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 Whats keeps the "younger" people from nudism?
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Posted - 01/19/2007 :  10:34:30 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The future of nudism is bleak if there isn't an infusion of new blood. New families usually don't have an unlimited amount of discretionary income so resorts must strive to keep the grounds fees low and the food/drink prices within reason. Even I am sometimes shocked at the bar tab that weekend visitors can rack up at premium prices. However there are more extensive problems.

There must be some means of segregating the family nudists from Sodom & Gommorah West (the swingers). To borrow a line of one of my earlier posts, no parent wants their child to say "Daddy- Mommy, what is that man doing to that lady?"

Recently - - updated their website featuring the trio of new marketing director Sabrina Vizzari, nudist radio host Pete Williams and frequent Fitness Buff guest Shannon Pankow. These three are in their thirties and hopefully project the idea that nudist resorts aren't just for the Flower Child generation. So far there hasn't been much effect: the last couple of visits we were there the folks around the pool and hot tub area were waxing nostalgic about an era when cars had fins and Ike was in the White House.

Country: USA | Posts: 207 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 01/19/2007 :  1:05:23 PM  Show Profile  Visit vealj's Homepage  Send vealj an AOL message  Send vealj an ICQ Message  Click to see vealj's MSN Messenger address  Send vealj a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by allnaturalwife

The origional queston of this post is "what keeps the younger crowd from nudism?" Part of the MAJOR reason that we dont see more "younger" nudists is that PARENTS DONT RAISE THEIR CHILDREN IN THE NUDIST LIESTYLE. Thats it. Parents or future parents out there who are nudists..Raise your children the same way. The rest will work itself out. Why do so many people not discover nudism until they are in their 40s and 50s?? A question I will never truely understand. And there ARE more and more young people getting introduced to nudism all the time. We have three teenage nudist daughters who will someday have nudist families of their own We have done our part in the "future of the cause".



Here! Here! Jennifer. Right on. I think there is also a domino effect of the baby boom generation. As the bulk of the people who go to nudist clubs get older, the clubs themselves re-invent themselves to market to this older demographic whose interests are definitely different than pre-teens, teens or young adults. The richer clubs go for the top end pricing young families right out of the market. The older, more old fashioned clubs, while cheaper don't provide the activities for the youngsters like they used to (with a few notable exceptions - Glen Eden comes to mind).

I think we might want to look to Europe where naturism is still very much a family affair as an example to emulate when creating a large nudist venue.

In the end, however, you are right, if parents don't raise their kids as nudists eventually it will be irrelevant if it hasn't already become irrelevant to today's youth. We raised all three of our kids as nudists and none are praticing nudists today due to marrying clothes-minded spouses.

Take care and ...
Keep it Bare !!!
- veal
Nudist Blog:

Country: USA | Posts: 285 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 01/19/2007 :  3:41:57 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Veal.. I do find it surprising that of all three of your children who were raised as nudists, that NONE of them are practising nudists as adults. I can of course only go by our experiences and how important nudism is to our girls. It would be unthinkable for ANY of them to marry a non-nudist. Any bfs my two older ones have had, are either nudists themselves, or my girls "convert" them pretty quick. Which usually doesnt take much convincing. When our oldest, 20 first met her fiance..and told him about her/our nudist family..and the fact that when she brought him home we would all be first he was a little shocked. But, as my daughter put it to him" look at it this way, I like to walk around NAKED ALL the time... do you REALLY have that much of a problem with that?"" After that, her fiance, as do many men adapted quite quickly to our way of life. Raising your children as nudists is important, but you also as parents, have to keep them interested in the nudist lifestyle. When our girls were young they spent every weekend with us either at a club or beach. Now that they are older they choose to do pretty much the same thing. Why do you think all three of our daughters are competative swimmers and LOVE the ocean and water in general. Because my husband and I had them swimming and splashing in the waves since they were about 2 weeks old. Its the same with nudism. If it is part of their formative years, they will always embrace it. Now, you can do ALL that and your children still might not want to participate in it when they get older, but I think that is rare. At minimum. you can raise "nude friendly" children. I think it is the RESPONSIBILTY OF EVERY PARENT to raise their children to "tolerate nudism" just like any other race or religion. Without question you raise your kids not to discriminate against race or religion..why shouls people who like to "walk around nake" not be included?

BTW Veal...Did you make up the term "clothes-minded"..I love it! Sort of a double meaning there:)


Edited by - allnaturalwife on 01/19/2007 3:43:38 PM

Country: USA | Posts: 689 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 01/23/2007 :  4:04:49 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My husband and I have been nudist for about 15 yrs. When we started out it was in our home, after a year or so we joined a club as we could not go into our yard nude. We decided about ten years ago to move onto 10 acres of land, very private. We made this decision partly because both my husband and I had enough of the club. We still have friends from this club visit us plus we have meet other people who enjoy nudism but have never been to a club.They were meet through our son and are in their twenties and thirties. When we talk to them we discovered that much like us, they want to hike, swim,bike, camp etc., in the nude, in different places. From what they tell us they know lots of people who enjoy nudity. They don't see the reason to join clubs and become part of the same landscape, or as they say "BORRRING". Plus like our son said," most clubs don't want anything to do with single younger men."

Edited by - sueallday on 01/23/2007 4:06:46 PM

Country: Canada | Posts: 47 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 01/23/2007 :  4:15:32 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sueallday

My husband and I have been nudist for about 15 yrs. When we started out it was in our home, after a year or so we joined a club as we could not go into our yard nude. We decided about ten years ago to move onto 10 acres of land, very private. We made this decision partly because both my husband and I had enough of the club. We still have friends from this club visit us plus we have meet other people who enjoy nudism but have never been to a club.They were meet through our son and are in their twenties and thirties. When we talk to them we discovered that much like us, they want to hike, swim,bike, camp etc., in the nude, in different places. From what they tell us they know lots of people who enjoy nudity. They don't see the reason to join clubs and become part of the same landscape, or as they say "BORRRING". Plus like our son said," most clubs don't want anything to do with single younger men."

A nonlanded club has variety. The members don't just sit around a pool all day. Many have hikes, canoe trips, etc. Your son is wrong. There's a strong movement to try to attract younger men and women into clubs. I'm part of AANR's Marketing Team so I do know that is fact.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

Country: USA | Posts: 3519 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 01/24/2007 :  3:24:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Cheri, from my conversations with them, they don't want to be members of clubs. They see no reason too. I sometimes get the impression that if you are not a member of some club, running to some C/O beach or resort, well then your not a true nudist. The only time I'm not nude is when I'm at work or where being nude would be unacceptable. My husband works from home as a consultant and is nude other then when he has meetings at home or in field. If he is starting a new project he may nude, except for the odd trip to a store, for weeks on end. And yes I am jealous. I firmly believe lots of younger people are involved in nudist activities they just walk to the beat of a different drum. I'm just repeating what they have told us. Each to their own.

Country: Canada | Posts: 47 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 01/25/2007 :  09:35:24 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sueallday

Cheri, from my conversations with them, they don't want to be members of clubs. They see no reason too. I sometimes get the impression that if you are not a member of some club, running to some C/O beach or resort, well then your not a true nudist. The only time I'm not nude is when I'm at work or where being nude would be unacceptable. My husband works from home as a consultant and is nude other then when he has meetings at home or in field. If he is starting a new project he may nude, except for the odd trip to a store, for weeks on end. And yes I am jealous. I firmly believe lots of younger people are involved in nudist activities they just walk to the beat of a different drum. I'm just repeating what they have told us. Each to their own.

If they don't want to be members of any of the landed or nonlanded parks and clubs, I hope they at least belong to AANR and/or TNS without which they might not have the c/o and nude beaches. Student AANR membership (under 25) is $12.50 and TNS Student membership is $35.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

Edited by - Cheri on 01/25/2007 09:36:20 AM

Country: USA | Posts: 3519 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 01/25/2007 :  3:56:14 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We're Canadian eh, we support the FCN.

Country: Canada | Posts: 47 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 01/25/2007 :  6:49:26 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sueallday

We're Canadian eh, we support the FCN.

Does FCN have an arm to help fight when there are problems?

AANR as well as TNS have member clubs in Canada.

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Posted - 01/26/2007 :  02:07:26 AM  Show Profile  Visit HarleyNude's Homepage  Send HarleyNude a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jimmie51

Now, I do think there are other reasons why we don't see younger people in nudism. One, they are just too busy living life. The other issue I feel is some of the views of the seasoned nudists. I have seen some clubs that were so strict there was no body contact at all. I think those types of views are a turn off to the younger croud. We visit the hot springs and public beaches out here in Oregon and they are MUCH younger than the resorts. From talking to a lot of the younger crowd it they like the freedom of not having rules and not feeling like some one is watching over them. We have a big discussion on this topic on my yahoo group NWnaturists.

It's such a hard issue to tackle, it's almost like we need resorts that are a bit looser on some issues while still keeping the nudist value system in place. That's a hard thing to do, you give some people an inch and they take a yard. Anyway, I'm babbling now, but Collins beach is a great place and is a great mix of people of all ages.


Hey Jim

Ryan here... it was I that posted that article on NWNaturist... I'll see if I can go find it, as I think it will provide some insight to this group of "mainly" older naturists who seem to have firm (yet erroneous)impressions of why more youth aren't getting into naturism.

As a board member of the largest non landed group in the Pacific Northwest, and as one of the youngest members in that group, we have spent many hours trying to crack this mystery and shed light on the "myths" on why youth is leaving naturism.

Let me see if I can find that post...

This is one of the topics that gets me fired up and willing to post on this forum, considering I haven't done much of it here as of late.


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Posted - 01/29/2007 :  4:09:04 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Moderator

Originally posted by sueallday

We're Canadian eh, we support the FCN.

Does FCN have an arm to help fight when there are problems?

AANR as well as TNS have member clubs in Canada.

I will have to look into that and get back to you. My husband may know. I do know that the FCN does regular presentations to the government and to members of political parties in an attempt to show that the laws as written puts the practise of nudism, under laws that are written for lewd behavior.Further I am aware that the FCN does get involved with nude beach issues etc. by being present at county and municipal hearings, or by suppling, those involved, with legal decisions and past decisions allowing nudist activities. If your asking if they supply legal services that I'm not sure of.

Country: Canada | Posts: 47 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 01/30/2007 :  8:41:51 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think young people are into nudism, but not with landed clubs. I think they are more into the beaches, resorts and just going out and being nude whether it be hiking, biking, camping or finding some quiet spot.
The FCN website has a survey they done in 1999 about peoples participation in nudist activities. At that time they concluded that 6.1 million Canadians had done some sort of nudist activity. It also shows that about 9% were under 25, about 12% were 25 to 34, and another 12% were 35 to 44. After that the percentage starts to drop with age. I realize it's an older survey, but it shows at that time about 1.28 million people were below the age of 34 and had some nudist experiences. My point would be that I think younger people are attracted to nudist activities but not to the nudist club. That may come with age. I remember when I was younger, the last thing I wanted to do was sit somewhere nude and watch the leaves change color. Still don't!

Country: Canada | Posts: 100 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 01/31/2007 :  12:29:16 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by later

I think young people are into nudism, but not with landed clubs. I think they are more into the beaches, resorts and just going out and being nude whether it be hiking, biking, camping or finding some quiet spot.(snip)

Nudist resorts are landed clubs. Did you mean non-landed clubs? Most landed clubs in the US are nudist parks rather than resorts.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

Country: USA | Posts: 3519 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 01/31/2007 :  3:33:43 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I mean the landed clubs that are the small clubs, or as you say parks, on a patch of land, with very modest facilities. The resorts I'm talking about are the ones with lodging,and full facilities and possibly beach access etc.. Commercial operations, pack a bag and have a nude vacation.
The point I was trying to make is that I don't think everyone wants or needs to be a member of some club/ park, non-landed club,etc. to enjoy a nudist life style. Yes some want or have a need for these, but not everyone. The survey states that counting people with some type of nudist membership is easy. The survey , I believe, was done to get some idea of how many more could be added, and get a ball park idea as to how many Canadians really were into some type of nudism.
I do believe that all who enjoy nudism should have a membership of some sort. True numbers, like votes, are what going to influence law makers.

Country: Canada | Posts: 100 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 03/22/2007 :  10:36:24 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I realize that this thread has been idle for several months, but I think it is important enough to continue, at least with my thoughts. I have three sons that are now adults, but they inform me that many college students now attend "nude parties" in which social nudism is the norm. From time to time some of them may get "wild" but most of them are clean well mannered and would be like the non-landed get together. I would propose that if we could invite them to have their next party at a local landed club, they might find it enjoyable to enjoy themselves where they would not have to be careful to remain hidden from outside.

One other point I wish to make is that while I agree we need to get current music for the evening socializing for the younger people, I do not desire to be a party to that music on a steady diet, so perhaps we have two evening locations so we can pick where we want to go and what we want to hear :) Just like my wife and I like different restaurants on different nights, so would we like to maybe pick different entertainment on different nights.

At one point, I assisted in helping encourage a larger customer base for our local pub, we went to the local colleges (several in a 20 mile radius) and gave several college coeds gift cards that could be used at the pub. Worked like a champ, once the girls started coming in, within a month we had lowered the age median by a bunch and raised the customer base. The nice part was that we drew very nice young people and our food service income increased more then the bar till.

I would propose the same type of marketing be attempted for local landed clubs. If, in fact it is not already being (or has been) attempted ... wonder if we could add clothing optional rooms to local businesses, such as the pub. Probably not realistic, but wow would it be fun :)


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