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 Unwanted Erection
 Frequent Uncontrolable Erections Medical Condition
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Posted - 05/30/2006 :  12:42:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
O.k. so now getting an erection 3-4 times a day is considered a "disorder"?
And getting aroused at age 51 is a medical condition???

This is just rediculous. This thread should be locked. There's already one thread with a hundred guys explaining why they should be able to walk around with erections at the same time whining that they can't tell when a female is aroused.

We don't need a second thread like it.

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Posted - 05/30/2006 :  4:30:37 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by paminimalist

Its Medical since I sometimes get aroused for NO reason (Im 51, single).
BUT I do masterbate to reduce Drive.
I feel sorry for your case.
NO Fun.
Did U inform Club Mgmt abou this Medical erection????
Or AANR Mgmt???
Might save we Guys some headache alone.
Comments any AANR TNS members.
How many more men like him are in nudist clubs etc worldwide???
Or relationships hurt by random erections???
IF any.
Time to change AANR policies????
Oh Im told it can effect any age too.
See WebMD

It's not AANR or TNS policies. Each club creates its own ruling documents PLUS it's common courtesy.

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Posted - 05/30/2006 :  8:44:10 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Digital_Cowboy's MSN Messenger address  Send Digital_Cowboy a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
From WebMD:


By Christopher Steidle, M.D.
WebMD Medical Reference from "The Impotence Sourcebook"

Priapism is the occurrence of any persistent erection for more than four hours duration in the absence of sexual stimulation. Priapism is named after Priapus, the Greek god of fertility, and the son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love. He was apparently an ugly, satyrlike man with enormous genitalia. He was the god of gardens, bees, goats, and sheep. According to the story, Priapus had a huge tongue, a fat belly, and his penis was so large that he was restricted to the position of scarecrow in the fields.

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Posted - 05/31/2006 :  09:37:14 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Digital_Cowboy

From WebMD:


By Christopher Steidle, M.D.
WebMD Medical Reference from "The Impotence Sourcebook"

Priapism is the occurrence of any persistent erection for more than four hours duration in the absence of sexual stimulation. Priapism is named after Priapus, the Greek god of fertility, and the son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love. He was apparently an ugly, satyrlike man with enormous genitalia. He was the god of gardens, bees, goats, and sheep. According to the story, Priapus had a huge tongue, a fat belly, and his penis was so large that he was restricted to the position of scarecrow in the fields.

I've been in the medical field for almost 30 yrs. and am aware of this condition. It's a rare problem.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

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Posted - 05/31/2006 :  3:08:06 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Digital_Cowboy's MSN Messenger address  Send Digital_Cowboy a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cheri

Originally posted by Digital_Cowboy

From WebMD:


By Christopher Steidle, M.D.
WebMD Medical Reference from "The Impotence Sourcebook"

Priapism is the occurrence of any persistent erection for more than four hours duration in the absence of sexual stimulation. Priapism is named after Priapus, the Greek god of fertility, and the son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love. He was apparently an ugly, satyrlike man with enormous genitalia. He was the god of gardens, bees, goats, and sheep. According to the story, Priapus had a huge tongue, a fat belly, and his penis was so large that he was restricted to the position of scarecrow in the fields.

I've been in the medical field for almost 30 yrs. and am aware of this condition. It's a rare problem.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism


Then may I ask why it is that earlier in this thread you claimed that the original poster was talking about a “not-real” medical condition?

Posted - 05/27/2006 : 5:51:06 PM
Herman, If you look at the title of the topic, it's about a not-real medical condition.

Regardless of how “rare” it may be does not diminish the fact that it is a real and legitimate medical condition. The article I was reading at WebMD didn’t indicate how rare/common it is. Also IF I am not mistaken, just about every commercial on TV for the various ED medications warn of the potential of an erection for more then 4-hrs. I would interpret the increased used ED medications to mean that doctors ARE going to be seeing an increase in the number of reported cases of priapism

And if you’ve been in the medical field for over 30 years then you should know that there are a LOT of medical conditions that are not currently recognized by the AMA. And just because the AMA DOESN’T recognize a medical condition that does not make it a “not real” medical condition.

Would you not agree that regardless of how “rare” it may or may not be that it is entirely possible that a man who is at a nudist venue who has an erection could be suffering with priapism? And being as we know that it can be brought on by injury. It really isn’t that much of a stretch of the imagination to realize that a man who is playing tennis COULD end up getting hit in the groin by a tennis ball with sufficient force to trigger an occurrence of priapism.


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Posted - 05/31/2006 :  3:08:36 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cheri

I've been in the medical field for almost 30 yrs. and am aware of this condition. It's a rare problem.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

You wouldn't think so by the replies here. Apparently its quite popular common among single nudist males!

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Posted - 05/31/2006 :  4:11:58 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Digital_Cowboy's MSN Messenger address  Send Digital_Cowboy a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by CMx2

Originally posted by Cheri

I've been in the medical field for almost 30 yrs. and am aware of this condition. It's a rare problem.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

You wouldn't think so by the replies here. Apparently its quite popular common among single nudist males!

I would have to think that with more and more men seeking medical help for their ED, and that priapism IS a known side-effect of several of the ED treatment drugs. That we may actually see an increase in reported cases of priapism.

Also I would think that it would be the enlightened approach to ask a man who has an erection if he is on ED medication instead of assuming that he is “up to no good.” And either “discipline or ban them from the club, resort, or beach.

Or think about it like this. “Everyone” here is worried about the imagine that they’re presenting to the textiles, and don’t want to give ‘em any “ammo” to use to “shut” us down with. And I can understand that. But think about this for a second.

Does it not make more sense to either question the man with an erection that isn’t doing “anything” about it if it’s because of a medical condition. Rather then “assuming” that he is up to no good, and banning him. Only to be hit with a multi-million dollar lawsuit for discrimination, that could shut the club, resort, or beach down just as quickly as any laws passed by the textiles?

I mean as I am sure that we all know, things are NOT always what they appear to be.

And CMx2, I think that we’ve heard from several married males who have said/admitted that they have experienced the occasional erection while at a nudist venue.


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Posted - 05/31/2006 :  5:14:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Digital_Cowboy

I mean as I am sure that we all know, things are NOT always what they appear to be.

And CMx2, I think that we’ve heard from several married males who have said/admitted that they have experienced the occasional erection while at a nudist venue.


Every normal male gets random erections... Everyone is aware of this. When it happens, there are discreet ways of dealing with it.

The problem (as I and other people have stated before) is that there is no way to distinguish between a random erection and some pervert who gets off by exposing his erection to women and children.

Since there is no way to distinguish between a medical condition, a random erection and an aroused erection, it obviously makes sense to err on the side of caution.

The day that there is a legitimate, fool-proof way to distinguish the difference, then I'll be all for public erectile acceptance.

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Posted - 05/31/2006 :  8:42:50 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Digital_Cowboy's MSN Messenger address  Send Digital_Cowboy a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by CMx2

Originally posted by Digital_Cowboy

I mean as I am sure that we all know, things are NOT always what they appear to be.

And CMx2, I think that we’ve heard from several married males who have said/admitted that they have experienced the occasional erection while at a nudist venue.


Every normal male gets random erections... Everyone is aware of this. When it happens, there are discreet ways of dealing with it.

The problem (as I and other people have stated before) is that there is no way to distinguish between a random erection and some pervert who gets off by exposing his erection to women and children.

Since there is no way to distinguish between a medical condition, a random erection and an aroused erection, it obviously makes sense to err on the side of caution.

The day that there is a legitimate, fool-proof way to distinguish the difference, then I'll be all for public erectile acceptance.

I’d have to say that the “real problem” is that this “paranoia” over erections is an American “problem” and that most Europeans don’t share our “concern” or “obsession” over erections.

How is the man who is laying on a lounge chair, and who has a legitimate medical condition that results in uncontrolled erections “hurting” anyone? Yes, I agree that the man who is either chasing a woman or children around is doing something wrong. Likewise IF he is sitting in his lounge chair and is actively masturbating, then yes he is doing something wrong, and should be confronted.

But just because he has an erection doesn’t mean that he is doing anything wrong, and that it shouldn’t be assumed that he is “up to “ something.

As I’ve tried to say the “problem” with your statement that is better to “err on the side of caution” is that you and the other’s are “assuming” that the man is “up to no good.” Instead of taking the “enlightened” approach of ASKING the man IF he has a medical condition. And that as I’ve said could very well end up with the club, or resort, or beach being sued for discrimination.

So please tell me what is so wrong with ASKING the man IF he has a medical condition?

I would also like to point out that with the possible exception of a nude beach are not all nudist/clothing optional clubs and resorts actually private property? And given that, then isn’t it a bit of a stretch to say that it a man with an erection is in “public?”


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Posted - 05/31/2006 :  8:56:56 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You are correct in that nudist/clothing optional resorts are privately owned and therefor are not opening themselves up to lawsuits based on not allowing men with perpetual erections to remain on the premises - inasmuch as there currently isn't any mention in the Bill of Rights regarding life, liberty and the pursuit of persistent erections... If a man is treating ED - then he should know better than to take any of those medications prior to going to a nudist club - mere common sense... Aside from medication induced erections, I would imagine if there was an actual medical condition creating uncontrollable and persistent erections, any man could bring the medical documentation to the attention of the owners to possibly offset the negative effects such a condition would have while at the club... Meanwhile, should the behavior of the man with the erections prove inappropriate...he would be asked to leave in any event -

Country: USA | Posts: 131 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 05/31/2006 :  11:20:30 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Digital_Cowboy

I’d have to say that the “real problem” is that this “paranoia” over erections is an American “problem” and that most Europeans don’t share our “concern” or “obsession” over erections.

I'd say that this statement is a load of crap. Have you been to nudist resorts/beaches outside the U.S.?

Sure you can find places where erections may be accepted, but they certainly aren't family friendly nudist venues.

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Posted - 06/01/2006 :  12:28:26 AM  Show Profile  Visit stewincanada's Homepage  Send stewincanada a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Have to echo CMx2 comments, having been on many european beaches for many years I think that someone openly sporting an erection, and making no attempt to cover it would likely not be tolerated in most cases.

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Posted - 06/01/2006 :  7:40:44 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Digital_Cowboy's MSN Messenger address  Send Digital_Cowboy a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by nurserobin

You are correct in that nudist/clothing optional resorts are privately owned and therefor are not opening themselves up to lawsuits based on not allowing men with perpetual erections to remain on the premises - inasmuch as there currently isn't any mention in the Bill of Rights regarding life, liberty and the pursuit of persistent erections... If a man is treating ED - then he should know better than to take any of those medications prior to going to a nudist club - mere common sense... Aside from medication induced erections, I would imagine if there was an actual medical condition creating uncontrollable and persistent erections, any man could bring the medical documentation to the attention of the owners to possibly offset the negative effects such a condition would have while at the club... Meanwhile, should the behavior of the man with the erections prove inappropriate...he would be asked to leave in any event -

Nurse Robin,

Uh, that’s a yes, and a no. They’re privately owned, but they DO do business with the public and as such they have to follow the same rules/laws that any other business that does business with the public has to obey. And that means that they cannot discriminate against anyone for any of the federally back reasons, at least here in the US.

As a nurse you should know that certain medications when mixed with other meds, to include over the counter meds, herbs, and some vitamin/mineral supplements can produce unexpected side-effects.


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Posted - 06/01/2006 :  7:43:37 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Digital_Cowboy's MSN Messenger address  Send Digital_Cowboy a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by CMx2

Originally posted by Digital_Cowboy

I’d have to say that the “real problem” is that this “paranoia” over erections is an American “problem” and that most Europeans don’t share our “concern” or “obsession” over erections.

I'd say that this statement is a load of crap. Have you been to nudist resorts/beaches outside the U.S.?

Sure you can find places where erections may be accepted, but they certainly aren't family friendly nudist venues.

We’ve heard from European’s as well as citizens from other countries, in other threads on this topic that the occasional and erection is not treated as a big deal.

I have also talked with people from other countries via the various chatting software and they’ve also told me that there is big deal made of the occasional erection.


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Posted - 06/01/2006 :  8:49:08 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Digital_Cowboy's MSN Messenger address  Send Digital_Cowboy a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Ya know there is one thing that I’ve really noticed in all of the various threads on the subject of male erections in a “public” setting. That is that those who have voiced concerns over the “harm” that they cause. That JUST about everyone is making the assumption that the man who has an erection and who hasn’t done “anything” about it. Is “up” to something, no good, or “perverted,” or “harmful.” To include the poor soul who is taking a nap by the pool or on the beach and is getting a sleep induced erection.. It is “expected” that someone tap the “offending” person on the shoulder to wake ‘em up and ask ‘em to either roll over, or to cover said erection with a towel.

And that they EXPECT him (the man with an erection) to prove to them that he isn’t up to “no good” or something “perverted” or “harmful.”. And uh, correct me IF I’m mistaken, but don’t we here in America have the concept of the law that a man(person) is INNOCENT until proven guilty, and that the burden of proof is on the accuser and NOT the accused??? To me it seems as IF most people here are forgetting that concept and are expecting the “offending” male (no pun intended) member to prove he has a medical condition.

And given that we do have a few people here who either have been or are still currently in the healthcare field they should know that there are legitimate medical reasons why a man may have erection that has nothing to do with wishing to engage any sort of sexual activity.

They should also know that just because a condition is not currently recognized by the AMA (or some other medical governing body) doesn’t make them any less legitimate. I mean how medical conditions are out there today that are recognized but haven’t always been recognized as such???

Also IF as just about everyone here has said that social nudism doesn't have anything to do with either sex or sexuality, then it seems to me as IF there are a LOT of people who are paying too much to men's pubic regions to see IF he has an erection or not. IF social nudism ISN'T about sex/sexuality then why is so much attention being paid to men's pubic regions?


Edited by - Digital_Cowboy on 06/01/2006 9:03:06 PM

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