other people's sex object. Actors in porn films do that, but just because one person agrees to be a sex object does not mean everybody has to be a sex object. Nobody should force us to be their sex object unless we agree. Even a wife is not her husband's sex object unless she agrees. If she does agree, that does not mean the wife next door becomes the husband's sex object too.

Why should all nudists become sex objects just because someone who was a nudist chooses to be a sex object?

How can we let some reporter get away with forcing each of us to be his sex object. Who gives her that right? Why should we have to decorate our crotches and breasts with colored textiles to draw attention to the fact that our bodies are now their sex object?

We cannot go on living in fear of that. It is we who give them the power to do that to us. Every time there is a problem, and there will always be another problem, we let them kick our asses. No. The problem is that there are people who do evil no matter what moral framework you give them.

The answer is that we still have a better moral framework than our accusers, one based on basic human rights, a moral framework that clearly illuminates the real evil - forced sexuality. What do they offer instead? That we should hide our natural human bodies, our gift from our Creator, in shame, because it is the evil?

In a diverse society, we certainly have to make our case without deriding those who think otherwise, but we have a very strong case, and it is not that nudists never engage in sexual behaviors. It is that none of those behaviors are to be forced by any presumption whatsoever. Nudists say nobody has that right.

Country: | Posts: 246 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 07/04/2008 :  12:50:08 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Some of the posts to this blog reference what appears to be a concern over "Real" nudism as opposed to those who get naked in order to make money. Those same posts might be seen as a desire to inhibit clubs and owners of clubs from allowing casual nudists and others who don't view nudism as a full time occupation to enjoy the benefits of getting out of their clothes. If your club allows you to give input into the rules which govern your actions, by all means restrict the place from those who don't fall into a restrictive participant category.

I am a nudist and have been for years. I am also a full blown swinger who can divorce his sex life from getting naked. In the past my wife and I were members at resorts modeled after the old European clubs where sports and physical well being were the order of the day. Over time, playing hours of volleyball paled. Still, we managed to give our children the option to attend a resort or not as they chose. One did and she is a nudist today at age twenty something. One did not and that was her choice. Regardless, we parked our sexuality at the door of our trailer not at the gate of the park. There was a sign outside that cheerfully noted "If This Trailer Is Rockin' Don't Come Knocking" and I cheerfully admit I stole that saying from another couple met at our very first resort.

There are resorts that allow a more liberal stand in regards to sexuality. Most of the ones I have visited that permit discrete parties also restrict the resort to children. You can see the point I believe. We can attend such a place if we wish but we need to leave the kidlings at home being watched over by someone old enough to be responsible. In the truly swinger resorts a whole different approach to life as a nudism exists. I and my wife chose not to go to those and continued to point to our sign about rocking trailers. We partied hard when a party was an option and we didn't mind if clothes weren't even a consideration. There were friends who were conservative nudists and then there were friends who also enjoyed a sexual relationship. We managed somehow to enjoy being around both types of people, even one couple we know were involved deeply in the making of Porn, but when the sun was out, we were nothing if not hard core nudists. My point is, what we do behind the doors of our own trailer or in the trailer of a like minded friend in an appropriate place should not be restricted by conservative nudists who wish to return to the good old days of yesteryear.

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