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Posted - 05/04/2004 : 10:34:32 PM
Oh the States is almost more conservative than the Europeans, and in recent years I feel like we are moving further backward to the middle ages :<
Oregon is doing OK, still maintaining its share of liberals and open-minded populations. And still has two fine nude beaches that you can go for nude swim without the fear of harrasement by the authority.
Country: USA
| Posts: 112 |
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Posted - 05/05/2004 : 03:43:14 AM
Bernie as long as they maintain at least two nude beaches to go to, I guess you can't complain too much!
Kim =^.^=
Country: Canada
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Posted - 05/05/2004 : 10:40:08 AM
Yep, the only problem is I live in Washington not Oregon !
Country: USA
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The Bead Man
Forum Member
Posted - 05/05/2004 : 2:30:07 PM
Thomas Jefferson once wrote:quote: But rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add “within the limits of the law,” because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual.
By his definition, laws that restrict nudity (and many others!) must be tyranical. Even supposing the rights of others to not be confronted by nudity, these are not abridged by separate nude beaches with appropriate signs.
The right to be nude at a reasonable number of places seems to be at least equal to the right to not be "accidentally" confronted by nudity. The same would probably apply to wearing low rider jeans, or buying beer before midday on Sunday (whose rights do I affect by doing that?).
Sometimes it seems that regulations go against this principle, as they seem arbitrary: as an extreme case, why drive on the right, not the left? Ignoring the historical accident of Napolean being left handed and not driving "naturally" on the left to keep his whip hand free or diverting oncoming traffic, which led to the Revolutionary French and thence Americans changing sides, it's just a situation where an arbitrary decision is needed to protect the greater right of not driving into oncoming traffic. Dividing beaches in two, with one side nudist and the other clothed, as is done by convention in some countries would be a regulation balancing peoples' rights, rather than just restricting them.
By the way, wasn't Jefferson a skinny dipper?
David "The Bead Man"
The Bead Artist formerly known as Revilo42
| Posts: 186 |
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Posted - 05/06/2004 : 04:06:36 AM
David, I think the society is always split by a majority and a minority (never equal), and the majority always wants to impose their view to the minority. That's why balanced regulations are rare. I think we nudists need to stand up for our rights to add more weight to the balance.
Country: USA
| Posts: 112 |
secret sauc002
Forum Member
Posted - 11/10/2004 : 2:16:09 PM
wow never had a nude swim before! looks like i'm gunna have to check that out this summer!
Country: USA
| Posts: 13 |
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Posted - 11/10/2004 : 2:44:16 PM
T.J. Most swims that nonlanded clubs organize are during the colder months.
Doing what I can to positively promote nudism - -
Country: USA
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Posted - 11/13/2004 : 3:43:08 PM
Melissa, sounds great and very awarding - can't wait for my first full nude get together in the not to distant future. Again, congrats with many more endeavers to come.
Country: USA
| Posts: 61 |
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Posted - 08/07/2005 : 03:17:21 AM
I had alot of experience in 1958 to '62 with male-only nude swims at the YMCA in West Philadelphia, working my way up to competitive racing. I also had male-only nude swims in the Univ of Penna, which I attended 1965 to '66.
It's been a long time! I am quite new to social Nudism, and am looking forward to more experiences. Unfortunately, I am medically restricted to constructed pools and cannot attend events held at an open beach.
After 38 years of home nudism for my Wife and myself, we encountered Melissa Starr on this subject. (Wife had already known her for four years just as a friend.)
Country: USA
| Posts: 661 |
Forum Member
Posted - 08/07/2005 : 3:42:14 PM
Well I grew up swimming nude. It was just a way of life for us small town kids to go swimming nude with boys and girls blacks and whites. So I do not recall first time. However I do recall first time in the ocean. That was in 1968 at Sarasota Beach Florida at night. It was great. Grandad
| Posts: 24 |
New Member
Posted - 04/15/2006 : 12:30:40 PM
My first nude swim took place in late 2003, when I attended graduate school in Kansas. The area I was from was a stronly conservative fundementalist area of the country for school. When I got to graduate school, I put all my beliefs, values, attitudes on the table. I always wanted to try going to a nude swim, but my parents discouraged it greatly. I attended a nude swim with Heartland Naturists, a non-landed club in the Kansas City, MO area and enjoyed it greatly. I went back often for the swims while in graduate school.
I found that these people were just like anyone else and no one seemingly had any problems with body acceptance. I noticed that nothing physiologically was happening to me either. So, I was fine. When I went into the pool for the first time, I felt like a kid again. Just to talk with like-minded naturists, regardless of economic status, was incredible. I look forward to doing a lot of wonderful things in the future to promote the nudism movement.
I wouldn't trade what I learned in graduate school about nudism for anything else. Well, ok, I came out of graduate school with a degree. Howver, nudism taught me more about myself than my graduate classes did. So, it goes to show that an "old dog can learn new tricks" although I am far from being old. Here's to being 40 next year with a lot of years left in me
Cheers to a nudely good year, Scott
Scott, the naked educator
Country: USA
| Posts: 6 |
Forum Member
Posted - 04/15/2006 : 2:58:19 PM
I lived in a very low density area in the early 40s and it was common for my brother and I and friends to swim nude in a secluded area of a creek when the water was deep enough.
I think all our mothers knew we did.
There was a lake nearby but an evil deputy sheriff didn't trust us and dropped by occasionally to see what we were up to so there we wore suits. We built some rafts to float around on and the deputy would dismantle them. Rat fink.
Country: USA
| Posts: 323 |
New Member
Posted - 06/01/2007 : 9:47:35 PM
This is my first post so I feel it is appropriate to tell about my first nude swim. It actually was last weekend and it was great. I was at my parent's cottage which is on a small river. I drove up separatly from my parents and they ended up leaving a day before me which gave me time to try out swimming naked. When they left I walked upstream first to make sure that no one was going to canoe down the river and see me. I walked down to my favorite swimming spot and decided to take off my bathing suit and hop in. I kept my bathing suit nearby in case someone came down the river and I had to get dressed promptly. When I got in the water I felt great and felt very liberated. I only intended to get in and out of the water quickly but I ended up swimming for about ten minutes. When I was done with my swim I decided to walk back to my cottage naked. I really loved the experience and I would really like to visit a nude beach to see what it would be like in front of others.
| Posts: 1 |
Forum Member
Posted - 06/03/2007 : 06:11:26 AM
Welcome dicepakag to the forum and to the lovely world of nudism. There is definitely something special about swimming without the constraints of a swimming costume, something I and my wife have now enjoyed for 30 years. You have taken the first steps towards the brotherhood of naturists and hope you will remain with us for a long time yet.
Country: United Kingdom
| Posts: 336 |
Forum Member
Posted - 07/22/2007 : 12:14:37 PM
first nude swim was at 15...totally enjoyed goiing with 4 other guys and 3 girls...nothing sexual but the event was quickly blown out of context with a few days by people that weren't there....
Country: USA
| Posts: 13 |
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