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Posted - 12/17/2006 : 02:00:08 AM
Take someone else if your wife is not interested, life is too short not to be happy.
| Posts: 2 |
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Posted - 12/17/2006 : 11:25:41 AM
Yes we found Solair about 10 years ago, and we enjoy immensly.
We venture out there about 10 times during June, July, and Ausgust. Actually one year we were in the pool the last Sunday in September. The temps were in the 80's.
We always make in on the 4th of July, and enjoy the parade. There is some funny ideas thought up.
There is nothing like a nudist parade!!
My wife and I were just thinking as we were putting another log on the fire, we have 6 months to go.
That's all right, because just as last Sunday, we have a group of nudist friends coming to watch "The Pats" beat up on Houston.
| Posts: 596 |
Forum Member
Posted - 12/19/2006 : 03:51:13 AM
I like nuding up on beaches - Alexandria Bay being my favourite one.
'Fear wraps our bodies in clothing, love allows us to stand naked' - Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations With God 1)
Country: Australia
| Posts: 66 |
Forum Member

Posted - 01/23/2007 : 01:28:27 AM
The beaches are the best for us... although its the only place we have both enjoy soaking in the sun in the nude. We are looking to others place in NY, such as campgrounds and possibly resorts. Considering that Stacy and I are still finishing up with our studies, any place cheap.... or inexpensive, will have to do. Cheers!
clothing... completely optional!
Country: USA
| Posts: 49 |
New Member
Posted - 02/12/2007 : 10:24:48 AM
I like to swim nude in my recently upgraded swiimming pool.
Country: India
| Posts: 9 |
New Member
Posted - 03/28/2007 : 11:28:52 AM
South of Big Sur on California Coast is currently my fave- nude surf fishing is really fun- almost elemental. Lake Tahoe (East Shore) and Cosumnes river are my other two fave spots as they are closer to home and tend to be much warmer as well...I'm part Labrador so I have a hard time staying out of the water. I'm dying to try nude camping.
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Edited by - Moderator on 03/28/2007 4:50:08 PM |
Country: USA
| Posts: 4 |
Forum Member
Posted - 04/26/2007 : 1:45:35 PM
My favorite spot is at a beach with some nice water to skinny dip in. The next best spot is at a natural hot spring which is the most chances I have to enjoy nudism and also in a social setting. Then the next place would be the hot tub which is my most frequent chance to be nude.
Country: USA
| Posts: 50 |
New Member
Posted - 05/30/2007 : 5:52:06 PM
with over 9 beaches within a half hour drive from me and hardley anyone on them most of the time i am spoilt for choice and failing that out on my trailer boat all i take is food water t shirt and shorts (for the drive)wife loves it as i go fishing and come home clothes dont smell of bait and we still have 20 degress in the winter.
Country: New Zealand
| Posts: 6 |
New Member

Posted - 06/08/2007 : 2:40:15 PM
I love to go camping at "The Woods". It's a clothing optional Gay and Lesbian camp near Lehighton, PA. It's very clean and friendly, and the weekend events are wonderful!
What is truth? Is truth unchanging law? We both have truths, is mine the same as yours? -Pontius Pilot, Jesus Christ Superstar
Country: USA
| Posts: 2 |
Forum Member
Posted - 06/28/2007 : 01:49:48 AM
Because of geographical constraints, the only naturist area that I could travel to easily from home was a small stretch of beach in a Dutch village just north of the Belgian border. It's just a piece of sand, but it's great when the sun is out. During each holiday back in Belgium, I never fail to go there, even if it's just for a couple of hours. The only naturist resort (as different from just a beach) I ever stayed at was Valalta in Rovinj, Croatia. Great fun, but a rather annoying detail: each time you had to go into a building, such as a restaurant or supermarket, you had to wear clothes! That was the last thing I expected at a naturist resort, and it rather annoyed me to have to change in and out of clothes each time I had to go to those spaces. Still, I can't complain, because here in Taiwan where I live now, naturism is illegal, so my only 'naturist resort' is my home, an apartment in a 20-something-floor building.
Asia ... As Naked As Possible
Country: Taiwan
| Posts: 13 |
Forum Member

Posted - 07/14/2007 : 2:03:21 PM
We enjoy vacations where we can spend most of our beach time nude beach walking and tanning...the past three years this has been Los Cabos, Mexico. Around the house we tend to be naked and also we sleep naked. Love the freedom and natural way of being. david & cathy
Country: Canada
| Posts: 86 |
Forum Member

Posted - 07/14/2007 : 6:21:46 PM
I voted nude beach, such as Gunnison Beach. Gunnison is a generous sized beach. Even ignoring that it's a nude beach, Gunnison is a good beach. I like the feel of the sun and breeze on my bare skin. I like being by the ocean nude to enjoy the rolling surf. I like to wander a little into the ocean, but I can't swim in the ocean.
I also like to go to a nudist resort, as I do occasionally. At a nudist resort, you don't have the sandy feel, plus you have a calm swimming pool, a hut tub, and sauna. I can swim in a pool, but not in the ocean. The best nudist resort I have seen so far is Sunny Rest.
I also like to be nude at home.
Naturally, Lester
Country: USA
| Posts: 202 |
Forum Member

Posted - 07/29/2007 : 6:38:00 PM
The 2 polls " 'favorite place' and 'travel most often' to be nude" have similar questions. The confusing and limiting one that appears in both polls is "Just my home, I don't travel". I can't answer it accurately in the Favorite Place poll for two reasons: the '..... I don't travel' portion is not relevant to this poll, and if home were the favorite place but one travelled a lot, I can't answer it without some ambiquity.
Preferably, I would like to have seen it ask (without the travel portion) as two questions: 1) in my home and 2) in my yard or on my property. Many would not have sufficient privacy for or comfort in being naked in the yard, or not even have a yard, but within the home might be their favorite place.
Mainly a private nudist, I think the term (proposed in another forum) of 'nature nudist' best suits me. My favorite place is in the yard and on the acreage, doing anything. A close second is in my home (most of the time I'm nude). And a close third, any swimming venue, preferably outdoors, either alone, with my wife, or socially.
Nevertheless, I found both polls interesting. Given the distribution of answers, most respondents appear to be social/public nudists rather than private. I would be interested as to how the members of this social nudism website would actually classify themselves: mainly social/public (assuming there is some private nudity), OR mainly private/personal (beyond personal care and hygiene) with or without some social nude involvement. Perhaps that answer in somewhere on this web site. If so, please direct me to it.
Country: Canada
| Posts: 115 |
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Posted - 08/19/2007 : 12:27:58 PM
No if's, and's, or "butts" about it. It's Cypress Cove. Hope to see you there.
Country: USA
| Posts: 38 |
Forum Member

Posted - 09/21/2007 : 12:50:18 AM
I don't know but in the back yard after work with a beer is not too bad if you ask me!
Country: USA
| Posts: 18 |
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