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Posted - 05/13/2004 :  05:52:27 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ladies, I would like your opinion on male genital piercing. Are you indifferent, hate them,or think they look ok?? Dave...

Country: USA | Posts: 173

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Posted - 05/14/2004 :  6:57:08 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
No takers on this? Perhaps we have some prudes on this board? Dave...

Country: USA | Posts: 173 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 05/14/2004 :  7:20:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dave, piercing is a personal choice, and IMHO has no relation to nudists/nudism. There are nudists who are pierced and non-nudists who are.

Regards, Cheri

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

Country: USA | Posts: 3519 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 05/15/2004 :  03:35:26 AM  Show Profile  Send Kimberly a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Dave I am with Cheri on this one.

Kim =^.^=

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Posted - 05/15/2004 :  04:24:42 AM  Show Profile  Send nudeisntlewd a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Sorry ladies, I probably shouldn't stick my nose in here, but I'm not sure that answers Dave's question. Sounds to me like he wants to know how many ladies like it and how many don't. Possibly to make a personal decision? Possibly just out of curiosity.


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Posted - 05/15/2004 :  06:09:52 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cheri

Dave, piercing is a personal choice, and IMHO has no relation to nudists/nudism. There are nudists who are pierced and non-nudists who are.

Regards, Cheri

Cheri, if this doesn't apply then why is piercing talked about on this board, and why do some resorts ban genital piercings? Textile resorts don't ban them! It belongs here because you can only see them in a "au-natural" setting, and that is what this board is about,isn't it?
And yes Randy the question still has not been answered.I'm thinking about getting another one and want imput on the subject.You see as a human being when we get an idea we think itis the greatest thing because we have a one sided view.This is how you get feed back and an objective view to get your head back on straight.Thanks to all who responded! Dave...

Country: USA | Posts: 173 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 05/15/2004 :  10:01:14 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dave, For me, the genital piercings hurt just to look at them. Many nudist parks do ban piercings below the waist as something that draws attention to the genitals is not family nudism in their minds (and mine).
BUT, each to his/her own.

Regards, Cheri

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

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Posted - 05/16/2004 :  03:55:48 AM  Show Profile  Send Kimberly a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Dave I personally would not have a piercing, I am not into pain. Getting my ears pierced was bad enough. I do not really see any purpose in nipple or genital piercing, other than like Cheri said, to draw attention to certain areas of the body. If some one wants to have a piercing, then that is their right. I just prefer not to do it, and I do not find it attractive. I think piercing distracts from the natural beauty of the body. Just my humble opinion.

Kim =^.^=

Country: Canada | Posts: 3235 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 05/16/2004 :  08:25:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There are many reasons why you would get a piercing,for me drawing attention is not the case and nor is the pain issue (it only hurt for a second and then it was gone).It was to mark an extremely low point in my life and to keep it as a reminder so as not to repeat it again!Dave...

Country: USA | Posts: 173 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 03/13/2005 :  8:59:22 PM  Show Profile  Click to see natur31's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Surely kids. We are attractive as we were born.
Why hang on diily-danglies?

Country: France | Posts: 50 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 03/14/2005 :  07:39:54 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ok, I'll stick my nose in this, since it was asked. I personally cringe when I see pierced genitals, pierced nipples, Pierce Brosnan...? (never mind that last one).
I think of it more as "mutilation" and it doesn't appeal to me in any manner as being aesthetically pleasing, sexy, "hot", or even a sensible thing to do to yourself.
I don't like tatoos either so maybe I'm just not cool.
Even pierced ears (which I do have and have had since I was 12 or so) can occasionally become infected and tender or sore. I can't imagine inviting that same opportunity to occur to my tongue, nipples, and all points "south".
Although I can't confirm this from personal experience, I think MEN would be even MORE squeamish about having their penises pierced!!
And here's a "sidebar" to Dave who states that he doesn't do it to be "noticed" but has done it for purposes of marking an extremely low point in his life. Everyone has their own reasons for things, but my tendency is to keep my "life's mistakes" to myself rather than attach some "bling" to my most private parts as a daily reminder. If I got a piercing everytime I screwed up I'd look like a walking "fishing tackle box" by now! LOL
Have fun..just a comment from someone who doesn't share an interest in that particular practice. I'm not judging..just answering the question.


Country: USA | Posts: 89 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 04/05/2008 :  03:25:56 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i have never seen a male genital piercing. mostly because the only men I have seen naked are my brother and my dad.

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Posted - 04/05/2008 :  12:59:57 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I'm not a female (at least last time I looked ) but I'll give MHO here. I have 3 piercings; a frenum and 2 loops in the front of my scrotum. I'm also a smoothie. I got mine because we were experimenting with ways to enhance our intimacy. Not that our sex life was lacking anything, but during our play time, we like to try different things. It's not unlike using toys or an erotic movie to heighten our arousal. As for the pain? minimal and short lived compared to the anticipated pleasure. My sweetie now refers to them as "hers" so you understand her feelings about them.

As far as nudist resorts go, banning them or limiting them is wrong in my opinion. They are part of who I (we) are as a whole. It's not like I have a neon sign with an arrow pointing "down there", they are just there. Just like earrings, waist chains, etc. Even if it draws attention to my penis, it's only momentary. Kind of like when a ummm well endowed male visits a club, you can't tell me the ladies don't notice, they just don't make a big deal about it. They notice it, and press on. Should a well endowed male be banned because his size "brings attention" to his genitals?



I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was.

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Posted - 04/06/2008 :  07:27:59 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ashley

Ok, I'll stick my nose in this, since it was asked. I personally cringe when I see pierced genitals, pierced nipples, Pierce Brosnan...? (never mind that last one).

And here's a "sidebar" to Dave who states that he doesn't do it to be "noticed" but has done it for purposes of marking an extremely low point in his life. Everyone has their own reasons for things, but my tendency is to keep my "life's mistakes" to myself rather than attach some "bling" to my most private parts as a daily reminder. If I got a piercing everytime I screwed up I'd look like a walking "fishing tackle box" by now!


Ok...I probably shouldn't have even been reading this particular topic (entitled, "Ladies only, Please"). But I'm glad I did--if only to enjoy Ashley's sense of humor:).
I understand completely the idea of not wanting physical reminders of mistakes, low points, etc. I'm wondering what sort of bauble would best mark such a anchor? Maybe handcuffs? I too, would be nearly immobilized by the weight of jewelry that signified MY mistakes.
I am also not one to get piercings, tattoos, and so on. Too permanent. I always wonder how Grandma will explain her Guns'n Roses tattoo to her grandchildren, when she is 85.
But I digress...

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Posted - 04/07/2008 :  8:48:09 PM  Show Profile  Send rikkiann an AOL message  Send rikkiann a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote

I think piercing should be a personal choice. I personally dont like most piercings especially ones on the face and the genitals especially on males. but if someone i know has them it doesnt make a bit of difference to me. I look for other things in a person.That being said i do admit that i wear nipple rings. i feel they are no different than wearing ear rings. but if they disturb anyone at a resort or a nude swim i gladly remove them


Country: USA | Posts: 36 Go to Top of Page


Posted - 11/18/2008 :  09:44:23 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
To answer the question ... my opinion? ... just one word ... ick!

"Perhaps we have some prudes on this board?"

Why does that make me a prude??? If you're going to ask for opinions, you can't ridicule those opinions if they disagree with yours.

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