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Posted - 11/29/2003 : 10:13:10 AM
Spontanudity, In most or at least many, jurisdiction is transferred to the state or local municipality. In North Carolina, it became illegal to enjoy nudity in the National Forrests in, I think, 1998. SC has the Congaree Swamp National Monument and that is too heavily populated to enjoy a relaxing nude walk/hike; it is a lovely spot though. SC has many state parks/wooded areas in which many hike or bike, but alas, clothed. One day, we'll cut paths in our 4 acres of woods and enjoy own own nude walks. Hugs, Cheri
Doing what I can to positively promote nudism - -
Country: USA
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Posted - 11/29/2003 : 10:54:43 AM
In Australia the government can't legislate against public nudity on a federal level due to the potential political fall out from the indigenous population. There are still some tribes that practise various forms of naturism. It would be dangerous ground to explore for any politican. Nudity in National Parks has never offended anybody so, the theory is don't attempt to fix what is not broken.
Cheers, Spontanudity
"Forever Naked"
Country: Australia
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Posted - 11/29/2003 : 4:10:03 PM
prejudice,,to pre judge-there for i think or at least feel that,nudest are pre judged for how we live our lives,to my knowage what people don't understand they fear,,what they fear,, they pass judgement on,,therefore i feel if we teach people why we do what we do,, there will be less prejudice,.
smile it makes people wonder about ya
Country: Canada
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Posted - 11/30/2003 : 03:54:47 AM
I don't think it is some much "pre-judging" people that are nudists, as much as protecting people that do not want to be exposed to nudity.
Kim =^.^=
Country: Canada
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Posted - 12/01/2003 : 06:34:03 AM
Perhaps protecting them from discomfort? That would actually be kind of nice of us since most of us do value our comfort. For example, look at the erection discussion- it makes people more comfortable if they don't see erections. I think it's important for nudists to realize that not everyone is comfortable with nudism and we should therefore not be overt when it would offend.
____________________________________________________________________ My clothes have low self-esteem... they know they're not wanted.
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Posted - 12/01/2003 : 06:37:30 AM
... May be protecting them from their lack of body acceptance and their misconceptions about social nudity... The truth can hurt! ;-)
Cheers, Spontanudity
"Forever Naked"
Country: Australia
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