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 To Bring a Camera Or Not?
 Should I bring a camera to a nude beach?
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Posted - 09/05/2012 :  10:10:39 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Cameras are everywhere. Photographers should respect people regardless of location.

We nudists / naturists sometimes do not help our cause by being so secretive, almost ashamed of how we like to be on beaches etc. However, cameras can be intrusive but, in practice, the efforts to stop these low resolution images being taken is hardly worth the effort. Cell phones have plastic lenses and the results bear that out in reality. People should be allowed to take pictures of their friends, given permission. General beach pictures with bare bodies in the distance should not be much of a problem.

I have been on Orient Beach in St Martin when people have been a pest with their cameras but they tend to get short shrift from the naturists and even less from the security guards. However, I often wish I could record the wonderful beach complete with the yellow parasols and distant sun clad figures to add scale to the pictures. If there was a more sensible approach by photographers and beach users, then maybe one day things will be more relaxed. I hope so anyway. I've got no desire to take "naughty pictures of nudists" but I do like to come home from holidays with memories in my camera of where I've been. Nudist locations make this a bit difficult but that's the world we live in.


Country: United Kingdom | Posts: 170 Go to Top of Page

baie rouge nudists
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Posted - 10/21/2012 :  4:56:19 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Technology is moving a lot faster these days. Apple is supposedly developing a HUDS device for the general population. This is a device used by military pilots to record and recognize enemy targets to prevent collateral damage to civilians. This would be something that anyone can use to take photos without people knowing. I know, we have been photgraphed by two women (both nudists) at Lighthouse this summer. They came to the beach and took random photos. It didn't bother us. However, it would be disturbing if others who were not true nudists began taking photos of people like ourselves who enjoy being nude. When we visit Lighthouse, Smith's Point, Kismet, or other nude beaches, we always bring our camera with a tripod to photograph each other. It is part of our special memories and there is no objectifying of ourselves. We find it perfectly natural. Most important though, we are careful not to include others in our photos as that would be disrespectful.

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Posted - 10/21/2012 :  10:28:23 PM  Show Profile  Send Diger a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
We agree 100%, we take photos of each other and our friends as well our friends take photos of us.

If you are respectful of others and don't try sneaking around with your camera others will see that and not mind you taking photos.

Remember it's not the camera you see that you have to worry about.


Edited by - Diger on 10/21/2012 10:29:20 PM

Country: USA | Posts: 1385 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 10/22/2012 :  10:37:50 AM  Show Profile  Send nudesunguy a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
It comes down to common sense and courtesy, which sadly often seems to be lacking in our society. A person wouldn't go up to someone on a clothed beach and start taking their photo without asking; it should be the same on a nude beach. Likewise, you are able to take photos of your spouse and friends on a clothed beach, so why not on a nude beach? Having said this, I have been to St. Martin where the bus drops off tourists with the intention of them getting some vacation photos of nudists. The tourists doing this would probably never be so rude at home, but when in Rome...

I like the story of offering the women who thought they were being photographed to check the photos in the camera. Anyone openly taking photos on the beach should offer that to anyone who is concerned. But as was said, people openly taking photos on the beach are almost never the problem; it's the secret photographer.

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Posted - 10/22/2012 :  11:07:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We've encountered those people that are dropped off at Pedro's on Orient Beach. A few years ago, when we were visiting Club O annually, we'd walk naked to Pedro's and then wrap our sarongs around us to order our meal, then sit and enjoy our food ... naked. Made me laugh ... those same people sneaking long distance photos of nudes down the beach, didn't want anything to do with us.

A couple of my male nudist friends and I got up, walked over and said ... "you want pictures with us up close, standing next to you?"
All of a sudden ... they were embarrassed. Did what we could to make them feel like idiots! Mission accomplished.

We always have our camera with us and we've had it almost every time when we were on Club O's section of the beach. I recall a friend taking our camera out of our bag and he began aiming it at some "cruise people" that had their camera out. They got upset! He said ..."then what the hell gives you the right to think YOU can take pictures of US!?" They turned a walked the other way and left that section of the beach.

But ... I don't get the nudists that are so freaked about cameras on the beach or at a resort or club. I need a sign around my neck that says .... "yeah, I have a camera and NO ... I don't want any pictures of YOU in MY photos!"

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

Country: USA | Posts: 3175 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 10/23/2012 :  10:11:06 AM  Show Profile  Send nudesunguy a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
I've heard the tour operators use the "photograph the nudists in their habitat" section of their tours as a selling point. They save it for the last; sort of like a grand finale at a fireworks show. And many tourists bite. Funny how a lot of them say nude beaches are "gross," yet they can't wait to see one. Nice to hear someone pointed out to them how inane their behavior is.

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Posted - 10/23/2012 :  5:40:49 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We've become very close friends with several couples on the beach at Club Orient. Been friends for over 10 years. They ALL found OB and Club Orient while on a cruise in the caribbean.

Their tour coordinator was selling these tours to OB with a visit to a "nude beach" to watch the nude people at the only "nude resort" on the island. No telling what you might see!"

Our friends all said ... "that tour sold out so fast ... they had to add a couple buses!" The cruise people are pretty harmless, to us anyway. Some of our friends go out of their way to encounter some of these gawkers and voyuers. We don't go out of our way but we don't hide on our lounges either. I've gotten into slight arguments with several. They mumble things and or say things that are rude and I'll call them on it, ask them if they are so offended, why did you walk all the way down this way in the midst of ALL THESE NAKED PEOPLE!? If you are sooooo offended, turn around right now and go back to where you were!"

Since we usually sit in the middle of Club Orient's beach section, they've already walked 1/2 way through the nude section and some turn and walk the other way, some hang their heads for being called out on it and now they are embarrassed. The guys usually like to continue, their wive's/girlfriends are more that eager to turn around.

The only upside ... I'd say that 1/3 of those we've encountered ... the younger ones will stop and chat, ask questions. Some of them will go topless (females) and get completely naked (males) and some have even gone to get their belongings and returned to spend the afternoon nude and/or topless.

Those that hang at Pedro's ... voyeurs! They talk a story of it being gross, unsightly, wrong ... but they sure can't take their eyes off us nudies and can't stop clicking away for pictures to look at when they get home.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

Country: USA | Posts: 3175 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 07/01/2013 :  9:03:24 PM  Show Profile  Visit JCP's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Excerpt From Draft Manuscript - 'Dalmatian Jones and the Naturist King'

Conversation between main characters aged 13 & 15

Once the naked spies have reached the cliff line they settle down a bit and start to move towards 'Desperate Dan's' position; completely within 'Dan's' blind spot they arrive unnoticed. Choosing a vantage point above the boulders the boys are able to watch him although the closer they get the more the anticipation builds.

Using Frank's binoculars they observe him for about twenty minutes and try to see where he is pointing his cameras; it appears to be exclusively at Naturists, especially families.

“That man's a f***king menace!” Edward says quietly. It is the first time DJ has heard Edward use such a blunt, emotionally expressed, expletive.

The magic of the holiday is on pause as DJ gets a perspective on Edward's personality; one he wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of.

“Let's go little bro'...” Edward urges “...this isn't fun any more”.

Together they sneak back the way they came and as they move to a safe distance Edward starts talking.

“Something has got to be done about him; Naturists deserve the same privacy as everybody else. Just because we are comfortable with being naked doesn't mean we are easy with complete strangers gawping at us and taking photos. There are thousands of pictures of Naturists on the internet posted without permission. I bet most of them are taken by voyeures like him. I want to... I would like to... smash his camera into his twisted face!”

DJ doesn't know what to say, so for a while he doesn't say anything, then he has an idea. “My Dad specialises in legal matters to do with images, I bet he could do something.”

Edward snaps back. “I want to bloody do something...” Edward has tears in his eyes, his whole posture dictated by the tenseness in his voice. After a while of self-absorbed anger Edward notices DJ's anxious face looking at him. Immediately he feels remorse for the effect his mood is having and his ardour for action diminishes. He places a hand on each of DJ's shoulders and looks his friend in the eyes.

“Sorry little bro... But one day... hug?”

Impressed with Edward's impassioned response DJ is relieved it is passing. “Don't be so gay” he laughs and Edward's mood is restored.

“Race to the towels?”


This represents how I feel about it - JCP

Naturists lent Textiles the world - their shame is they won't give it back

Country: United Kingdom | Posts: 57 Go to Top of Page

Balto Bob
$ Supporter

Posted - 07/07/2013 :  12:39:11 PM  Show Profile  Visit Balto Bob's Homepage  Reply with Quote

Have a nice NUDE day !!

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