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 How did you first personally hear about nudism?
 How did you first personally hear about nudism?
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Posted - 09/25/2006 :  2:29:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
As many of you have probably read..I was lucky enough to be raised a nudist from birth. Met my husband on a nude vacation,and raise my three daughters nudist as well. Both mine and my hubbys families go back 3 generations of nudists.

Country: USA | Posts: 689 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 09/25/2006 :  5:55:49 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Since a few people did e-mail for details (no idea I would get such interest), I guess I can give the condensed version. Essentially my friend and I along with 2 others had to get naked while pledging our sorority. We had to clean the whole house and do some other chores. About 4 hours all together, butt nekkid the whole time :) The other 2 were very shy about, me and my friend (now roomate) loved it - joke was on the those who thought it was punishment I guess, lol

Country: USA | Posts: 27 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 09/25/2006 :  6:19:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thats a good story Lori. Personnally, I have always done chores nude.

Country: USA | Posts: 689 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 09/25/2006 :  10:16:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I guess I knew about nudism, kind of like breathing. I'm not sure who/where I first learned about it, it was just there. But last fall, I just started surfing for nudist/nudism/naturist and fortunately I came upon this site. I've found other sites, but this one has been by far the most helpful. I was shocked to find I the pictures didn't have any effect on me, excitment or discuss. Just like pictures of regular people doing what is normal.

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Posted - 09/26/2006 :  4:05:58 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well put Mike2Nude... My family has been doing "what is normal" for three generations.

Country: USA | Posts: 689 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 09/26/2006 :  7:04:56 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When I had chance to take a peek at the "nude" magazines around the house at about the age of 6-8 years old was my first experience in seeing a nude person. I think that was the start of knowing I had a comfort in being nude. Over the next few years, I had brief moments at home alone so I would do all the things we do but in the nude. I am older now and for the last few years I am frequently in the nude around the house.

Country: USA | Posts: 92 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 09/26/2006 :  7:07:51 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Most people enjoy being nude..I think they are just afraid to admit it. "Imnude2" you should venture out to a nude beach or club to enhance your nude experience. Im sure you would love it.


Country: USA | Posts: 689 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 09/27/2006 :  10:00:11 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I learned about nudism in stages.

I grew up in the cold, upper Midwest, so when warm weather came, everyone tried to catch the rays and swim as much as possible.

During the short summers, my parents and us kids would skinny dip in our secluded backyard pool. I remember one Sunday afternoon, my parents were discussing a news item in which the authorities were attempting to shut down a nudist camp in a nearby rural county.

I remember them discussing them how strange it was that people would want to run around naked in front of other people. Of course, my parents were only wearing Coppertone at the time.

A few years later, I dated a transfer student who had spent the previous year at our school's European campus. She and four friends had all transferred to our school after their year in Europe. They told me about the many nude beaches that they had visited in Europe. That was news to me, since I had never heard of anyone except the people in the one camp ever being naked in public, except with their families.

The girl I was dating and her friends thought that it was odd that my family skinny dipped.

Over that winter, the family of one of the girls bought a summer home on a small, private lake. She was happy to learn that nudity was common at the lake during the summer.

My girlfriend and I visited her friend and her friend's parents at the their summer house. We learned that the eight or nine families that owned houses on the lake were nudists.

Catching the rays in the all together seemed to be a very normal thing to do. After a few minutes, I managed to break through the barrier that my parents had placed in my mind.

Country: USA | Posts: 56 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 09/27/2006 :  4:39:11 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That is good to hear homenude. I like hearing that people can overcome all the stigmas and misguided views that they were once taught by either parents and/or society. I do believe that more people are at minimum "home nudists" than we realize. It is our duty to promote nudism and the fact that it is NOT something to be ashamed of. Then maybe some of these "home nudists" will realize that they are not alone,and come out and see our clubs and beaches.


Country: USA | Posts: 689 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 10/14/2006 :  1:36:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Diger

I too can trace my earliest memory of hearing about nudism to a TV show.

On the show M.A.S.H. I can remember BJ and Trapper reading a nudist magazine that Radar had just delivered.

I believe the show Simon & Simon also had an episode at a nudist resort?


That episode of Simon & Simon was called "The Bare Facts" and was partially filmed at the Swallows Nudist Resort east of San Diego back in 1983. Much of what is seen in that particiular episode burned down during a fire which ravaged Swallows a few years ago.

Country: USA | Posts: 207 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 10/14/2006 :  3:59:20 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Back in the early seventies a young people's group that I belonged to had one of the owners of a nearby naturist club as a guest speaker to one of our regular Monday evening meetings The lady, named Jean gave an interesting talk and showed a film to us about the pleasures of naturism. This stirred an interest within me. I had seen adverts in our local paper when I was still in my teens but never thought about becoming a nudist at that stage.

It was almost 4 years into our marriage when again I saw an ad to attend the club open day and asked Sue whether she would be prepared to give it a go. She was very nervous of the thought but with trepidation agreed to go along, saying that she would NOT strip off that day. The weather was perfect and after we were given a guided tour we found a quiet spot. I was the first to enjoy the air to the whole of my body whereas Sue had a bikini under her outer clothes. She eventually agreed to go topless but within about five minutes the bottoms came off and the rest is, as they say, history---

If it hadn't been for that delghtful lady all those years back, perhaps we would not be nudists today. Thank you Jean. We still go to that club and she is still there, now an elderly person but still enjoying going nude.


Country: United Kingdom | Posts: 336 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 11/28/2006 :  7:06:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have always like dto be nude from a very early age. I only realised there was a name for this after seeing H+E magazine when I was about 15.

Country: USA | Posts: 39 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 11/28/2006 :  11:38:00 PM  Show Profile  Send nudeisntlewd a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
I guess how I first became aware of the practice was when I was in grade school, probably 5th or 6th grade and ran across some nudist magazine. I marveled at whole families vacationing at parks comfortably in the nude. The idea of such freedom intrigued me, although I didn't practice until years later.


Country: USA | Posts: 1191 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 12/24/2006 :  4:36:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Since my early teens, I have always loved the feeling of swimming and sunning nude. Our family had a pool in our backyard deep in the heart of suburbia, and I remember wondering whether I had safely positioned the chaise lounge out of the view of any easily offended (or easily titillated) neighbors' eyes as I stole a few minutes whenever I could get the chance to experience what the summer sun felt like on my naked body. And many late nights, after the rest of the family had gone to bed, I would quietly slip ito the pool for a skinny dip. It was a wonderful natural high.

Interestingly enough, I decided to attend college at UC San Diego. During the orientation tour of the campus, the counselor told us incoming freshmen about nearby Black's Beach -- and expressed some surprise when many of us didn't know about its staus as one of the best-known nude beaches in the country.

So, I knew right then and there where I would be taking most of my study breaks.

I must say, though, that I experienced what I would expect is a normal degree of trepidation when confronted with a first-time nude beach experience. I remember visiting the beach a few times, and remaining clothed, trying to decide whether I was "safe". I saw that the beach was huge and spread out such that one could very much maintain a feeling of having "personal space", at what felt like a comfortable distance from other beach-goers whose motives for being there might be considerably less than innocent. Finally, the lure of what I had in the back of my mind always wanted to experience won out, and one day I took my new boogie-board down to beach, and without hesitation discarded my swimsuit.

I hurried down to the water, still a little nervous, trying not to make eye contact with the few people that were nearby. I plunged into the waves, and quickly realized I was having the time of my life. I rode the waves for a while, loving the sensation, feeling like my body was made for this.

I tired after a while, and decided to head back up to the beach. Feeling more relaxed and confident now, I looked around at some of the others present. I should probably mention here that I've been blessed with some pretty good genes, and I should probably also mention that it was impossible not to notice the -- well, stares -- of many of the gay men present.

After a moment or two of nervousness, I quickly decided that this was essentially a public place, and going naked was my choice, and that I couldn't really stop anyone who wanted to look at me from looking. And that as long as they kept a respectable distance and refrained from outwardly lewd behavior or unwanted advances or harassment, I would merely accept the "eye contact" as a compliment, and think no more of it and enjoy myself.

I was pleased when it turned out that my fellow naked people behaved exactly as I had figured they would. And my attitude toward the nude experience is pretty much the same today -- taking off my clothes is a choice I make, but I can't control what you do. I you want to look, go ahead and look, but I trust that you won't harass or otherwise act distastefully.

To this day, my recollections of my many, many nude excursions to that beach are some of my best memories. In recent years, I've been land-locked, so to speak, near Sacramento, but it's always been in the back of my mind to get back to Black's. I'd also like to check out San Onofre.

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Posted - 01/04/2007 :  11:24:15 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In 1991 i lost my wife through cancer and on a holiday afterwards i was on a remote beach in menorca in the med, this beach was not occupied when i got there iwas deep in my book and other people started to come to the beach. after a short time i looked around me and saw that all the poaple were nude. on this i removed my shorts and joined them.
i have never looked back, i now have a new wife and we both like to go nude as much as possible, on the beach or on are boat with other friends. all the people me meet ars very straight and are very normal, i wish i had taken this step years ago.

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