I for one am not thrilled by the costs of memberships but I understand that they are in a business that dosen't have much or any profit margin from what I can see. I know of one resort owner who bought his resort because his accountant said he needed to reduce his capital. Seriously the guy had too much money and had to find a tax shelter like a business that earned less than it cost to operate it. I don't know how he stays in business. I have paid in the past I will be paying again with out our supprot our way of life will whither and die. So even if it hurts me I am going to keep it up.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. -- Robert Frost
I work part time at a resort here in Mi. As a result I have witnessed first hand how much is involved in keeping the resort open year round. The labor costs are much more than the members would imagine. Even this time of year we have two full time maintance people just keeping the pool/hot tub working, checking the wells daily, checking the drain fields and assorted other work. This year has been extremely cold and we have had several pipes freeze that require us to go below the frost line( ususally digging by hand) and working in holes that fill with ground water while we are working. These costs all have to be recovered somehow and that is why it is so important to attract day visitors and the revenue they bring in. I am not an ownwer and do not see the finacials but I am sure that with the economy being what it is the profit margin has to be very low. I know that a lot of members grumble about rising fees but most do their part to ensure that we all can continue to enjoy all the amenities the resort offers us.
My wife and I are both 34. We have been to nude beaches and we are trying to find a nice Nude club/resort to try in the North East. Let me tell you it is hard to find any information other then the basic, location amenity's and fees. With regular hotels/resorts I can get 100s of reviews from people that have been there. That doesn't seem to exist for nudist resorts. Since we have never been to one and we want to try one that is well kept. Its hard to find any information. I don't want to get turned off to nudist resort by ending up at one that is run down. Is there any place to find out more about the different clubs?
you may check www.tripadvisor.com for our report on abbot's glen in vermont...
I don't know the details but I'm sure it is a pretty good bump. All the rental rooms were full last year and from what I understand they are pretty much booked already for July. Not to mention all the day fees that are generated. If gas prices stay down it will help the attendance. We had a good crowd last year but it didn't seem as big as three years ago.
Living here in mich. there is not any nude resorts like in Florida. I wish that we had better places to go to. I know that it would not make good busness sense to just have it opened just for a few months.
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