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Posted - 12/27/2002 :  7:26:37 PM  Show Profile  Visit cyndiann's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Where is the rest of this thread??

Originally posted by cyndiann

Originally posted by MrNatural

Cheri, I agree with you to one point. Body piercings and genital jewelry is not appropriate among nudist families, since it has sexual connotations.

Penises have sexual connotations too. Should we ban them too?

Out of my mind.....

back in five minutes.

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Posted - 12/28/2002 :  09:19:26 AM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
If you mean where is page 1 of this thread, use the drop down box at the top and bottom of each page next to the word "Topic" in the blue horizontal bar.

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Posted - 12/28/2002 :  5:58:06 PM  Show Profile  Visit George's Homepage  Send George an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cheri

Anything that draws attention to genitalia, is not nudist-related.
Many nudist clubs and parks do not welcome piercings below the waist.

Hi Cheri,
First of all thank you for your response to the question I posted on the documentary I am making, the information was quite helpful.
I wanted to say something about piercings and tattoos, while my nude recreation so far has been limited to a bit of nude hiking and skinny dipping in fairly remote areas, and I don't claim to have the experience needed to know all the subtleties of the naturist culture, I do have a good understanding of the bodyart community.
I have worked as a piercer, I currently have several piercings, tattoos, a couple of cuttings, and a branding. If you were to visit me where I work you would never guess that I had any bodyart what so ever, this is very common in the bodyart community. Most people with piercings or tattoos are not really a part of the community, they have a belly button piercing or a single tattoo, they got them simply because they like the way they look and wouldn't dream of having any additional work done. Most of the individuals involved in our community tend to have somewhat more complex reasons for having their bodies altered.
I think I am a good example of this, I am a type 1 diabetic, what this means is that my diabetes is not related to age or being overweight, instead when I was 11 years old my body simply decided it didn't like my pancreas any more and my own immune system killed it off. I now take several injections of insulin and monitor my blood glucose levels on a daily basis. I also have a condition known as sarcoidosis. With sarcoidosis my immune system just tends to go a bit nuts in different areas of my body, it has caused large, inflamed growths to appear in different areas of my body and also seems to be currently acting on my lungs. The growths it causes can either simply go away over a long period of time or turn into scar tissue, which leads to more permanent problems. Basically my body is fighting against me on a daily basis. This is one of the main reasons I became involved in bodyart.
There is very little we have total control over these days, even our own bodies will sometimes do things we don't really want them to do. In my case it is a bit more severe. I started acquiring my piercings as a way to reclaim my body, to show it that no matter how hard it works against me I am still in control. I also found that modifying my body was a huge boost to my self-esteem. Some of my modifications are a bit on the extreme side, and when I go to have them done I can't say that I am always completely calm and relaxed. However after having them performed, after going through the pain, I am certain that there isn't a lot I can't do. I don't think I could have made the 800-mile long hike on the Appalachian Trail I did a few years ago if it wasn't for the experiences I had gone through with my body art. Physically I could have done it, but I doubt I would have allowed myself to even try had it not been for the personal knowledge I gained through facing some of my fears at the end of a needle or red-hot piece of metal. It all comes down to this, my bodyart, even though some of it is located on my genitals, is not at all sexual for me.
Ok, I know what you are thinking, if it isn't sexual then why is it on your genitals? Well to me skin is skin, it really doesn't matter what part of the body the skin is located. I also know that the majority of the population in the US looks at bodyart with a bit of revulsion or skepticism. If all my bodyart was located above my waist I certainly wouldn't have the job I do now, and therefore having it below the belt was a perfect way for me to deal with my want

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Posted - 12/28/2002 :  9:55:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
George, I understand the reason you decided to have body art. I am in the medical profession and am aware of your affliction.

Some tatoos I've seen over the years are beautiful. As long as the tatoos are in good taste (not sexual in nature), nudist parks have no problem with tatoos. But, the jewelry is a horse of another color (to coin a phrase **S**) I am not sure what parks allow the adornments you sport, but I would suggest you contact them and ask.

If you are doing a story, staying dressed might be the way to gain admittance...having people get to know you without having them look at the jewely. Then after the filming, ask if you may stay to enjoy the facilities and tell the park management about the piercings.

I wish you well.
Happy New Year,

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

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Posted - 01/04/2003 :  07:52:46 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
what is the approximate % of naturist that remove their pubic hair,what age groups is it most common, % males, females etc.

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Posted - 01/04/2003 :  10:48:22 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
All I know is that in my club and in the few I frequent regularly, it's not that common, or I just don't notice. It really is a personal choice and doesn't have that much to do with nudism. I do have a female friend who is not a nudist and shaves. You can be a smoothie and not a nudist and vice versa.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

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Posted - 01/06/2003 :  10:09:11 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We are not, what I would call, seasoned social nudists. We have been home and backyard nudist for 30 years, but only started the social nudity aspect of the lifestyle about 3 years ago.

We frequent a nude beach dozens of times throughout the year, have been to a resort and have 4 other nudist couple friends.

From what we have seen, I would say that most men and women at these nudists venues, we have been to, groom/trim to some point. It varies from lightly trimmed pubic area to just a slight trace of hair left for the women. The men seem to groom/trim but there is usually more pubic hair left than the women. We have also noticed that more people are going smooth but this percentage is lower than the groomers. I would think that there is a lower percentage of those that are completely natural and do not groom/ trim at all.

Either way, as Cheri says, its a personal choice. Do what feels right for you.

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Posted - 01/06/2003 :  10:53:58 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have noticed that retaining pubic hair gives some degree of privacy to an individual. Women expecially are very exposed when smooth or radically trimmed when laying down with their legs parted even a small amount.

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Posted - 01/07/2003 :  11:31:06 PM  Show Profile  Visit cyndiann's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mic

I have noticed that retaining pubic hair gives some degree of privacy to an individual. Women expecially are very exposed when smooth or radically trimmed when laying down with their legs parted even a small amount.

Out of my mind.....

back in five minutes.

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Posted - 01/09/2003 :  4:42:38 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've never engaged in any nudist activity before. Actually, I've always been extremely modest. I have always had an issue with penis size, especially in the flacid state and have shied away being nude. I rarely shower or change in the locker room after working out. I think I even delayed going off to college because I was fearful of showering in the dorm. I feel like I'm hiding, amd I also feel my self-esteem suffers from my shame over my penis size.

I'm wondering if experimenting with a nudist activity may help? I think a beach may be the best but I'm not sure. Also, I live in Chicago, and there aren't alot of options. I want to be in environment that will include my peers....people in their 30's. I'm not interested in any hook-up. Any suggestion on where to go, what to do? Do you agree with my plan?


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Posted - 01/09/2003 :  5:13:05 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Bruce, Nudists are generally the most accepting of any group of people you'll probably ever meet. Nudists accept you for who you are not for what you look like.

In my 35+ years of visiting more than 55 clubs, resorts, beaches, and camps, I have seen all sizes and shapes of bodies and body parts. Nudists don't usually compare size of anything.

The easiest way to see what's available near you is to go to
and insert your zip code.

Chicago Sun Club with branches in all parts of your city have swims during the cooler months.
Give them a call at 630/377-3719. Say hi to George & his wife for me.
Best regards, Cheri

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

Country: USA | Posts: 3519 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 01/09/2003 :  10:39:40 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

If you are hesitent to be nude in an all male locker room, then you must again consider your plans for a coed nude environment. I would suggest getting comfortable alone at home and in the locker room.


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Posted - 01/10/2003 :  11:05:31 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Bruce,

I do think that Mic has a good point. You can get more comforatble over the winter.

My experince (I have really only had one) was that no one even noticed. No matter what your personal body acceptance is, it is very uncomfortable at first. It took me about 30 minutes to stand up. I started out quickly taking off my suit and quickly laying face down on a lounge chair, concerned over the erection issue, it never happened.

After observing that no one had even noticed my presence, I turned over for awhile. Then they were starting a volley ball game. My wife encouraged me to join. Boy was I ever scared, how could I ever do that, but I was where I wanted to be and the only way to really experience being naked in public was to jump in. I did and had a great time. It was no different than any other volley ball game I had ever been in the textiled world. We played for a couple of hours.

Hedonsim always has a volleyball challenge with Sandals which is next door. They insisted that we play on the textiled side of Hedo, I didn't have anything to wear with me, so I just wore a towel. Some of the dress was quite comical, one guy wore his S/O's bikini top to cover himself, while she wore is huge T-shirt. It was a lot of fun and we won 2 out of 3.

Since we compromised for the first game and played clothed we felt it only fair that they play the second game topless, most of them compromised on that. We saw many of these people on the nude side later in the week.

There are a lot of resorts within a days drive of you. Cheef has a pretty complete list of resorts at also visit the AANR site at

There are several resorts in Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana and Missouri.

Peace in Christ,

Country: USA | Posts: 12 Go to Top of Page

Ed Falcon
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Posted - 01/11/2003 :  8:03:58 PM  Show Profile  Send Ed Falcon an AOL message  Send Ed Falcon a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
I just registered yesterday to make posts and replies in this message board so i am new to this. I was having trouble earlier looking through the photo albums. I could not figure out how to use it. I tried clicking on different numbers and letters and on all but i was only able to look at same number of photos. Also what do i do to look through the members list or is there a members list to look though? I clicked on online members and i did not see other members just guests and i was the only name on there.


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Posted - 01/14/2003 :  1:53:42 PM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Ed, welcome to the forum!

On the Photo Albums page there is a search function in the middle of the page. You'll need to hit Go! after choosing your criteria. Simpler yet, since there are only a few members with albums, just look at the whole list under the search area, where it says "User Albums". There are currently only four members with albums: Candy Mejia, doitnude, Flanudedude and MrNatural. So there's not much need to search yet. Click on any of these four names and you'll see their album.

To look through the whole member list, click on the Members Menu near the top of the page, or on "members" just below that. There are many options to sort the list. Try clicking on "Member Since" to see the newest members or "Last Visit" to see who's visited lately.

Online members- You are correct, at times there is only one member online, and that's just YOU! As of January 2003 we only have 400 or so members registered, so the chances of being the only one online are pretty good. As you can see, there are many more anonymous visitors at any given time. The Nudist-Resorts.Org community is growing at a steady pace, with several new members each day, and the total traffic increasing tremendously. And this is a good place to remind our visitors that it's FREE to register!

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