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Posted - 11/18/2008 : 10:08:57 AM
It definitely is a personal preference. I always wonder how some men get through metal detectors at the airport. I personally don't like the look, but it's your body. Teva
| Posts: 256 |
Forum Member
Posted - 11/18/2008 : 4:55:55 PM
Don't like'em, don't want'em, and I surely do not want to even contemplate intimacy with someone who has turn off...
Country: USA
| Posts: 131 |
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Posted - 11/18/2008 : 6:35:09 PM
Nurserobin quit beating around the bush, do you like them or not ..... LOL
Just kidding .... the ladys here know what they like and I agree.
Country: USA
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Forum Member

Posted - 11/19/2008 : 07:00:11 AM
quote: Originally posted by Teva
It definitely is a personal preference. I always wonder how some men get through metal detectors at the airport. I personally don't like the look, but it's your body. Teva
Funny you should mention going through a metal detector at the airport, quite a few years ago I broke my thigh and had a big plate inserted to repair it. After this every time I went through any metal detector it would go off so I either had to show them the doctors note or ask if they wanted me to strip down and show them the scar. In later years the detectors do not react anymore, I have been told it is because my body has deactivated the plate .
| Posts: 147 |
Forum Member

Posted - 11/19/2008 : 5:02:04 PM
I have my nipples pierced, and also my navel, and I enjoy the diff. jewelry that Mrs. Cookie will purchase for me, but I would never have that done. I just can imagine the pain. It was bad enough with the nipples and the belly button.
| Posts: 596 |
nude charles
Forum Member

Posted - 11/20/2008 : 4:24:41 PM
I just got back from a trip to Spain. I have two rings in my scrotum and had no trouble whatsoever going thru 4 airports. I think one has to be sure jewelry is non-magnetic; I believe mine are stainless steel which should be non-magnetic.
Country: USA
| Posts: 210 |
Forum Member

Posted - 11/23/2008 : 08:15:34 AM
quote: Originally posted by nude charles
I think one has to be sure jewelry is non-magnetic; I believe mine are stainless steel which should be non-magnetic.
I don't think that being non-magnetic is the criteria since if you are wearing enough gold/silver jewelery it will also set off the alarms. . Also to the best of my knowledge the plate in my leg is not steel (It might rust).
| Posts: 147 |
Forum Member

Posted - 02/08/2009 : 2:12:33 PM
Just stumbled accross this topuic so I'm gonna put my 3 cents worth in here. Cause thats about all its worth. Do what makes u happy who cares what others think!!!!! We are nudists not prudes, sexists, racists or anything else! If u don't like it look at it!
Skinny Women are not Evil
Country: USA
| Posts: 205 |
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Posted - 02/08/2009 : 8:49:35 PM
All I can say is OUCH ! but I agree with Daffy , whatever suits your taste.
Country: USA
| Posts: 1268 |
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Posted - 02/08/2009 : 9:03:39 PM
I just relized that I went into the ladies only area, guess i'm in trouble now..
Country: USA
| Posts: 1268 |
Forum Member

Posted - 02/23/2009 : 6:59:42 PM
I don't care for genital piercings. To me they seem to shout out, "Hey, look at me!" I admit to having double-pierced ears and a pierced navel for a belly-button ring. I don't mind people looking at my ears or belly, but I might feel funny about drawing too much attention to my girly parts on the beach. And I can't even imagine having my nipples pierced. It sounds like torture to me!
Country: USA
| Posts: 146 |
Forum Member

Posted - 02/23/2009 : 8:15:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by nude charles
I just got back from a trip to Spain. I have two rings in my scrotum and had no trouble whatsoever going thru 4 airports. I think one has to be sure jewelry is non-magnetic; I believe mine are stainless steel which should be non-magnetic.
That brought back some college day memories in physics, Charles. If I remember correctly, iron, nickel and cobalt are the only magnetic materials. I believe steel has iron in it, and if so, it would be of a magnetic nature. I guess you could put a magnet on a piece of steel and see if it wants to stick to it.
As for me, I'll take what I was given at birth; it looks okay, I guess, as far as my physical appearance. So, I probably wouldn't buy any jewelry to put on myself. It definitely is the trend to wear jewelry, especially for the men. Not so when I was a young teenager. Times change!
"'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world."
George Washington
Country: USA
| Posts: 1964 |
Forum Member

Posted - 02/23/2009 : 10:35:22 PM
Piercing seems to be all the rage and if that's your thing hey go for it. As for me I am a coward I will never volunteer to have my tender bits scewered. I admit it looks nice but on some but not for me.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. -- Robert Frost
Country: USA
| Posts: 457 |
Forum Member

Posted - 02/24/2009 : 03:57:28 AM
That brought back some college day memories in physics, Charles. If I remember correctly, iron, nickel and cobalt are the only magnetic materials. I believe steel has iron in it, and if so, it would be of a magnetic nature. I guess you could put a magnet on a piece of steel and see if it wants to stick to it.
Metal detectors don't work just on magnetism. They detect anything that conducts electricity or can have a magnetic field induced in it.
Some metals are easier to detect than others. Stainless steel shows up quite well, however small piercings will be below the threshold.
Country: United Kingdom
| Posts: 132 |
Forum Member

Posted - 02/24/2009 : 7:27:56 PM
A Piercing does absolutely nothing for me. When I do see one down below, first person I grab is my b/f and say..."will you look at that"! It's gotta hurt. 
Country: USA
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