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Posted - 04/30/2006 : 11:13:11 PM
I have read much of the posts in the arousal section and I have something that needs to be said to all of you.
Some of the people here have shown no sympathy whatsoever for those people who can't help but get erections in public. Others here have spoken about their great fear of having erections in public. What most of you don't realize is that there is a sexual dysfunction that they may have that I just found out about when I finally got the courage to speak about it to my doctor for the first time in my life, and believe it or not, my doctor is a woman.
It seems that I have a condition called Retarded Ejaculation. It comes in different degrees but I have a pretty severe case of it. Basically it makes it extremely difficult for me to ejaculate through my own masturbation or through sex with a partner. In fact, I never even had an orgasm until I was 21 years old. How many people in all of the United States can say that.
When you are unable to release your drives through sex or masturbation, erections come very frequently and can last a long time and are difficult if not impossible to control at nude beaches or clubs.
I have enjoyed going to nude beaches and clubs since I was a teenager but I often did and still do get erections. It is especially embarrassing at the nudist club I belong to where we dance or play volleyball or whenever. Often times, when I dance, I start getting an erection and rather than dancing up there and flailing it around in front of everyone, I do sit down. But I don't like to stop doing something because of it. At the same time, I am afraid of making the women mad so that is why I sit down.
I just want all the people and all the women to know that I, and probably many other men, don't do it on purpose and hope everyone can understand and not be hard on hard ons when they happen at beaches or nudist clubs or wherever because it often is very much a true medical condition that can't be controlled.
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Posted - 05/01/2006 : 12:57:01 AM
Hi Macelroy, I've often wondered if something of the sort were not in fact uncontrollable. Thanks very much for the insight. I can imagine your embarrassment and that it should happen every time you try to participate in an activity is awful. It's too bad some people feel they can laugh at another person's pain. (Muffin!?) I have been told by naturist friends that when I fall asleep on the beach I get an erection almost immediately, and have one for most of the time I'm asleep. There is nothing I can do about it at all and yet some people feel they have to bring it to my attention every time. I like sleeping at the beach or just outdoors, so am I not to do it because I get an erection? There is nothing sexual about it and still some people think like Muffin. I'm 56 and neither "randy" nor "h****"!
Country: Italy
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Posted - 05/26/2006 : 6:44:12 PM
At the risk of bringing in flames from half the single guys on these forums, I'm not buying it.
Please post some links about this "dysfunction" from a reputable medical source if you want to be taken seriously.
And please explain exactly how people are supposed to distinguish between people who have this disorder and exhibitionist perverts who are just getting off by exposing their boners?
| Posts: 210 |
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Posted - 05/26/2006 : 7:12:35 PM
Hey, so what if he gets errections at nudist places. I am sure it bothers him much more than it would bother other people. Boys/Men Can't always control wheather or not we get errections. Lucally I haven't yet gotten any in public where everyone else can see them, but i can see where he is comming from. I have no idea wheather or not that disease is real but it's redundant information in the point i am trying to make. The point is boys/men cant always control that part of their body.
"Sometimes it's easier to Fight than Surrender"
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Posted - 05/27/2006 : 03:15:27 AM
[quote]Originally posted by CMx2
At the risk of bringing in flames from half the single guys on these forums, I'm not buying it.
Please post some links about this "dysfunction" from a reputable medical source if you want to be taken seriously.
And please explain exactly how people are supposed to distinguish between people who have this disorder and exhibitionist perverts who are just getting off by exposing their boners?/quote]
I just did a Google search:
Happy Reading.
Country: USA
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Posted - 05/27/2006 : 03:18:34 AM
Retarded ejaculation (Delayed ejaculation) Written by Dr David Delvin, GP and family planning specialist
What is retarded ejaculation (ejaculatory incompetence)?
The terms 'delayed ejaculation’ (DE) and 'retarded ejaculation' (RE) mean inability of the man to reach a climax. However, in most of the cases which I have treated, the sufferer can actually achieve orgasm during masturbation – but not during sexual intercourse.
RE is the third most common male sexual disorder – after impotence (erectile dysfunction) (ED or impotence) and premature ejaculation. It is not easy to treat: in a series of cases seen by Delvin and Webber, only 58 per cent were signicantly improved by treatment. All of these successful couples were well-motivated, and willing to persevere with long-term therapy.
The old term for this condition was ‘ejaculatory incompetence', but that unfortunate expression is now being dropped, because it suggested that the person was 'incompetent' in some way. So, most sex therapists now prefer to say ‘retarded ejaculation'.
However, just to add to the confusion, you may find articles on the Internet which refer to this condition by other titles, such as:
Country: USA
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Posted - 05/27/2006 : 06:22:34 AM
Thank you for backing up my opinion that this is a crock.
Nowhere in that article did it state anything about 'excessive erections'.
I think someone may have watched the movie 40 days and 40 nights(the movie about the male slut who gave up sex for lent) one too many times.
Contrary to one scene in that movie, Lack of ejaculation does NOT cause constant erections. Before I was married, I had extremely long periods of "dry spells". I can assure you that I never had a problem with over-active erections.
Of course I could always make up my own disorder.
How about Flacidus Normalus? The disorder that causes someone who isn't sexually active to be indistiguishable from someone who is. Oh the horrors!
| Posts: 210 |
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Posted - 05/27/2006 : 1:35:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by CMx2
Thank you for backing up my opinion that this is a crock.
Nowhere in that article did it state anything about 'excessive erections'.
I think someone may have watched the movie 40 days and 40 nights(the movie about the male slut who gave up sex for lent) one too many times.
Contrary to one scene in that movie, Lack of ejaculation does NOT cause constant erections. Before I was married, I had extremely long periods of "dry spells". I can assure you that I never had a problem with over-active erections.
Of course I could always make up my own disorder.
How about Flacidus Normalus? The disorder that causes someone who isn't sexually active to be indistiguishable from someone who is. Oh the horrors!
I guess you are unaware that it is very common for doctors NOT to agree with everything that has priviously been printed about a disorder. Besides the disorder that Macelroy wrote about I just did a Google on frequent erections, and I got back quite a few hits, here is the URL:
And here is the URL to an article on WebMD:
THDX@837.v635aW8a0Kv.0@.8940838d!thdchild=.8940838d" target="_blank">!thdchild=.8940838d
Country: USA
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Posted - 05/27/2006 : 1:39:59 PM
I am a virgin and I was wondering if it is common for a virgin male to get hard-ons throughout the day for no apparent sexual reason? It usually happens to me about 3 - 4 times daily... am I alone?
Thank you very much, — Curious person
Dear Curious person, You are not alone; this phenomenon certainly is common among virgin and non-virgin men alike, especially in their teen and younger adult years. Research and self-report show that as men age, though, their bodies are less likely to have reflex erections or erections with fantasy alone. Instead, they are more likely to respond to direct stimulation.
Country: USA
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Posted - 05/27/2006 : 2:47:32 PM
Why don't you guys just grow up! The world doesn't begin and end with the size of your penis. And, unlike what you might think, us women aren't as interested in your constant bragging about it either. Believe me, you aren't fooling anyone here.
| Posts: 128 |
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Posted - 05/27/2006 : 4:07:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by CathyK
Why don't you guys just grow up! The world doesn't begin and end with the size of your penis. And, unlike what you might think, us women aren't as interested in your constant bragging about it either. Believe me, you aren't fooling anyone here.
That's not what the thread is talking about. It's talking about how when a man is at a nudist venue and gets an erection he is expected to coverup and conceal the fact that for whatever reasons something has happened to cause him to be aroused.
While at the sametime when it happens to a woman, she is NOT expected to coverup and conceal her arousal.
Edited by - Digital_Cowboy on 05/27/2006 4:53:54 PM |
Country: USA
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Posted - 05/27/2006 : 5:51:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by Digital_Cowboy
quote: Originally posted by CathyK
Why don't you guys just grow up! The world doesn't begin and end with the size of your penis. And, unlike what you might think, us women aren't as interested in your constant bragging about it either. Believe me, you aren't fooling anyone here.
That's not what the thread is talking about. It's talking about how when a man is at a nudist venue and gets an erection he is expected to coverup and conceal the fact that for whatever reasons something has happened to cause him to be aroused.
While at the sametime when it happens to a woman, she is NOT expected to coverup and conceal her arousal.
Herman, If you look at the title of the topic, it's about a not-real medical condition. Cheri
Doing what I can to positively promote nudism - -
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Posted - 05/27/2006 : 7:31:22 PM
quote: Herman, If you look at the title of the topic, it’s about a not-real medical condition. Cheri
There are plenty of medical conditions that are not as of yet recognized by the AMA. Does that mean that they’re all are “not-real” medical conditions???
Fibermialga(sp) at one time was considered to be a “psychosomatic,” or “just in their heads” condition, but it is now recognized as being a VERY REAL medical condition.
I know because I have a friend who has it, and she was telling me about the trouble that she and others had in getting treatment, before it was recognized as a VERY REAL medical condition.
And I’m sorry, but “just because” the AMA doesn’t “recognize” a medical condition is NO reason to doubt a person when they say that they have a medical condition.
As they may very well may have such a medical condition, who are we to judge ‘em? Is it not better to “err” on the side of caution and take ‘em at their word? Also do not forget that there are medical conditions out there that only a small percentage of the population has, and not everyone (to include doctors) will have heard of ‘em.
Stop and think about it for a moment. How would feel if god forbid you had a medical condition that wasn’t recoiled by the AMA and everyone kept calling you a “liar” or that you were tying to get attention? Because your “condition” wasn’t “recognized” by the AMA???
I know a little of what I’m talking about because the VA has me rated at 70% disabled but to the “naked eye” I do NOT appear to be a “disabled” person. And I am sure that when some people hear that I am disabled but don’t show any physical signs of being disabled that they probably don’t believe me.
Edited by - Digital_Cowboy on 05/27/2006 11:26:10 PM |
Country: USA
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Posted - 05/28/2006 : 12:29:39 AM
how do you tell ifn a woman is aroused?
| Posts: 23 |
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Posted - 05/28/2006 : 11:07:56 AM
quote: Originally posted by DanLo
how do you tell ifn a woman is aroused?
It's not noticeable for most.
Doing what I can to positively promote nudism - -
Country: USA
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Posted - 05/29/2006 : 4:11:51 PM
Its Medical since I sometimes get aroused for NO reason (Im 51, single). BUT I do masterbate to reduce Drive. I feel sorry for your case. NO Fun. Did U inform Club Mgmt abou this Medical erection???? Or AANR Mgmt??? Might save we Guys some headache alone. Comments any AANR TNS members. How many more men like him are in nudist clubs etc worldwide??? Or relationships hurt by random erections??? IF any. Time to change AANR policies???? TNS????? Oh Im told it can effect any age too. See WebMD
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